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Posts by Bobko  

Joined: 13 Mar 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 16 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 27 / Live: 23 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 2063 / Live: 1987 / Archived: 76
From: New York
Speaks Polish?: Y
Interests: reading, camping

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22 Apr 2024
News / Ups and downs of the democratic government 2023-2027 in Poland [359]

You did it, hoping a few naive simpletons reading us would believe your crap.

In my daily life - I long ago lost hope of changing anybody's mind about anything. Now, if a person tells me 1 + 1 = 17, I just agree.

What I write on PF is not meant to change anybody's mind. Instead, it's like going to the toilet, if your gastroenterologist has requested a sample.

I relieve myself, then I examine the results. I am trying to learn more about myself, than others.
19 Apr 2024
Off-Topic / What's your hobby? [166]

managed to finish a book and write a second

Are these published?

Could you perhaps DM the titles (if you're afraid of losing your wider anonymity)?

In any case - congrats!
17 Apr 2024
Law / Gun control in Poland: should Polish people be allowed to own guns? [755]

In 1917, 10% of Russians were Bolsheviks.

If only. In 1917, the Russian Social Democratic Worker's Party (Bolsheviks) - numbered 240,000 members. That is, approximately 1/8th of one percent.

They numbered even less than the misnamed "Mensheviks".

It will be forever a mystery how a few thousand as*holes managed to overthrow the largest land empire on the planet.
15 Apr 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [950]

Stanisław Wyspiański

Станислав Выспяньский - in the Orthodox tongue.

Not a very popular guy in Russian literary circles, suffice it to say.

A big fan of the painting of Ivan the Terrible's ambassadors begging at Stepan Bathory's feet :)
15 Apr 2024
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [945]

out of 300 drones and missiles they launch, they will reach target 3. I wish them luck.

When one Shahed drone costs $70K, and one Patriot missile costs $1M... it is a question who needs luck.

Israel is not the only one who needs surface to air missiles, there's also Zelensky who is complaining loudly. The problem... America can only make 550 Patriot missiles a year.

Iran, meanwhile, has shown it is able to saturate Israeli air defenses.

It has learned valuable lessons on how Jordan and Iraq may behave in the scenario of a Perso-Israeli war.

It had a chance to study British and American capabilities and protocols.

I think this was a very profitable exercise, for very little investment.
29 Mar 2024
Life / Neoliberalism and family formation in Poland [100]

It would be weird

You didn't say anything about how that would you feel.

I understand, you think it's foolish to expect.

But how would your heart respond to a guy, that came and solved all your problems?

Would you want to see him again? Would you rank him above your other guys from the past?
29 Mar 2024
Life / Neoliberalism and family formation in Poland [100]

Hmm, never felt that way tbh

Maybe you are different.

I used to buy into the whole "listen and just offer a shoulder" crap.

Then I realized that the women that I like require quite a bit more. In fact, they judge me, by the criteria of how effectively I can solve her problems.

It could be immigration related (like solving someone's intractable immigration situation within a matter of weeks). Thereby making her more relaxed, and more open to the other joys of life.

It could be divorce related. Sometimes - the husband only requires a good talking to.

It could be money related.

It could be health related.

It could be family related.

But what I learned, is that women don't want you just to listen, they want you to go and solve problems.
29 Mar 2024
Life / Neoliberalism and family formation in Poland [100]

like silly little helpless goose

I don't doubt that you're tough, and can suffer a good deal of misfortune without it warping your soul.

But the fact is - every single girl I've dated, told me explicitly at one point or another - that she "likes" when I come in and solve all her problems.

She doesn't want me to just "listen", and "provide a shoulder". She wants me to come in, bust craniums, and scare people into doing what they are supposed to do - and she also doesn't want to know how exactly I did it.
29 Mar 2024
News / Military draft coming in Poland? [48]

You didn't...

He said he got his officer rank through a university reservist program :)

I would be terrified to be under the command of Junior Lieutenant Pawian!

However - back to business - if the Polish military refuses to accept you, rest assured dearest Pawian that there is space for you in the Russian military. Your old Polish body, will be made to serve Great Russia's purposes - if only for one last time.

You'll have one last chance - just one - to redeem yourself after years of running your mouth on this forum. If you serve Russia faithfully, and somehow - by some miracle - survive the meat grinder of the front - I will personally shake your hand.

If you desert, like a coward, then I will personally p*ss in your face. Apologies for vulgarity.
29 Mar 2024
Life / Neoliberalism and family formation in Poland [100]

Are you an introvert perhaps?

I think I am, though everybody I've told this laugh right in my face.

I can be pretty boisterous, especially after a few drinks.

Some do. It depends on the people involved and the context.

Depends on the woman, of course. Sometimes, some
women have mislead me, by convincing me they fully embrace my interests. Then, later, I understood it was all a ploy and they have no interest at all. With men - few such problems.
29 Mar 2024
Life / Neoliberalism and family formation in Poland [100]

Why the hell do men get married then?

First, a disclaimer: I am not married, and I don't have kids.

But I had girlfriends for very long periods of time. I really did not enjoy spending alone time with them, for extended periods of time. Like a vacation for example.

I also have many nephews and nieces, that are below 8 years of age. I also have limited patience and energy for hanging out with them.

In general, women and children have more in common with each other, than with men. That's why for most kids, their first love is their mom. They only notice their dad later, and then at some point the dad eclipses the mom. Such is the way of nature.

Regarding why men don't like "hanging out" with women, is because that's what they do anyway, the rest of the time. I see her in the morning, at night, on the weekends, and so when I meet my friends the last thing I want to do is spend more time with her. Meeting friends is a chance to decompress.

I feel it's somewhat unnecessary to explain why men don't like hanging out with kids for more than a few hours at a time.
29 Mar 2024
Life / Neoliberalism and family formation in Poland [100]

I would say that's very American thing.

Absolutely not. It exists in Russia, as well. I suspect it's true in Poland too.

The logic is pretty simple:

1) Such people are more stable and predictable. It is easy to understand their motivations. A person adequately fulfilling his family obligations is a sign of reliability and commitment.

2) Individuals with families may prioritize long term stability. This just so happens to align with the priorities of most large organizations.

3) Married individuals, especially with children, likely possess valuable interpersonal skills and a wider perspective, gained from managing family dynamics and responsibilities. This is very much in demand for leadership roles.

4) Finally... nobody likes spending time with their wife or their kids. If the other guy has a wife, it means it's easier to meet - because then the wives can entertain each other. The same applies for kids. If the wife and kids are busy hanging out with their friends, it means more time for you to discuss business, without feeling like you are betraying your family through negligence. In this way, you can even mask an important negotiation as a "family vacation" - killing two birds with one stone. Everyone wins.
29 Mar 2024
Life / Neoliberalism and family formation in Poland [100]

Yeah. Working getting in the way of starting a family for women began sometime in the late 90s

Which is why it really doesn't matter what Paulina's or Lenka's mom or grandma did.

Eastern Europe, in general, is very special. You don't see a gradual tapering off in fertility rates like in the developed West, but an abrupt collapse between 1989-1991. The social tumult, and plunge into poverty delayed or entirely cancelled many people's family plans. By the time the situation stabilized, a huge demographic chasm had formed.

Hard not to see that the childless people have more time and money. Having kids take sacrifice.

Only up to a certain level. If you start approaching the level of truly high net worth, or ultra high net worth, then people again have many kids. In fact, in a lot of top firms, like Goldman Sachs (to use a finance example) or Sullivan Cromwell (law), there's an invisible glass barrier against all guys that are not married or don't have kids. It's a symptom of other underlying undesirable traits.

You simply don't get invited to some functions if you don't have a wife. The only acceptable excuse is being gay.

So much of conversation revolves around kids, as well as so much of the vacation travel. If you don't have kids - again, you're not invited.

You can't really grow beyond a certain point in politics or business if you are not married or have kids (while being straight, which I am).

So the working and middle class maybe eating itself up over kids being a burden and a chore, but the upper class certainly is still very conservative.
28 Mar 2024
Life / Fresh water fishing in Poland [31]

salmon is seldom encountered in rivers further inland because main Polish rivers carry a lot of pollution)

Also maybe because they only go a little bit up river in order to spawn.

They spend their life in the seas.
28 Mar 2024
Life / Fresh water fishing in Poland [31]

For me fishing is an excuse to take in natural beauty

For me, fishing is a great excuse to get drunk. Alone, or with friends.

Also, it's addicting, on the level of a casino roulette or a computer game.

I'm tired, I've been rained on for hours, my joints and muscles hurt, and I can imagine nothing better than going back inside and resting on the couch... but then I think - "One more cast".

In this way, I can stand in a single spot from 4 am, until 2 am the next day. Just switching my tackle appropriately.

Fishing can be obsessive. You never know when the next bite will come, and what will be sitting on that hook.

The funny thing is - I don't like eating fish. I like cooking it for others however.
28 Mar 2024
Life / Fresh water fishing in Poland [31]


I love this guy. He is from an ethnicity I love, and he loves fishing.

If you like scuba diving and history - then we can be best friends.

I created fishing threads in the past, that got merged. I'm also very curious about freshwater fishing in Poland.
27 Mar 2024


If you don't train, you won't be able to fight.

As Russian Generalissimo Suvorov used to say -

"What is difficult in training will become easy in a battle."
27 Mar 2024
Love / What to answer to the Most annoying phrase that EVERY and EACH polish girl always says? [58]


Oh interesting, Alaska then.

They are cousins of our Chukchi and Koryak peoples.

The Chukchi and Koryak, are the closest relatives of all Native Americans/First Nations. Instead of crossing the Bering Strait and colonizing North and South America, they stayed in Siberia.

I'm curious to what extent the languages are still mutually intelligible.