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What will Britain's Labor Coup mean for Poland? [100]
What actions by either problem would indicate that they think the migrant situation is a problem?
I presume you mean parties not problems.
I guess your thoughts are that both parties are not really committed to solving the problem or they already would have done something about it.
The Tories passed the Illegal Migration Act last year. This prevents migrants arriving in small boats from being able to claim asylum or protection. It also means that migrants including children can be indefinitely detained and then returned to their own country or a safe third country. I don't think the act has been that successful simply because there is already a huge backlog of asylum seekers to process. It's just adding to the problem.
Then the Rwanda bill was finally passed which was, in my opinion, a ludicrous solution.
Farage wants to return them to France and the new Labour government wants to tackle the people smugglers.
The problem that i can see is that once they've arrived in a boat International Law prevents them being returned to their country of origin. Not sure how this works considering the Illegal Migration Act was passed into law. Then there is the International Law of the Sea which applies if, for example, the UK tries to return migrants to France.
Of course we could always try Novi's suggestion. He would just shoot them in the boats.
The sad thing is that although many are probably economic migrants, there are people genuinely fleeing from war and/or persecution.
it's all just pigs in the trough
To an extent, you're right, but I would rather take my chance with Labour. I have never and will never vote for the Conservatives.