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Posts by Sokrates  

Joined: 19 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Oct 2011
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From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Many and varied.

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20 Apr 2010

You're full of sh*t there. I'll give you Romania, but Hungary has an excellent infrastructure.

How many km of highways and high speed roads does Hungary have vs Poland? :)))

So how many years does it take to fix the roads?

On the country wide level in an economical situation of Poland? 40~ according to some analysts we'll be approaching the German level by 2030 but still will lag behind.

is Poland sitting on structural funds?

Is it?

Regarding the WW2 comment, that doesn't hold much water. Most roads in Europe at that time were old cobble stone roads, some having been asphalted over.

Wiki autobahns and asphalt highways :)

They just aren't taken care of properly.

Thats absolutely true, on the other hand if they were taken care of properly the effects would still not be significantly better than they are today.

What is happening with all that money?

The money that exists in your head only you mean?

How much of it has been spent?

In Wrocław? There's a shortage of funds atm.
20 Apr 2010

zechs? Hungarians? Slovaks?

Had better infrastructure to begin with and survived the war intact, with the exception of Hungarians who's example you've taken out of your ass, Hungary has far worse infrastructure than Poland.

The infrastructure in Poland is terrible, there just isn't any way to get around that. Parts are getting better (IC rail travel, highways), parts seem to be getting worse (B roads, city roads).

Thats generally because we have to prioritize with our money, key channels first, secondary routes... Sometimes later.

Poland after the war didnt have roads, then you had communism with its central planning (aka no planning at all and fock all economy) and suddenly we end up with 45 years worth of dilapitated, destroyed or ruined infrastrucure and only about 15% budget of Western countries to fix that.

Then add to it our recovering economy and the fact that even with union grants we can devote much less moola to our infrastructure sector then anyone West of us while having epic sized problems with it and you have an answer.

In 20 years Poland will be a wealthy country but the roads will still be sh*tty.
18 Apr 2010

Anyway, the context was with guns. Would you support issuing an automatic rifle to every male over 18 as part of a defense strategy?

If he's a conscript trainee yeah i would, otherwise its a stupid idea in any country.

Anyway, how are median incomes looking like? How about cost of living (or inflation) vs median income (or per capita GDP)? Why is the infrastructure in such poor shape?


Germany would have sustained heavy casualties with Swiss invasion.


Germans didnt attack Switzerland because:

1. German speaking 75% majority of Switzerland hated Nazism and there was no hope of Austria like anschluss.

2.The Swiss would blow up tunnels and bridges critical for transport from Italy effectively ******* up some of the most crucial rail routes for years.

3. The Swiss bought german gold and were the only real source of exchangeable currency as german money was no longer internationally recognized.

As far as military Germans could basically drive to Swiss capital in 4-5 days with a single tank regiment.
18 Apr 2010

Must be why our GDP was the only one growing in Europe in the past 2 years, cause things dont work right in the country, we love arguing convex that doesnt mean we dont make things tick while shouting at each other.
10 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

I can only imagine that international capitalism saw Hitler as some sort of a hammer against communism

Thats one reason yes, they believed Germany could be controlled by various concessions, possibly even by Poland.

Kriegsmarine was an unbalanced navy in 1939. she needed another four years to build to full strength then nothing could have stopped her.

Kriegsmarine could never be at anything close to Royal Navy, too many resources had to be pumped into the land forces and while german design and industry were top notch their administrative distribution of funds and resources was in total chaos.
7 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

I don't think anyone believed Germany follewd still the treaty of Versailles orders in the 30's.GB struggled to have them agree to a proportion of 2/3 for battleship tonnage production between the two countries.

Of course not but Germany didnt feel safe enough to build full scale battleships (for a time) subs for example were bastard children of the worlds top navies and untill Germans rocked the world with their wolf packs no one really bothered.

This is to point out to Seanus' that the navy buildup was not done secret and was completely impossible to hide due to amount of meterials needed.
7 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

British refused to send their planes to save French no way they could send them to Poland way out of their fighting range.

Who says about sending them to Poland? Send them to France in 1939.
7 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Sean my point with pocket ships is that Germany was bypassing the treaties because the West was watching and it could not be kept secret.

If they could build dreads in secrecy they wouldnt even bother making weaker lighter vessels.
7 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

The thing that gets me is that after watching Czechoslovakia get completely shafted by the French, that any of her allies might still have faith in her is odd.

What other choice did Poland have?

I had a theory... that's it

I meant Sean when i was writing that.
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Germany was building up in a climate of secrecy, Sok. So I ask again, what Ministry of Defence website were you reading? Have you international clearance at the highest level? ;)

You've got me lost here, whats your point?

So, when did they put their cards on the table? Hindsight is a great thing, Sok.

Navy wise? The only major engagement bar sub warfare happened in Norway when a bunch of destroyers shot each other apart, there was also Bismarck and thats it, Germans were very aware that their blue water navy would get blown to bits.

If you mean the fleet then it wasnt developed in secrecy, why do you think pocket battleships were made as pocket battleships?
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

I don't believe you were privy to the full schematics of the German navy.

Everyone in Europe knew everyone else heavy vessels if thats what you mean, Germany had 12 heavy vessels, 2 battleships, 2 battlecruises, 2 pre-dreds and 6 heavy cruisers.

By comparison Britain had 6 battlecruises alone, also add to that the French fleet.

Books can only speculate on the true accuracy of their naval capabilities.

What do you mean? We know their radars, their armor thickness, we know the kind of shells and caliber of guns, we even know what kind of lightbulbs were used on Tirpitz' crappers.

Well, that does sound like a conspiracy. Russia wasn't in in 1939. Forgive my ignorance but the summer of 1941 was their entry time, right? That's over a year and a half into the war.

Thats just my opinion nothing more but given that you hand out conspiration theories left right and centre seems strange you mind.

Again, you are using stats without corroboration. Any other data to back up your numbers?

Of course.

I stand corrected though the actual number is around 400 which is still much less than 500+ Morraines and assorted Hurricanes, we're talking about 1939 since by 40 Germans outnumbered France and the expeditionary Brits.
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

You paint it as a conspiracy, Sok.

I have no idea why they betrayed us, my personal opinion is that they hoped Hitler and Russia would go at it and the alliance was to ensure Poland gets destroyed instead of allying with Germany but thats my opinion nothing more.

I don't believe that the Luftwaffe lossed 25% in such a short time

I'm sorry i meant the entire war, still Luftwaffe had only 230 fighters and 1200 bombers and it could not devote more then half to the Western front, remember that most of the major victories over Poles were made possible by overwhelming airforce presence.

Again, what makes you think that the German navy wouldn't have been ready for us?

What German navy?
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

France could have performed more trickery as they border Germany

They could've just y'know invade, Germans had 200 thousand militias and reserve troops along the border, French army could roll up their defence within 48 hours, the French had more tanks mobilised than german contingents artillery, tanks and armored cars combined.

Britain doesn't.

Still Brits had a navy that could effectively blockade Germany, they could've easily land their forces as well as a French contingent to bolster Poland, they could do a lot more then token bombings and pamphlet dropping, between France and UK their combined strategic capacities were unlimited.

The Luftwaffe sustained only minor losses

Out of 2000~ 562 were damaged, out of said 562 approximiately 101-150 (sources vary and i'll ignore Emmerling as he's full of biased sh*t) were destroyed, in mid September Luftwaffe was down to 75% of its strength and only a portion of its machines were actuall bombers (in total about 1200) and they were needed above Poland.

Even if we assume that Germany could devote a completely unrealistic amount of 50% of its active airforce to fight Brits and the French thats only about 700 combat planes, less than 90 fighters in that number.

By comparison France in 1939 had 535 M.S.406 fighters, UK could easily pitch in with at least 250-300 Hurricanes, fighters alone would outnumber the grand total of German combat machines of all types.

in the first couple of days against Poland and could have intercepted us quite freely.

With 200 fighter aircraft and at least half of them being forced to stay in Poland Luftwaffe could do sh*t, combined allied airforce totalled at over 800 fighter aircraft against Luftwaffes 230~ with 30% of it being made up by heavy fighters which were weak unwieldy machines.

A possible mistake on Poland's part was not insisting that France join them.

I think that the French middle finger was big enough that any discussion about France possibly joining us can be dropped, they were ready to wave the flag and thats it.
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

And Poland!

Notice that nothing is said about any official polish responce (or any polish responce whatsoever) its still iffy, nothing in our press, no mention of any officials in russian press, one senator is named and thats it, i'll make a thread in the politics section if something comes up in our newspapers.
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Keep me updated yes? That will be really interesting!

Will do, for now it looks kinda iffy, who did they sent an invitation to exactly, did they get a reply and if so was it positive etc, no such facts for now.
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

/Moscow -Briti sh-troops-march-Red-Square-Stalin-portrait.html

Looks like someone tries to drop a bomb, cant find any confirmation in our press.
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216] reaction to a soon-to-be-seen image of polish soldiers parading besides russian soldiers! :)

Got any more info?
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

It was all because of pressure from the church, in reality Poles didn't care for Lithuanian Pagans as Paganism in Poland was still being practiced.

Paganism in XV century Poland???
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

I believe that the majority of the population wasn't politicized at all and just lived their lifes the best they could. The "patriotism" and "nationalism" during the 1772-1918 time frame that is mentioned here so often is political propaganda - nothing more

Which is exactly why so many peasants took part in Kościuszkos uprising or why 80% of legionaries have been country people, both patriotism and nationalism existed and were a major theme in the period, you need to learn about our history before you try to issue opinions.

"I believe" = i know sh*t but i feel compelled to have an opinion and sell it as if it was educated rather then shyte i made up from the top of my head, thats what your post really is.

Why should Polish politicians have been any better than their counterparts in Prussia/ German Empire or Russia?

For one thing they didnt tax Poles for being Polish, didnt persecute Catholicism, didnt send Polish children to 10-20 year long compulsory military service?
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Well - our truth is the most truest of all truest truths!

Truly you speak the truth long live! :D
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Well, in fairness Sok, Britain was in just 2 days after the outbreak (on the 3rd of Sep). No, not in Poland but the war was fought on so many fronts.

Sean UK could do a LOT, it could launch amass its Atlantic Fleet and land several armored brigades in Gdańsk retaking it, it could land around Hel Penninsula or destroy the German fleet in its harbors.

100% of German bomber force was in Poland and not moving anywhere since without it Germans would be in trouble, UK had a 100 thousand fully mechanised force with enough assets to drop it in Poland, whenever i hear that UK was not ready i call bollocks.

France had nearly 700k troops on the border as well, if either of those lazy fvcks decided to move the war would have ended then and there, of course today its easier to rewrite history as to show that Poland represented no challenge and was overrun just like that.
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

The problem of Polish army was its high command not Germans, Rydz Śmigły was completely detached from reality since he was holed up in some podunk place not to mention Polish army had no fronts, no army groups and the command structure was such that all armies had to fare for themselves, Bzura is the only time when 2 Polish armies worked together and even then it was not perfect, still its effects were tremendous and for 10 days every general in Wehrmacht was crapping his pants.

I just feel that Wacław Stachiewicz didn't have plans B, C and D.

There was only one sensible contingency plan, dig in in the Romanian Triangle and draw Germans into a protracted winter war, Germans themselves knew they were unable to roll up Polish army before the winter which is why they sent a letter to Stalin by 12th or 14th in which they asked for assistance.

At the same time the allies decided that Poland is lost and there's no point in dying for it even though Bzura proved thats not the case, Stachiewicz couldnt do anything beyond what he already did and when Russia entered the war any optional solution vanished instantly.

Mobilisation was hindered by foreign bumbling but Poland was not duty bound to follow their suggestions.

Yes it was, you have to remember how easily France and England sold Czechoslovakia to Hitler, while Poland was hoping that the West would honor its end of agreement the goverment was not stupid, there were very real fears that Poland will be sold by chunks or that lack of compliance with Franco-British wishes can provide an excuse not to help.

Thats the same reason why the Battle of the Border was even fought, originally withdrawal beyond the great rivers was considered but Poles feared that Hitler would just take the emptied provinces and the West goes Czechoslovakia on us.

Oh, "the war was an obvious failure"? True or false?

Strategically it was a failure for Poland since we lost, it gave UK and France a year to prepare, a year they did not use at all so on this front it was a failure as well (though Franco-British not ours).
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

What else would I base my contentions on when you know that I didn't fight in the war?

Books, opinions of experts, historical archives.

There is evidence of standard tactics and also of blitzkrieg.

Ok lets try it this way, invasion of Poland was not fought using blitz tactics but blitz elements were present in it, i think we're calling the same horse with two different names.

Black Monday saw limited visibility and even smog which frustrated the pilots. Having said that, they still struck key targets.

Actually the limited visibility was due to fires, another thing is Germans did not have enough bombers to moonscape Warsaw quickly and efficiently enough.

they still struck key targets.

The Old Town?
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Your 'knowledge' is not necessarily the 'knowledge' of others, Sok. As Pontius Pilate said to Jesus, "we both have truths, are mine the same as yours?".

Bottom line i base myself off books, many of them by Germans what do you base your point on?

I was talking about them serving an agenda and wanting to make money.

Come on Sean Guderian serving an agenda? What would be the point? Yes Guderian lies repeatedly when for example a three day long Polish battle might throw a speck on his reputation he describes it as "uncertain conditions" but why would he lie about Blitzkrieg.

Why is it so black and white with you? I'm not saying Guderian was wrong at all, you are presupposing that. I even said that enveloping and traditional tactics were used and that Liddell Hart vastly exaggerated his Blitzkrieg claims, did I not? What do you understand by lightning war, Sok?

Elements of Blitzkrieg were used, organic air support (luftwaffe co-ordinators driving around with tanks) and breakthroughs with tanks, the difference between polish war and french or russian theatres was that tanks were usually unable to push deep on their own with them reaching Warsaw as one of the few exceptions.

German victory was fast but it was made possible such as it was only by the Russian invasion, though the conflict was fluid it was not a lighting war, polish army did not collapse due to german efforts, it collapsed due to Red Army destroying the rear.
6 Apr 2010

I still like to think that Poland could successfully defend itself against a country like Germany.

Germany ordered 185 modern self propelled artillery, we ordered 8, Germany ordered 140 modern multirole fighters, we ordered 48.

So does anyone know how the hell Germany was able acquire such a modern army once again?

Economy breast fed by USA and 50 years of head start as far as a free market while we were host to Russians.

Does anyone think this alliance with America will help Poland modernize its military?

Nope, US already showed its unwilling to help Poland out.
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Sokrates, you are not in a better position, really. You didn't fight in the war and have corroborated little. Many sources just want to sell copies and make money, their accuracy is lacking. You can throw out all the garbage stats you want, I won't take it as being the truth by a long stretch.

So basically all publications that dont fit your uneducated view of how things went down are garbage? Guderian himself admitted traditional tactics were used in Poland in "Memoirs of a Soldier" but you know better then the guy who created Blitzkrieg

I don't pretend to be an expert on the defensive war. You come across as sb who thinks he does and that's where you go wrong. You are too sure of things that you shouldn't be too sure of.

Its not relevant whether i am or am not an expert, bottom line is i base my words on knowledge, you base it on opinions, your own to make it worse.

Quick question Sokrates, are you actually Polish?

I'm Polish.
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

I don't follow. I didn't make any connection between defensive and offensive here

I did, some of the most ferocious battles of 1939 were fought as a result of major polish offensives.

Are you tired? That's because you threw everything but the kitchen sink at them.

We threw approximately 700k men out of grand total of 1.3 milion available for active duty, thats less than 2/3rds.

How about instead of attempting discussion off the top of your hat you go to histmag and learn something about the defensive war Seanus?

Whose antiquated radios? The Poles worked wonders with code cracking and radio. Shared intel also helped the cause.

That was me being sarcastic, Germans didnt f*ck with polish comms, WP simply did not have an effective comms procedure and thats it, when static war became fast and fluid the procedures built for trench warfare went FUBAR.

A vile comment

Not really, Jews brought much strife to Poland and ultimately betrayed her, most Poles feel that we should have never invited them in the first place as they were a complete disapointment as citizens.
6 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

That's because Polish morale is strong and their defensive instincts powerful.

And because our defensive instincts are powerfull our offensives gave Germans such a boatload of trouble? C'mon Sean even to you it must sound bloody silly.

'The bombing of rail network, crossroads and troop concentrations played havoc on Polish mobilisation, while attacks upon civilian and military targets in towns and cities disrupted command and control by wrecking the antiquated Polish signal network:

You mean the antiquated radios?

The Germans weren't at full strength in those battles, right? ;)

They had numerical advantage between 2:1 and 5:1 depending on the battle if thats what you're asking.
5 Apr 2010

Sounds not very promising. Hopefully Malaysia chooses not to relly on it solely....

Malaysia received a version of a tank thats close in quality to Leo2A4.

AMZ Tur & Tur 2: it is told to be cheaper, yet have better protection than the Humvee. If so, will it become a bestseller? Any flaws compared to the Humvee?

No idea if it becomes a bestseller, both are top notch designs though, they've got Humvees manouverability while burning only half of its fuel consumption and having armor protection of a light APC.

The Polish army seems to have had lucky hands with the Patria AMVs. We hear only best reports about it!

Arguably best wheeled infantry vehicles in the world at the moment.
5 Apr 2010
History / The great mistakes of Poland's history? [216]

Mława and Jordanów, where did they spring from? What publications? I don't make you research anything, I generally respond to principles of yours and not specific numbers. Operation Wasserkante is quite well known.

Any publication, they're quite well known battles, operation Wasserkante had zip effect on polish morale or defence of the city.

I said "easily repelled with some adjustment".

Find yourself a link thats not a wiki to the Battle of Bzura or Tomaszów Lubelski, you'll learn a bit about how "easily" Germans repelled polish assaults.

They didn't last that long so one can only presume that they weren't overly complicated. They certainly weren't protracted.

Battle of Bzura - 10 days.
Battle of Tomaszów Lubelski - 7 days.
Siege of Hel - 32 days.

Thats pretty protracted and very complicated, if you want we can get into any major battle to show you just how complicated they were.

So, was Operation Wasserkante an effective operation or not?

Nope, the terror they caused did not result in a surrender, they failed to destroy or weaken any significant military instalations, they did wreck a lot of houses but thats militarily insignificant.