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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 2 days ago
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 5 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 11629 / Live: 3884 / Archived: 7745
From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
31 Dec 2009
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

germany can not be allowed to be in that position again.

What position???

And who do you think is going to do this "allowing" or "not allowing"? Britain??? ;)
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Dec 2009
News / Dalai Lama says: "POLAND HAS RETAINED ITS SPIRIT" [77]

Poles didnt give the world so many thinkers and scientists i give you that but as far as military achievement we surpassed everyone, going so far as to occupy Moscow, twice and having our prince becoming a Tzar so i guess we must have not been so dysfunctional after all.'s you declaring others for "dysfunctional"!
(I found that funny all the time) ;)
That's a strange concept after all, generalizing whole peoples like that....

Not really you're just rich and you've always been bordering someone who had you on edge, first it was powerfull Poland, then it was powerfull Austria and then Russia so you never let your society slide like France or Italy did.

Well, richness doesn't come easy to a country without many natural resources to speak of..
And France and Italy were "überfunctional" in their heydays too...

You are just to crass in your judgement...
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Dec 2009
News / Dalai Lama says: "POLAND HAS RETAINED ITS SPIRIT" [77]

Say's a grandson of a Nazi soldier, how does it feel to have the greatest genocide in the history of the human race in your non-dysfunctional nations history books:))))

Well...we are an exceptional people...
Germanics conquered the globe, no other people has given the world so many thinkers, scientists, writers, poets, musicians....and even in war and killing we are the best!

It fits somehow!

We are just to good and successful when we put our minds and energies to beware! ;)
(We are "überfunctional"!)
Bratwurst Boy   
7 Dec 2009
Life / Famous Polish people (that we have actually heard of) [228]

Konrad Robert Falkowski

Ahem....again one of those germolish mongrels!

...Conrad was born as Robert Conrad Falk (some sources indicate Conrad Robert Falk) in Chicago, Illinois. [1] He is of English, German and Polish descent.

Bratwurst Boy   
29 Oct 2009
Genealogy / Polish Gypsy Roots & Roma ancestors in their families [205]

showing other people how to love children and families

Oh please!

In german town centres we know Gypsies as using and ABUSING their little ones for stealing and begging. Mothers sitting with babies in especially windy corners to gather sympathies, meaning for them more money...

Sorry, I can't detect any love for their children at all!
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Oct 2009
History / What Was Happening in Poland around 1905? [73]

I've thought so too but there are more people than one would think who are not mixed and if then only in their cultural group...

This census asked about this too...more people than not claimed both sides one heritage only!

PS: Did you know that even Obama has german roots???

...Genealogists at the No.1 family history Web site revealed that President Obama's German ancestor was born Johann Conrad Wolflin on January 29, 1729. He immigrated in 1750, sailing to America on the ship Patience. Johann Conrad changed his last name to Wolfley once he settled among other German immigrants in Pennsylvania. His son, Ludwig Wolfley, President Obama's 5th great-grandfather, was born in 1766 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. This research confirms that President Obama is one of the 17 percent of Americans with German ancestry.*

Bratwurst Boy   
16 Oct 2009
History / What Was Happening in Poland around 1905? [73]

They look at the records it said German therefore I’m German.

Oh please....then why didn't they became Germans, Austrians or Russians during the partitions??? Even today after centuries in Polonia they didn't forgot their roots (nor did the Germans)!
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Oct 2009
History / What Was Happening in Poland around 1905? [73]

Well, that may be but the census we are talking about (where the german heritage group is the biggest in the US) was recent. People where asked about their heritage, I doubt that any Pole was forced to say "German"....

So the numbers should quite correct!

German Americans

17.1% of the US population (2006) [6]

Bratwurst Boy   
28 Sep 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

Also who says only Germans had monopoly on cool propaganda posters:)

What does it say?

(Please not "Berlin in one week" or so....)
Bratwurst Boy   
28 Sep 2009
History / Polish military in 1939 in pictures. [107]

Goebbels claimed that Poles attacked tanks with sabers and foul languag

It wasn't Göbbels....

....This "skirmish at Krojanty," described in sensationalist terms by journalists like William Shirer, is almost certainly the source material for the fanciful tale of Polish cavalry charging tanks....

Somehow the same with "polish jokes"...Poles are eager to pin all their warts on Germans somehow....
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

Call me naive but besides some terrorist nutters I don't see any threat for Poland at all. Poland is neighbour to Germany and in the EU, member of the NATO....

There is NOBODY in his right mind threatening you (or Germany for that matter).

When you think Germany would get support from London or Paris because of the proximity then take a look at the map... how far is Warsaw or Breslau from Berlin??? A whole lot nearer...

...French support...yeah...sure...
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

many of them really admire Russia

Or they just prefer realpolitik....

And honestly I can understand russian suspicion and wish for safe borders...everybody with an inkling of history should.
I don't think on the other hand Russia has imperial ambitions as the british, the french or even the german empire once had who were nearly continously in other peoples countries.

(Not to mention the french, german and once also Poles who couldn't wait for an invitation to visit Moscow and brought their whole armies with them...)
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

so what was the threats of those Iskanders at the Polish border for???

A gamble against the Ami-missiles!
(I personally would had started talks with Castro that would had hurt them...)

I just don't see any offensive measures Poland or America take against Russia for quite some time now

Trade is a better weapon than any isolation or agressiveness...believe me...
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

I firmly believed Russians deliberately fuelled the conflict.

Well's not only the Ossetians but the Abkhazians too.
They both begged Moscow for help against bully Georgia.
Both want their independence and take any help they can get and who want's to blame them for that.

I say...if you want independence for yourself and your own people you shouldn't deny it to others!

it does not really matter - they have some of their strategic nuclear weapons aimed at some Polish locations for sure - an empty gesture

You don't really believe they will nuke Poland any time soon, don't you?
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

they did invade Georgia - they did destroy plenty of infrastructure there including parts of Tbilisi airstrip - what is this if not an invasion?

Well...put the blame where it belongs, to Saakashvili...he startet it all and reaped what he sowed.
His plan was clear...attacking, betting the the russian bear would move, then crying to Nato for help as in: "Look...this monster is bullying little poor, innocent 'ol HAVE to come and help me....can I become a member in the NATO now?"

It didn't work, period!

No one with a brain cell supports this nut anymore...even his own Georgians have enough of him!

...Tbilisi, Georgia - Tens of thousands of Georgians protested peacefully in front of the country's Parliament Thursday to demand the resignation of Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili. ...

Mass protests in Georgia aim to unseat Saakashvili. As many as 100,000 people are expected to demonstrate Thursday against the president.

Bratwurst Boy   
19 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

BB - is South Ossetia part of Russia??? WTF were Russians doing on a territory of some other's state?

If I remember it right the South Ossetians asked them to....they were scared of the Georgians....

...It came as no surprise when South Ossetians voted overwhelmingly in favour of restating their demand for independence from Tbilisi in an unrecognised referendum in November 2006. A simultaneous referendum among the region's ethnic Georgians voted just as emphatically to stay with Tbilisi.

Russia maintains close contacts with the leadership in Tskhinvali where separatists welcome Moscow's supportive stance. To Georgia's deep annoyance, most South Ossetians have Russian passports and the Russian rouble is commonly used in trade. ..

It seems the Ossetians want their independence, if not full scale integration into Russia...
Bratwurst Boy   
19 Sep 2009
News / Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]

sorry - what lie - did Georgia attack Russia?

Erm...I don't know about the polish commentators gumi but the international jury is quite clear in this case!,1518,641489,00.html

Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili is preparing the Georgian population for the planned publication in September of the European Union's report into the five-day war between Georgia and Russia in August 2008. The document is expected to assign primary responsibility for the attack on the South Ossetian capital Tskhinvali to Saakashvili -- with the qualification that Moscow provoked him....,1518,630543,00.html

He gambled for the West's (yes, okay, the Bushies) support to get him into the NATO...and...well...he lost.

...However, NATO and EU experts have so far found no evidence to support Georgian claims that a Russian column of 150 tanks and armored vehicles had advanced into South Ossetia before the Georgian attack on Tskhinvali....

Bratwurst Boy   
14 Sep 2009
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Therefore I have 100% Polish Kielbasa blood flowing through my veins.

You mean half german/half polish???

It's called: Kielwurst....or Bratbasa my some too...
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Aug 2009
Genealogy / Polish Gypsy Roots & Roma ancestors in their families [205]

You just leapt on me :D

Sorry, but you had it coming for awhile now.
Had to be said and maybe cleared the air and we can declare the plate cleaned now....

You take me as a human Bratwurst Boy being instead of a WWII-Hitler-whatever-reincarnation and I let you hug trees and gain wisdom as much as you want, deal?
Bratwurst Boy   
23 Aug 2009
Genealogy / Polish Gypsy Roots & Roma ancestors in their families [205]

And it's crap anyhow!
On another thread he burdened our board Russian Sasha with the same kind of "eternal shame" he should feel because of what is grandfathers did (or not did).

Lodz is as racist as everybody, he generalizes and hates whole peoples if it fits his bias like everybody else.
And he specializes in "collective guilt" for whole peoples and their descendants for all times (all but his own of course).

The difference is everybody else is honest about it but him. He prefers to put on a tree hugging, goody-two-shoes, I love you all - face!

Probably feeling himself all good, enlightened and high above us other poor creatures.
But he is only a hypocrite!

I just don't know to whom he lies himself or to the board!

You know Lodz, when you have a gripe with ME (Bratwurst Boy), then come out and discuss it with ME like a man. Don't hide yourself behind Hitler or WWII-allusions all the time!