The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 4 Oct 2024
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
3 Apr 2010
History / Piłsudski, like Hitler and Stalin (according to some Lithuanians) [144]

They had the capacity to contain Germany and defeat her early days.

Well, history would now write about Poland the agressor...;)
And a victorious Germany would probably allowed to act like later Sovietrussia in win situation me thinks!
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Mar 2010
Language / Is the term 'Polak' derogatory?? [254]

Let's nto forget that during the Nazi period Poles were referred to almost exclusively as 'die verfluchten Pollacken' (cursed or damn Pollacks).

I doubt that too...:)
Bratwurst Boy   
25 Mar 2010
Language / Is the term 'Polak' derogatory?? [254]

They've even got a nasty term for Poland: Polakei instead of the standard Polen.

I don't think it's "nasty"....There is also "Russerei" used or in the past "Tschechei" (as Tschecheslovakei was always to long)
Bratwurst Boy   
11 Mar 2010
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [417]

I believe that Poles ( a few exceptions doesn't count ) are exceptionally good soldiers, and given an average Pole and average whoever, I would always bet on a Pole.

Well, I believe the same of the german soldier...but here I have even the statistics over several years to support that belief!
Bratwurst Boy   
7 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

For example when I look at some Serbs they look very much like people from my village,they even speak the same way!But then again these villages have serbian names,go figure.

Well, I never disputed that you Southerners share the same heritage and the genetic research supports that was Crow who wants to put the cradle and the heart of his people into the North!

As in:

Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan

Bratwurst Boy   
7 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

Oh and btw. your "mother of all Slavs" theory is crap as the scientists found out.

Searching of the "proto-Slavs homeland" they found genetic evidence that TWO distinct groups of Slavs exist....that makes for at least two mothers! ;)



Although referred to as 'Slavs' and speaking a Slavic language, modern South Slavic peoples' genetic roots actually stem from a wide variety of genetic backgrounds, attesting the complexity of the ethno-genetic processes in Eastern Europe.

The second group comprises most southern Slavic populations: Bulgarians, most of the Croats, Bosniaks, Macedonians and Serbs, who have a significantly lower frequency of R1a (~15%).
According to the authors, this phenomenon is explained by "...contribution to the Y chromosomes of peoples who settled in the Balkan region before the Slavic expansion to the genetic heritage of Southern Slavs..."[28]

So, Poland is definitely NOT the cradle of the Serbs (or the other way around), you belong definitely not to the same mythic Über-Slavs who according to you once ruled all of Europe and they are in no way responsible for your idiocies....and their IQ is definitely higher than yours, they are much more successfull too....there is not much connection to you at all!

Better start searching for your own mom, she isn't polish...

Finally the testing results suggest a common ancestry of all Balkan populations, with a lack of correlation between genetic differentiation and language or ethnicity, stressing that no major migration barriers have existed in the making of the complex Balkan human puzzle.[39][40] The genetic homogeneity among Balkan populations suggests either a most recent common ancestor of all southeastern European populations or strong gene flow between them, which eliminated any initial differences.

Taking into account that the region has had a relatively high population density since the Neolithic period and that this region represents a crossroads of routes connecting the cultural centers of Middle East with different European areas.[41]

In short, a Serb is more Middle Eastern and Albanian than connected to a Pole! ROFL
Bratwurst Boy   
7 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

Go found yourself some goat and free yourself from frustrations.


According to you I have no reasons for "frustrations", everything wents according to plan! ;)

[incredible how germanization affecting human brain]

Well, this "germanization" seems to be a recipe for success, you should try it also for a chance!

This "germanic brain" takes your serbian brain for a fool again and again and again (according to your own statements) :):):)
Bratwurst Boy   
7 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

were instrumentalized by Germanics

because of German/Austrian schemes

Again because German schemes,

German attempt to control region

You really sound dumb compared to the cunny Germans, isn't that pathetic.

And you really plan a slavic Union? And can't even win a single shot against the evil Germanics in your own neighbourhood who play you like a flute?

Whining non-stop about how mean they are??? Do you really think someone likes to follow a whiny loser???? PATHETIC!!!

Get some spine man!
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

Well, then what about that?

The ethnic group closest to the Serbs genetically is the Macedonian Slavs[8].
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

So I think ( scientists also) than we have more common with Serbs than with Germans.

Really! ;

Sorry, but you asked for it! ;) Holland is left of Germany, Poland is right of Germany, Sweden is north of

I just love this killer argument.... :)
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

PS: Seanie, please read up again about Poland after the mongol invasions in the 12th century and the depopulation of whole territores!
Lots of german settlers were invited to rebuild and to repopulate (Krakau for example)...they became all Poles later...but where do you think their genes went? ;)

The Poles are purer than you could ever imagine.

ROFL, on an island maybe.
But not in central Europe where everything was in motion all the time!
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

I hear what you're saying, BB. You mean there's just as much German genetics in both countries?

In central Europe we are a mixed bunch :)

Poles and Germans are closer than Poles and Serbs, everything else is artificially created theoretically (on both sides).
Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

What makes you the expert Seanie? ;)

When you compare the genetic findings between Poles and...say...Serbians...there couldn' be more differences!

Two genetically distant groups of Slavic populations were revealed:
One encompassing all Western-Slavic, Eastern-Slavic, and two Southern-Slavic populations (north-western Croats, Slovenes),

and one encompassing all remaining Southern Slavs

Bratwurst Boy   
5 Mar 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

They are not as pure as Poles.

Pure Poles??? After millennia mixing with the Germans??? And vice versa??? Doubtfull...

The IQ of the Germans and the Poles is identical (as with the other germanic people, the Dutch), compare that to Russians or Serbs...tells everything about relationships there is, really! :):):)
Bratwurst Boy   
21 Feb 2010
History / Yalta Conference and Poland [78]

Germany was broken

but America would have had to do it alone.

There were millions of german soldiers actually hoping and waiting for the Patton's on the US side.
Talk was big that they would soon close ranks and go against the red army. For many that was also the reason to surrender so easily to the american troops. Patton left whole divisions as POW's but still joke here!

The US army together with the Wehrmacht and all eastern armies like the Poles who now fought against the Russians...the Red Army would had been toast (or at least shoved back where they belonged)!

But Patton and his thinking didn't fit in Eisenhowers and Roosevelts plans...Maybe it would had been harder to sell at home why the "mean Germans" now became allies of a sudden...but then they did this propaganda trick again before, from the "mean commies" to "Uncle Joe" (and back again)...*shrugs*
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Feb 2010
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Interesting map: Now the girls:

The European composite pictures are given below:
1. Swedish 2. Russian 3. Polish 4. German 5. Czech 6. British 7. Balkan Slav 8. Austrian 9. French 10. Finnish 11. Italian 12. Baltic.
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Feb 2010
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

Then Germans aren't all that smart after all.

What's your alternative? Throwing babies at the islamists????

My people will die out too, but yours will go first.

Of course we will win this competition too!

Less people means concentration of wealth and less burden on the infrastructure, sounds like a win win...

Especially if Dariusz plan consists of nothing but more babies...he didn't think this through...that's what I call "not so smart"!

Once we have a breeding rate like they have in the third world Europe will start to look like it...
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Feb 2010
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

The smart people are dying out.

If they would let it happen they wouldn't be so smart at all! Have a little more trust in the resilience of your own people goddammit!
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Feb 2010
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

It's not about smart vs. stupid.

In human history the smart survived, not the breeders...;)
Bratwurst Boy   
13 Feb 2010
History / Polish-German alliance. [489]

That is complete bull****.
In 25 years Europe will be run by mullahs, and the irony is that the once German nation is likely to die sooner than Poles they wanted to exterminate.

Well, as long as this now studying and learning future elite isn't mainly called Mohammed or Fatima I seriously doubt it!

Why so defeatist Dariusz? That is so not polish!!! ;)