The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Polson  

Joined: 9 May 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Sep 2016
Threads: Total: 5 / Live: 2 / Archived: 3
Posts: Total: 1767 / Live: 346 / Archived: 1421
From: Europe
Speaks Polish?: Trying hard (sometimes) to learn...
Interests: Music, sport, history, geography, science, languages...and probably Poland too.

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2 Dec 2007
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA , polish people as free as westerners HAHAHAHAHAHA

Yes. Look behind you noimmigration to see if there's no MI6 agent pointing a gun at you ;)
24 Nov 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

lol - and everyone is equal but some of us are more equal than others ;-)

Haha ;)

what your origins are i wouldnt like to guess from a small black n white photo...

LoL, some friends say i am a Viking ;) But they are quite ignorant...i'm blond with green/blue/grey eyes (i know it's "special"), etc, those few criteria make them think i'm a Viking (the Vikings were not a people, they were sailors, conquerors, warriors, merchants, etc. LoL)

its not just physical features that set nationalities apart - the way they dress and conduct themselves also set them apart

So, the culture shows the difference, right ? ;) Cause Poles born abroad are quite similar to the "natives" ;)

have you not been in the city centre when its flooded with tourists mid summer and looked at people immediatly knowing they are not from france...?

Their language...English, Spanish, German, Polish, Italian, etc. LoL
24 Nov 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

but can you see differences between italian and spanish...?

Everyone is different, i think it would be hard to tell...some are easy to differentiate, and some others are more difficult.

in your profile photo you look as tho you have blonde hair (black n white photo so hard to tell) - this isnt a hair colour i would automatically ascociate with france

Hehe ;) True i'm blond. So what country (countries) would you associate blond hair ? (i may know what you are going to answer...)
There are some blond people in France, but not many, i must say.
By the way, 1 French out of 3 have origins from another country...

24 Nov 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

look at hair, hight, skin pigmentation... work your way from south to start with, the differences ar more noticable

Yes, i know there are differences between Meditteranean people and Icelanders for example. Hair and skin color, height, etc.
Do you want me to study the Darwin theory ;) LoL
24 Nov 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

understand that this is a generalisation but a favourite passtime of mine for years has been people watching and guessing nationalities...

Haha i see ;)
I know some Polish friends, you wouldn't be able to tell they are Polish. They could be German, French, English, etc. it'd be the same. ;)
24 Nov 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

you might not be able to for whatever reason [...] but these nationalities are pretty easy to diferentiate

What are the differences, at first sight ?
20 Nov 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

As far as the almost non-existant Northern / Southern debate goes, I'd place it in Northern Europe (but maybe Central)

North-Central...or rather Central-North... ;)

As far as the Southern debate goes, there are lots of lovely women there

I must agree.
20 Nov 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Thats central europe, not eastern.

I agree§ I'm talking about nowadays, not about 5 centuries ago. And today Poland is a Central European country (in my opinion, in most of Poles opinions ;)
19 Nov 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Poland did very little as they were overun by germans in 1939.

Have you been to school ? Germany was not allowed to rearm. They did. They was not allowed to invade Austria and the Czech Rep., they did. They had to respect the Danzig corridor as it was said in the treaty. They didn't.

Poland, France and Great Britain had an alliance. The one who would be attacked, would receive help from its allies. Germany invaded the Czech Rep., and nobody moved. People was too afraid to have another big war.

Churchill said about France and Britain : "they chose disgrace rather than war. They are going to have both"

Poland did very little as they were overun by germans in 1939

Poland had no army at that time. They just recovered their independence, and just started to rebuild the country. But at least, Poland never collaborated, unlike France.

Germany was always adamant that they never expressed wishes to go to war with britain

Aha you're naive ! First they would invade all the continent. Then, when they would be strong enough, they would have invaded you as well.

Germany has an alliance with Russia. You know what happened, Germany attacked Russia.

And you think poland made a huge contribution due to the handful of polish pilots lmao yeah right

The Poles contributed to the victory more than you think. They fought along English, French, Americans...Polish pilots helped Britain. Polish soldiers fought in Holland, in Norway, in many places. You know what : Britain has the chance to be an island, cause it was not as easy for the Germans to invade the UK, as it was for Poland. Poland who was attacked by both Germany and Russia ! They fought bravely, they knew they would loose. Britain wasn't attacked by Scotland or Wales, am i mistaken ??

now britain, germanyand france is saving poland by giving handouts in the eu. Polands economy is increasing becuase of the handouts we give

If Britain, Germany and France have such good economies, it's thank to US money ! After the WW2, the USA helped Western Europe a lot, while Poland was behind the Iron Curtain.

Show some respect for those who fought and died. Do you think Britain saved Europe ? Are you this ignorant ?

It's amazing how dumb you are. It's very sad.

Nazis killed Poles as they killed Britains. Germans were not all nazis, and today has nothing to do with WW2.
What about slavery in the Commonwealth ? Britain used to kill slaves, today slaves descents are living with you, and there are no problem.
19 Nov 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

The polish look slavic

What does that mean ?...

they dont look nordic like myself

What do you look like ? (And you are British, not Skandi ?) I may look like more Skandi than you.

And you could point out a polish person because they will have a f*cked up haircut, bomber jacket and horribly cheap and nasty camo combat trousers

So you think that all the Poles look like the 2 you have seen one day ?? It's totally wrong. Have you ever been to Poland ? I don't think so. I go to Poland every year, and sometimes you can't tell if this guy is Polish or German for example. When you don't know what you're talking about, please sh*t up.

+ you seem a bit racist.

maybe thats why the nazis gassed so many poles until britain came and saved the day

Go f*ck yourself. If Britain survived, you can thank Polish pilots that saved your British sky and land where you are now sitting in on your fat a.s.s insulting your history, f*cking ignorant. How can you keep saying such crap ?
18 Nov 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

throught out european history poland has always been closer to eastern europe but thats not something that should be considered bad is it.

Not true, Poland has always been a mix of Western and Eastern cultures.

what are you talking about, poland is in direct physical contact with lithuania, belarus, ukraine, and slovakia is to polands south and czech republic is to its right

No. The languages have links, that's true, even if Lithuanian is a Baltic language...but I don't think we can assimilate one to another. So Irish people are the same than Austrian people ??...

Considering your nickname, noimmigration, i understand your view. But Poland is a Central European country, and i don't care if it pleases you or not.

Peace. ;) LoL
11 Nov 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Greek alphabet was the basis for Cyrilic, compare the two and you will see that they are very similiar

Yeah i know that ;) But they are different anyway, and Greek alphabet is Greek alphabet, not Cyrillic alph.
10 Nov 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Well, so if a large chunk of Russia should be considered European, then in 'geographical terms,' Poland should lie in Western Europe, shouldn't she? I wonder where in Europe, in 'geographical terms,' you would locate e.g. Norway?

The Eastern 'border' of Europe is considered to be in the Ural location. So it's only a "tiny" part of Russia which is in Europe...

Poland is for me something like a "North-Central country" as i saw a few times...
Norway is a 'West-Northern' country ;)

I wonder why? You seem to think that Eastern European countries are those where the Cyrillic alphabet is being commonly used, don't you?

No Cyrillic alphabet in Greece, am I wrong ? So, in my opinion, Greece is a Southern country.

It seems that, after all, the term 'Eastern Europe' is a racial term.

Not really. What about Western, Northern or Southern Europe ? Nothing bad.
7 Nov 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Does it follow Greece is 'Eastern'...?

I consider Greece as a Southern country.

To my understanding, the East-West division in Europe is also racial one

Maybe, but in geographical terms, there is a difference between East and West, North and South...

6 Nov 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

No, Central. It's said that the center of Europe is in the Cracow area.
Eastern countries write more with the Cyrillic alphabet, while the Western (and Central) all write in the Latin alphabet.

3 Nov 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

I think Poland is in Western Europe. Russia is really big and has all east side for itself ;)

I like your way of thinking :)

Sorry for my English, it's not very good.

Are you kidding ? You're good ;)
1 Nov 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Kmiot proved wrong 150th time, so nothing interesting here. Move on.

Yes, i guess.

Russian philosopher Michal has spoken ... about Poland

So he's wrong, hehe ;)
30 Oct 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Year Life Expectancy in Poland
2007 75.19
2006 74.97
2005 74.41
2004 74.16
2003 73.91
2002 73.66
2001 73.42
2000 73.19

Source: CIA World Factbook

Thanks polishgirltx ;)
30 Oct 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

No, it is a well known fact that life expectancy is falling in Poland and other parts of eastern Europe

You should know that Poland is not an Eastern European country... LoL (the subject of this topic...)

One reason why I do not want my children to live there

What are you talking about ??! My grandma lived until the age of 79, a few months before being 80, and i have a great aunt who is 82 or more... ;)
30 Oct 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Life expectancy has been falling in Poland for many years now and has nothing to do with World War 2 anyway

Falling ?? I don't think so...I remember than ten years ago, men life expenctancy was 69 (if i remember well), now it's more than 71...

Probably avg/males/females

30 Oct 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

If you mean defeating Gerries then no doubt Soviet Union did much more than western allies

Hmm...didn't help the Poles a lot anyway...more cowards than saviours for Poland, but i must say they helped in the final victory (after having helped Germany...)...

Lie expectancy: (females/males/avg)
Poland 75.6/71.3/79.8
Russia 65.5/59.0/72.6

Are you sure about the averages ? How the average life expectancy can be higher than those of men and women...?