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Wartime Rescue of Jews by the Polish Catholic Clergy. The Testimony of Survivors.

Ironside  50 | 13046
29 May 2017   #1
Interesting source of info edited and compiled by Mark Paul.
OP Ironside  50 | 13046
29 May 2017   #2

"The Polish nation as a whole acted heroically in their attitude towards the Jews".

The Jewish writer David Klin, who was a liaison officer between the Home Army and the Zegota during the war, described to the Polish columnists Andrzej Chciuk his speech delivered at one of his meetings in Israel. When he said that 'the Polish nation as a whole acted heroically in their attitude towards the Jews' he was immediately shouted down that it was not true. Klin answered, 'I know it is true because I was there.'

source - Niedziela, catholic weekly magazine, Jerzy Robert Nowak, Silenced Jewish testimonies.

If someone is really interested in more testimonies- here:
The Righteous: The Unsung Heroes of the Holocaust, Martin Gilbert
Icluding some more testimonies of David Klin.
OP Ironside  50 | 13046
29 May 2017   #3
Funny as the usuall suspects have nothing to say faced with facts. Yet they are drawn like flies to ... if there is a topic about same acts of anti-semitism. Talking about bias.
Bieganski  17 | 888
29 May 2017   #4
Funny as the usuall suspects have nothing to say faced with facts.

Thanks for sharing these important facts. It is really shameful how the world is given such a biased narrative and how the dumbing-down agitators go silent when new, interesting and clarifying information is presented. To think all of the heroes and their stories will be lost for future generations to know about due to certain special interest groups today and over the past few decades having a stranglehold on how WWII is discussed.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
30 May 2017   #5
I'm the first to assert that Poland can be mighty proud of people such as the unnamed, unsung heroes of the War, fellow Christians, who risked their lives to rescue their fellow Jewish citizens, in fact their brethren (merely of a different faith) in the common fight against Hitler.
Miloslaw  20 | 5131
20 Jun 2021   #6

Poles saving Jews in WW2.

This is a documentary that is about to be shown in over 750 US cinemas on tuesday 22nd June.
It tells the story of how Jan and Antonina Zabinski saved the lives of over 300 Jews at The Warsaw Zoo.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
20 Jun 2021   #7
Well deserved, as I posted earlier. I see it was deleted-:(
8 Jul 2021   #8
@IronsideThis is very important to tell about this forgotten facts. Thank's a lot.
8 Jul 2021   #9
Jan and Antonina Zabinski saved the lives of over 300 Jews

Yes. Very exceptional people. And, did you see the film? Very good.

It is really shameful how the world is given such a biased narrative

Thank you very much for saying it. I have the same feeling. And when they don't shut up they insult in obnoxious ways

Poland can be mighty proud of people

Thank you so much. You have to be proud and tell it to the world, which only knows distorted information.
Novichok  4 | 9009
8 Jul 2021   #10
A parent who puts his or her life on the line for a stranger is a very bad parent and a clueless idiot.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
8 Jul 2021   #11
Or an impetuously misguided hero, take your pick-:)
Novichok  4 | 9009
8 Jul 2021   #12
...and the first to die for bullsh*it.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
8 Jul 2021   #13
A noble cause remains precisely that even if you don't happen to believe in it! Had the Allies taken such a position, why, we'd all still be living under the jackboot,

if we'd even be living at all!
Novichok  4 | 9009
8 Jul 2021   #14
A noble cause remains precisely that even if you don't happen to believe in it!

Name one noble cause worth your life. Right now, if two scumbags broke into your house, you wouldn't be able to defend yourself or those who live with you. So let's drop that "noble cause" bs. No, calling 911 does not work so don't go there.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
8 Jul 2021   #15
Rich, as usual you're being unduly cynical. Heroism isn't "born", it often comes at the spur of the moment!
Novichok  4 | 9009
8 Jul 2021   #16
BS. A hero is a person who is fully aware of the risks and acts anyway.

Name one noble cause worth your life at the spur of the moment or with premeditation.
Miloslaw  20 | 5131
8 Jul 2021   #17
Protecting your kids and wife.
Novichok  4 | 9009
8 Jul 2021   #18
Thanks, but the question was specifically for Lyzko.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
8 Jul 2021   #19
Spot on! Heroes aren't all Rambo types! ADRENOLIN is responsible for more acts of pure bravery than heroísm-:)
Novichok  4 | 9009
8 Jul 2021   #20
Spot on!

What is spot on? Why am I getting a lecture on adrenalin instead of a straight answer to my straight question: Name one noble cause worth your life.

Please, professor, do not tell me that it was not a question since there is no question mark at the end of it. So, let's call a request.
jon357  72 | 23529
8 Jul 2021   #21
ADRENALIN is responsible for more acts of pure bravery than heroísm-

It's even an essential part of most of them
Lyzko  45 | 9751
9 Jul 2021   #22
You bet it is!

Home / History / Wartime Rescue of Jews by the Polish Catholic Clergy. The Testimony of Survivors.
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