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Świętowit/Svetovid, God of our ancestors - Does He watch over us even now?

Crow  154 | 9577
15 Jan 2021   #1

Świętowit - The One Who See Everything, God of our ancestors

Some say every civilization have its Gaia, godly life energy deep within Earth or in the universe, that shine for all its descendants. I wonder, do force of Svetovid shine for us?
OP Crow  154 | 9577
17 Jan 2021   #2
Svetovid, among most prominent Gods of one ancient and wast civilization, native to Europe and not only Europe. Glory to our Sarmatian ie Slavic ancestors.


Reconstructions after archeological and genetic studies


Russian steppes, feemale horse arshers


Sarmatian female warrior, Southern Ural


Pictish Sarmatians of British islands


Sartmatian armour - Central Poland


Joker  2 | 2395
17 Jan 2021   #3
That thing looks like the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
17 Jan 2021   #4
Crow, do you realize how offensive this thing is to any Christian?
Lenka  5 | 3542
17 Jan 2021   #6
I have to second that. What is wrong with him advocating for Svetovit?
Novichok  4 | 8608
17 Jan 2021   #7
You are right. What is wrong with him?
OP Crow  154 | 9577
17 Jan 2021   #8
I am free. Neither my body, neither my soul would be ridden by the Vatican, Constantinople, or Jehovean witnesses.

If Christ won, there would be love between old and new faith and not this eternal circle of hate within those who lead Christianity. It's just that greedy people used Christ's story to subjugate European natives, ie Sarmatians, ie Slavs. In my book, Christ walks side by side with Svetovid. My body is my own Church, as even the bible says.

That thing looks like the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Svetovid is a symbolical nature elemental. Ancients imagined him as `One who sees everything`, with heads on all four sides of the world. Also as `Triglav` with three heads and also with one head with the eagle who have the power to see everything and report to Him.


Novichok  4 | 8608
17 Jan 2021   #9
In my book, Christ walks side by side with Svetovid.

Christ has been the most influential man ever. Svetovid is a piece of wood.
Tacitus is right; you crossed the line. To compare Christ to a piece of wood is beyond disgusting and disrespectful.
So my question still stands: What is wrong with you?
Joker  2 | 2395
17 Jan 2021   #10
In my book, Christ walks side by side with Svetovid.

This is some demonic being, stay away from these things.

So my question still stands: What is wrong with you?

Something isn't right in the head with this guy.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
18 Jan 2021   #11
Very little is known about Sventovid. This is because Christians from the West as well as the first native ones in the East of Europe were eager to destroy all traces of pagan religion and the pagans themselves did not have their own scripture to record the story of their gods for posterity.

If Sventovid was a piece of wood, then the Christ carved in wood on the Cross is nothing more than that, too. In reality both are only visible representations of either imaginary (for non-believers) or supranatural but truly real beings (for believers).
Novichok  4 | 8608
18 Jan 2021   #12
Something isn't right in the head with this guy.

I am an atheist but I will not let any a-hole mention Jesus and a piece of wood in the same sentence as if they were equivalents.

then the Christ carved in wood on the Cross is nothing more than that, too.

BS. Christ was a real person and the most influential one, too. The US celebrates his birthday as a federal holiday.
His statues and pictures do no turn him into stone or canvas.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
18 Jan 2021   #13
So my question still stands: What is wrong with you?

He has an agenda even if he acts eccentric and pretends to be harmless.

It's worth perusing his other posts. It's very telling how he repeatedly ranks all the Abrahamic faiths. Muslims are problematic, Christians should recognize they are actually pagans, and Jews are wonderful.

To compare Christ to a piece of wood is beyond disgusting and disrespectful.

Well, since he does have a rank order going (and if he doesn't have an agenda) then he should simply clarify for this thread he started if his Svetovid character is greater than or equal to the deity called Yahweh.

Christians, especially Orthodox Christians (which he has referred to as being himself in the past), believe in the Trinity. So if he claims Christ walks side by side with Svetovid then his answer should be that Yahweh walks side by side with Svetovid.

If he is honest and sincere then his answer should be consistent. But I'll leave that for him to explain.
Novichok  4 | 8608
18 Jan 2021   #14
But I'll leave that for him to explain.

You are way too kind. Personally, I don't want to read any more crap from him about gods, Svetovid, or the Vatican. Such subjects are meant to close debates rather than promote them. Like, oh, my god, it's about religion! Everybody face down on the floor!

Well, since he does have a rank order going

They can ban me for life tonight, but I don't care what his rank is.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
18 Jan 2021   #15
In reality both are only visible representations of either imaginary (for non-believers) or supranatural but truly real beings (for believers).


And the old gods had been here first...and not imported from some far away desert.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
18 Jan 2021   #16
You are way too kind.

He started this thread and numerous ones just like it for well over a decade now.

He just needs to go on the record once and for all and clarify where his position actually stands on this.

He unapologetically said that "Christ walks side by side with Svetovid."

He's never said "Allah walks side by side with Svetovid" (and he won't either because he knows better not to).

So, will he say "Yahweh walks side by side with Svetovid"?

It may not seem important but it can be very revealing of someone's true intentions not by what they say but what they studiously avoid saying.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Jan 2021   #17
What is wrong with him advocating for Svetovit?

Nothing, just don't use Svetovit in the same sentence as Jesus Christ as being comparable.
You can worship Satan for all I care but to compare Satan or anyone or thing else to Christ because that is blasphemous to Christians.
OP Crow  154 | 9577
18 Jan 2021   #20
Who knows. Svetovid was maybe just a man, a hero or otherwise famous, just like some say Jesus Christ was.

But Romans prefered Jesus because he was Black hero and Svetovid was memory of White hero.

Who knows. Popes and Patriarchs says they know and they are usualy ready to kill to convince and rule globally. And they compete with mufties who worship another Black hero, Mohamed. Jews also have their Black hero turned into God.

What is wrong with me? Its clear. My God is White and he was here before came his Black golegues .
Joker  2 | 2395
18 Jan 2021   #21
My God is White and he was here before came his Black golegues .

You cant get anymore racist or blasphemous than this.
Novichok  4 | 8608
18 Jan 2021   #22
He's never said "Allah walks side by side with Svetovid"

I noticed that too - not only on PF - that Allah is untouchable. Somehow, Christian symbols dipped in urine are art. Anywhere else - it would be hate speech.

Svetovid was maybe just a man

The word "maybe" does not go with religious beliefs as it expresses doubt or hesitation. Why don't you make up your mind and tell us what you decided.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Jan 2021   #23
, just like some say Jesus Christ was.

Some ?
Did Svetovid perform miracles that were recorded by many witnesses ?

What is wrong with me?

Careful Crow, that could be a whole new thread in itself.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
18 Jan 2021   #24
Look at the thread header...."god of our ancestors"...its true! Where is the problem? Why should he have to explain anything?

And where is the difference between Jesus and Allah? Both imported from some far away desert by foreigners, forcefully, violently....for me it's all the same...only the pagans of old, our ancestors, had been true natives of Europe and need to be defended for that!

All these christian "defenders of Europe" are abit late...
Poloniusz  5 | 969
18 Jan 2021   #25
Where is the problem?

He only conflates Christianity with paganism.

And where is the difference between Jesus and Allah? Both imported from some far away desert

You are just like Crow. You studiously avoided mentioning the Jewish faith and their deity Yahweh. Why is that? As Abrahamic faiths aren't all three imported from some far away desert? Any archeologist or historian would say they are so why didn't you?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
18 Jan 2021   #26
As Abrahamic faiths aren't all three imported from some far away desert?


I wish all "defenders of Europe" would start with re-discovering their true european roots...and they are pagan!
Poloniusz  5 | 969
18 Jan 2021   #27
Don't just agree with me. Say it yourself. Or aren't you allowed to?
OP Crow  154 | 9577
18 Jan 2021   #28
Did Svetovid perform miracles that were recorded by many witnesses ?

Would you believe if your wife come to you and say she is pregnant thanks to Svetovid? Would you have more understanding she says its thanks to Jesus?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929
18 Jan 2021   #29
Don't just agree with me. Say it yourself. Or aren't you allowed to?

For me the christian, islamic and jewish book religions are really all the same...all imported from some far away desert....all foreign to our lands and our native peoples!

I don't discriminate in that regard! The differences are that Christianity was forced on us with the sword 2000 years back, Islam is creeping in through the back door, only Judaism doesn't try to turn me at all.

OP Crow  154 | 9577
18 Jan 2021   #30
avoided mentioning the Jewish faith and their deity Yahweh

I said Jews also have Black God. Why is problem to tell it. And he also came from desert. Like Mohamed and Jesus.

Then they all started era of slavery on children of Svetovid.

I never heard you condemned era of slavery. Never. Because Rome was behind that. And you ask what is wrong with me?

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