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Polish School of Poster Art

marion kanawha  4 | 104
20 Jul 2024 #1
Has anyone investigated this art form from Poland? Hands down it's phenomenal! Polish artists used poster art as a means of artistic expression by interpreting and commenting on the subject (usually a movie or play) of the poster. They tied it into a reflection on their society which was the communist Polish People's Republic (1950s to 1980s). The graphic design is amazing. There is a Warsaw Poster Museum that contains Polish posters going back to the 19th century.

jon357  73 | 22634
21 Jul 2024 #2
this art form from Poland

The museum of posters in Warsaw is small but worth a visit. Occasionally there are larger exhibitions at bigger museums and galleries.

You can quite often buy them in good condition and I'd guess (being finite) that they might be a good investment for the future as well as nice to have framed in you4 wall.
OP marion kanawha  4 | 104
26 Jul 2024 #3
Absolutely love this art form. Check out these faces!

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