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How much Poles trust to France?

OP Crow  155 | 9699
22 Mar 2011   #31
It is strange that russian attitude in Balkans has always been honorable unlike what they did to other neighbours.

There are many opinions about it. In any case its very interesting
southern  73 | 7059
22 Mar 2011   #32
Yes,they did not colonize Bulgaria or Serbia so they don't seem to bother.
OP Crow  155 | 9699
22 Mar 2011   #33
Crow, why, suddenly, you so disgusted with France? Did France just do something to **** you off? If so, what?

France, same as Britain, Holland and USA collaborated with mujaheedines on Balkan (in last 20 years) against Slavic element there. They may say that they are friends of Poland but, they aren`t. They only seek to use Poland as condom against Russia. If they are friends of Poland they would allow Poland to take advantage in the region that is (via Serbs) traditionally pro-Polish oriented and Poland could additionally prosper having influence in important transportation routes in Europe. Instead of that, France, Britain and USA used ustashe in Croatia to subjugate Croatia to the Germany and Bosnian Muslims to subjugate Bosnia to the Turkey. So, Poland is straitened and pushed far from the warm seas.

Have in mind that those are `FRIENDS` who restricting power of Poland. Its probably better side of Polish `friends`. In worse case scenario, `friends` could take part in partition of Poland.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
22 Mar 2011   #34
They only seek to use Poland as condom against Russia

wtf since when do people use condoms against something? Secondly Poland is not that flexible? Thirdly condom against what exactly - that extra hairy Russian snatch that looks like a electrocuted beaver with a gaping stomach wound???
southern  73 | 7059
23 Mar 2011   #35
Serbian head is bare back.Anyway French are traditional turkophiles.The french king was the first in Europe to sign commerce treaty with the Sultan in 1500.

Here the letter of Suleiman the magnificent to French king.

"I, sultan of sultans, king of kings, the shadow of God who bestows the crown to the monarchs on earth, the supreme ruler of the Mediterranean and Black Seas, the Balkans and Anatolia, Azerbaijan, Damascus and Halep, Egypt, Mecca and Medina, Jerusalem, and all of the Arab dominions, and Yemen, and the sultan and the supreme king of many nations,

I am the son of Sultan Selim Khan and grandson of Sultan Bayezid Khan, and you, King Francis, are the governor of the French province.
rock  - | 428
23 Mar 2011   #36
shock shock shock :)

Thanks Southern
rychlik  41 | 372
23 Mar 2011   #37
I'm Polish and living in Canada. I've met a few Frenchies here right from France. They seemed nice. It appears that the Poles and French have warm ties. Heck, one guy was even a fan of Kieslowski.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
23 Mar 2011   #38
"I, sultan of sultans, king of kings

That almost sounds like he thought Serbia was part of the middle east...
rock  - | 428
23 Mar 2011   #39


When he said Black Sea and Balkans it includes today's,

Ukraine (% 30)
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Croatia (% 40)
Hungary (%70)

Any comment now?
OP Crow  155 | 9699
23 Mar 2011   #40
you forgot to mention Slovakia. That, if we speak of Turkish conquest in Europe. Also, if we speak of medieval Serbia (what is today`s Serbian state), about 60% of Serbian territories was subjugated to the Ottomans and some 40% was annexed by Hungaria and later Austro-Hungaria.

and, don`t forget that territories of what is today`s Kosovo, Macedonia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, most of Croatia and northern Albania, back in time before and in the beginning of Turkish invasion represented Serbian ethnic space and in most cases were parts of medieval Serbian Empire. So, to underline, not some conquered regions but ETHIC SERBIAN SPACE. i mentioned that in order to show here, what Turkish invasion did to Serbs. Still, to be absolutely truthful, those were not only Turks. Actually, Germano (British and French, too)-Turkish schemes reduced Serbian ethnic space and prepared situation for formation of their satellites on formerly Serbian ethnic space.

Later, Yugoslavia was compromise. Serbs agreed to it. But, even that was too much for our enemies.
rock  - | 428
23 Mar 2011   #41
you forgot to mention Slovakia.

You are right. But just % 10-15 of Slovakia, city Nove Zamky and its close hinterlands.[/b]

Later, Yugoslavia was compromise. Serbs agreed to it. But, even that was too much for our enemies

It is partly true. But as far as I know Hungarian Janos was ruling Belgrad and Turks took the city from him. So will we say that Serbia was HUNGARIAN ETHNIC SPACE. Sure not. It is same for your claim. Serbs might control more parts of ex-yugoslavia teritory in history but this does not mean this territories were ethnic serbian space.

On the other hand, Turkey never support the dissolution of Yugoslavia. USA, Germany, France and England possibly wanted it. It interested Turkey when Serbs started killings in Bosnia.

I am very sure that we were not sharing the evil plans of USA, Germany, France and England.
OP Crow  155 | 9699
23 Mar 2011   #42
So will we say that Serbia was HUNGARIAN ETNÄ°C SPACE

you mistaking here. i was clear. i said SERBIAN ETHIC SPACE. Belgrade was part of Serbian ethnic space, part of Serbian lands. After Turkish conquest, in situation when Serbian state was weakened, Hungarian state used opportunity and expanded onto Serbian ethnic space. Noble family of Hunyadi Janos himself, was Serbian in origin. Among Serbs he was known as Sibinjanin Janko.

Speaking in modern proportions, we can say that, for example, you have parts of Polish ethnic space incorporated in German state. Still, being parts of German state does not negate fact that some particular territories belong to Polish ethnic space.

On the other hand, Turkey never support the dissolution of Yugoslavia. USA, Germany, France and England possibly wanted it.

Turkey worked against Yugoslavia and had crucial role in dissolution of Yugoslav state. While Croatian ustashe played role of German satellite, Bosnian Muslims were Turkish player. Behind Germany was EU (Britain, France, Holland), USA and behind Turkey were Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Yugoslavia as territory was/is split among those powers. Anglo-Franco-Germanic axis from one side and Islamic world on the other side pledge to establish control over the Balkan.

Poland? Russia? Ukraine? Serbia? Nobody asked them and all chaos was orchestrated on Slavic ground and sponsors of chaos were/are non-Slavic powers. All victims and losers were Slavs.

It interested Turkey when Serbs started killings in Bosnia.

Interesting. While Serbs were being killed and Serbs were victims Turkey didn`t react but when Serbs took initiative and started killings, Turkey arrived to stop Serbs. Is that what you tries to tell me?

I am very sure that we were not sharing the evil plans of USA, Germany, France and England.

when it comes to Slavs, when it comes to split and control of Slavic territories, when it comes to assimilation of Slavs, when it come to manipulation with Slavs, when it comes to divisions of Slavs... you are all very united and have your specific roles.
rock  - | 428
23 Mar 2011   #43
ethnic space

This not a valid statement. History proves that territories of all nations changed ( not once but a lot of times ). Most of ethnic people of that territories move to mainlands or lose their ethnic identity or mixed with the new nations ( which means they are not ethnically from former nation).

When you are talking about Serbs you say they are coming from Sarmatians ( BTW there are some theories that some branches of Turks are also Sarmatians) and we all know that Sarmatians were not living in today's Serbia.

So, Serbia is ethnic space of ...... nation. Where are they?. Before that nation maybe another ethnic group was the inhabitants of Serbia.

As a result, which date in history will be taken as referance for the ETHNIC SPACES.
Ogorki  - | 114
24 Mar 2011   #44
those damned french gave them a partial independence in 1812,basterds!

Napoleon wanted a platform from which to launch his attack on Russia and also he wanted to take advantage of the elite Polish soldiers which he considrered the best. Thats why he created a free Poland. Self interest.

Marie SKlodowska just happened to marry a french man. He could have been from anywhere really.
(btw - no kids know about her here in UK. They only know how to do drugs and stab each other)

Chopin was born in Poland - just happened to have a french father who himself lived in Poland since age 16 and faught in the Polish army.

gave shelter to Polish exiles
Most of the free world gave shelter to Polish exiles - mainly USA (Chicago)
isthatu2  4 | 2692
24 Mar 2011   #45
(btw - no kids know about her here in UK. They only know how to do drugs and stab each other)

Bollox, talking out your arse for a cheap joke. One of the biggest and most well known charities (note,to Polish people, Charities,see wikipedea for explanation of what these are.) Is the Marie Currie know about her from about 6 or 7 in school.....but hey ho,crack on with the "all brits are thick and all poles are superior" attitude while ,er, over a million poles had to come here to make a life....
Ogorki  - | 114
24 Mar 2011   #46
I - work - in - schools.

2nd thing is I dont think your English is good enough to detect irony or sarcasam,as,if you actually read what I wrote,instead of reading what you "THINK" I wrote you would see I was pointing out how close historically France and Poland have been.............


but hey ho,crack on with the "all brits are thick and all poles are superior" attitude while
did I say that?
OP Crow  155 | 9699
28 Dec 2015   #47
history of France, at a time when Poland was in alliance with France and systematically mutilated by Germany

France's collaboration with Nazis revealed


France's archives revealing details of collaboration with Nazi Germany have been declassified. .............

When Germany invaded France in 1940, the two countries signed an armistice. The German army occupied northern and western France, while the French collaborationist Vichy government ruled the rest of the country. The Vichy regime worked with the Germans and introduced anti-Jewish laws, banning Jews from public life and restricting the jobs they could have.

OP Crow  155 | 9699
20 Mar 2018   #49
I see monster Sacrozy is arrested for taking money from Libyan Gafadi, at the same time when even more monstrous France took part in destruction ob Libya. I have no words to tell you how low is my opinion on Franch scamy state. You look for terrorists, you go on internet and search for members of French government. Same way you do with British and German governments and you know who are leading and ruling terrorist of this world. Every one of them. Plus, Clinton US clan and their friends.

How are ugly Poland`s partners in EU and NATO. I hope my Serbia never become part of EU. To put cross on myself, its like becoming member of hell.

Now go trust to France. Trust to snake.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
20 Mar 2018   #50
Sarkozy is like Putin.Both snakes.
Serbs trust Russia.....???

Please stick to the topic
OP Crow  155 | 9699
20 Mar 2018   #51
France is much bigger snake then Russia. For France, Russia is little naive baby. France betrayed alliance with Serbs and serve just as satellite to Britain, Germany and USA. But, they all well deserved each others. Napoleon and Hitler were on the same job. Less Slavs was guiding idea to them.

Serbs trust Russia.....???

Western Europe and US Clinton clan attacked Serbia and Russia and China coming in our aid. Serbs expect Poland not to complicate to Serbia. Last time when Russia came in aid to Serbia, Polish prince Czartorisky was well involved, coordinated with Serbs, hoped for independence of Poland and exactly that happened after WWI.

What media in Serbia writes these day is that Duda suggests forming of new divisions to increase pressure on Russia, on the explanation that Russia prepares for war with NATO on Baltics. Well, good morning Duda. Russia prepares but not for the Baltics as Duda intentionally lied and he very well knows that Russia prepares to come in aid to Serbians, to help us liberate Kosovo. Duda`s mask seams to falling down. Duda wants Poland to move in war against Serbs. Against Racowie! Duda is little peace of sh**. F***** traitor. For the first time in Polish-Serbian relations Serbian media begins to worry what Poland doing. For the first time in history Serbians aren`t sure what happening with Poland. This is blasphemy!!!

But, don`t think that Duda just betrayed Serbs. No, he sold Poland, too. You shall see many nice things thanks to moron. Idiot, wants to sacrifice Polish children for salvation of western Europe in situation when even God gave up from western Europe.

What official Poland doing now is to spit on entire Polish history.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
20 Mar 2018   #52
Believe it or not,the world does not revolve around Serbia.
In fact,the world spends very little time,if any,thinking about that relatively unimportant little country.
France,by comparison is much more important,Russia perhaps more so.
Both in geographical size and population,Russia is the bigger snake.
In terms of damage and hurt done to their own population and people of other countries,Russia is by far the bigger snake.
In terms of deception and lies,all countries,including Serbia are guilty.
But again,Russia is by far the biggest snake.
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Mar 2018   #53
Less Slavs


But again,Russia is by far the biggest snake.

Yes, it is that by a long chalk.
OP Crow  155 | 9699
20 Mar 2018   #54
In fact,the world spends very little time,if any,thinking about that relatively unimportant little country.

I don`t give a sh** for worlds affairs. But we Serbians expect Poland to show respect on Serbian interests, same way as Serbs respect Polish. Serbs are now attacked and if official Poland can`t help, it would be wise not to complicate us. For we will push for our liberation and there would be what must be.

In terms of deception and lies,all countries,including Serbia are guilty.

See, investigation of Polish parliament said that Serbs aren`t guilty but, NATO.

That`s the historic document. Its written down back in 1999. Pope Paul II also aid Serbs were right and urged on Poland not to take part in NATO attack on Serbia.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
20 Mar 2018   #55
Poles hate France so much that if you drive down the eastern border of France from Calais to Mulhouse all the old mining towns are full of Polish surnames.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Mar 2018   #56
During the revolutions of 1848 France supported the Polish partisans in their uprising. England supported Russia crushing the revolts. Historically France and Poland could rely on each other more than UK. In fact, Poland was one of Napoleons few allies. Now the French and German want to deepen ties with Poland and fix the relationship. They finally understand we wont budge on the migrant issue or the changes with the constitutional court. The EU is the only one stuck on this. However the French and German leaders want to reestablish the Weimar Triangle with Poland
OP Crow  155 | 9699
11 Nov 2018   #57
Have in mind that those are `FRIENDS` who restricting power of Poland.

By the God, I read this what I wrote 7 years ago. Back then Poland`s situation was ideal with false ``friends``. These days,``friends`` already grinding Poland slowly. What would be in next 7 years?

Except Serbia, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Russia, all other Slavic states are simple satellites to western Europe. We see how Poland struggling not to be satellite but, it will be hard. Very hard. Especially in situation when Poland don`t have clear policy but walk in fog.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
22 Apr 2022   #58
the Le Pen Macron's quietly

Le Pen talks about good relations with Russia and Macron pursue a Russian friendly policy.
There is no diffrence between them in that regard.
Tacitus  2 | 1269
22 Apr 2022   #59
There is no diffrence between them in that regard.

France under Macron is sending weapons to Ukraine.

MLP has previously called for recognizing Crimea as Russian and wants to stop sending weapons to Ukraine.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
22 Apr 2022   #60
France under Macron is sending weapons to Ukraine.

Yes, but France, under Macron have supplied Russia with much have Germany and Italy.

Home / History / How much Poles trust to France?
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