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"How Poles Built Russia...

Torq  8 | 1023
5 May 2024   #1
... Polish Roots of the Russian Empire" is the title of the newest edition of the book printed before under the title "Jak stwarzaliśmy Rosję" (How We Created Russia) and then "How We Built Russia".

The author did a truly benedictine work in following the lives and work of over 3000 Poles who built the Russian Empire. Russian sources, including Горизонтов Л.Е., Служить или не служить Империи? Поляки в России 19 века [w] Rosyjsko-polskie kontakty językowe, literackie i kuluralne. S. Grybowski, W. Choriew (eds.), Moskwa, 2011, but mostly its a pioneer work in it's scale and scope.

For the benefit of our western friends and allies whose knowledge of Central/Eastern European history is somewhat cursory, I shall just remind a couple of facts:

- it was Lechici (sort of proto-Polish tribe) who built Moscow;
- it was Polish printing shops that printed Russian books for over 120 years;
- Nikolai Gogol's real name was Mikołaj Hohoł-Janowski;
- Polish architects raised innumerable civilian and military buildings all over the Russian Empire;
- Polish engineers built bridges and rail network in Russia (90% of steel rails came from Polish factories);
- the role of Poles was so great that a Russian Professor Leonid Gorizontow called the 1800s in Russia
a "Polish Century"...

... and I could go on, but it's better to just grab a book and read it yourselves.

Jak budowaliśmy Rosję
Crow  154 | 9541
5 May 2024   #2
See, let us talk of business instead of confrontation. For sure all Slavs deserve privileged access to the Siberian resources.

Let Poland get rid of the NATO and EU for starter.
OP Torq  8 | 1023
5 May 2024   #3
See, let us talk of business instead of confrontation.

Poland always does things for others...

- for Germany (it was only thanks to our stolen lands that Prussia and then Germany could rise to power)
- for France (we taught the barbarians how to eat with knife and fork)
- for Russia (see above)

... lesser nations like like Swedes, Lithuanians, and others, I shall not mention for the lack of time. We, practically, single-handedly civilised half of Europe, but are they grateful? No. (well, at least not as much as they should be).

all Slavs deserve privileged access to the Siberian resources

The way Russia is conducting her business, it will be the Chinese who will control the Siberian resources in the future. :-/

Let Poland get rid of the NATO

Sure. But we need sh*tloads of nukes first.

and EU

Hmm... a complicated matter. Other EU countries are like our children (sometimes retarded, yes, but can we abandon them?).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 May 2024   #4
(sometimes retarded, yes, but can we abandon them?).

Ja genau....YOU CAN'T! Europe needs you, so....
OP Torq  8 | 1023
5 May 2024   #5
Europe needs you


Besides, polandball is the cutest of all countryballs. ;)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
5 May 2024   #6
Oh gawd....I'm not alone thinking that....soooo true!!! :):):)
OP Torq  8 | 1023
5 May 2024   #7
Heh :)
Alien  25 | 6399
5 May 2024   #8
How Poles Built Russia

Why the hell did they build it so big?
Bobko  27 | 2081
5 May 2024   #9
Even this thread is easier to digest than what Ukrainians claim when they talk about "building Russia".

Does ANY other country have this problem, where there are people going around claiming they actually created your country?
Crow  154 | 9541
5 May 2024   #10
As I see things, Russia needs Poland.
jon357  72 | 23483
5 May 2024   #11
Russia needs Poland.

r*SSia needs fúcking.
jon357  72 | 23483
5 May 2024   #13
Yes you are.

Whoever 'built' r*SSia should hang their wretched heads in shame.
Novichok  4 | 8502
5 May 2024   #14
Yes you are.

I meant you. Please get AIDS.
jon357  72 | 23483
5 May 2024   #15
There's plenty of that in r*SSia.

Perhaps Poles built it.
Crow  154 | 9541
6 May 2024   #16
r*SSia needs fúcking.

and how would you suggest that to occur?

No, don`t tell me. Its disgusting. You Anglos. You want to use Poland as a dic*?
Novichok  4 | 8502
6 May 2024   #17
Crow, I am so glad you are back...
Aren't those Brits fun...
Crow  154 | 9541
7 May 2024   #18
Aren't those Brits fun...

They lack intelligence, I can tell you that. I am glad to note Slavs on this forum are so much in front of them.

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