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Poles should apologise to Ukrainians first

Alien  26 | 6528
24 Oct 2024   #301
tallyman beat a pregnant woman to death -

He miscalculated.... 👎
OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 Oct 2024   #302
Let`s look at some of the French historian`s opinions, step by step.

Interviewer: Father Walerian Meysztowicz claimed that right-bank Ukraine - Kiev, Podolia, Volhynia - was like Sicily in Italy. Both of these lands were the most backward regions of their countries. The material disparities here were unimaginable. In the mid-19th century, 7,000 representatives of the Polish landed gentry owned 3 million "souls" aka peasant slaves.

Daniel Beauvois: Such a comparison is absolutely right. It was a world that the Poles from Warsaw simply despised. It was probably nowhere as bad as here. Until the eve of the Bolshevik revolution, the relations between the village and the manor were not regulated and there was nothing normal about them...
At the end of the 19th century, land began to bring in greater profits, so every inch of it counted. Polish landowners evicted everyone they could, and the land was leased to colonists - Germans and Czechs, because they paid more than local Ukrainians.

Ironside  51 | 13087
24 Oct 2024   #303
Daniel Beauvois

Obviously, that man is a French moron.
19th-century provinces that belonged to Russia and some to Austrian Empire, are bunched together and where is Poland in 1830'? Your ingnorance is immeasurable.
You are shameless.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 Oct 2024   #304
You are

Darling, save your infantile whining for your partner when you make sure she is disloyal to you but she still denies it. hahahaha
Ironside  51 | 13087
24 Oct 2024   #305

stop being shameless and stop posting stupid nonsense.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 Oct 2024   #306
Yaaawn. Thanks for this call it a day reminder.

Just one last quote today:

Interviewer: I have friends from landed gentry families from those regions. They tell a completely different story: that there was mutual respect there, that their ancestor happily welcomed Orthodox Christians and Jews to his manor, who gave him effusive wishes on every holiday. Why the asymmetry in the relations?

Daniel Beauvois: First, memory is not history. Most often, it serves to ennoble a person. Second, the landowners, as good Catholics, wanted to convince themselves that they had a certain sentiment, appreciation, and human feelings for the people. But when we see how the peasants were really treated, it is a bit hard to believe. I have read a lot of landowners' memoirs. And there, everyone is convinced of their decency - there is no sense of guilt or doubt. Everyone believes wholeheartedly that they protected Polishness in the East, that they built the greatness of their nation.

Miloslaw  22 | 5208
24 Oct 2024   #307

Just cheap copy and paste nonsense.

Lazy posting.And you dare to accuse me of the same?
Ironside  51 | 13087
25 Oct 2024   #308
Just one last quote today:

Tu écris comme un cochon.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Oct 2024   #309
copy and paste

You are really a hopeless imbecile if you say it. No, it isn`t, ratso. I would never go down to your sewer level in my posts. Ha!!!

Now, watch out coz an important opinion will be quoted. When i suggested it before, Kania and Ironside saw red.

Interviewer: In these lands, conflicts have been constantly breaking out, with Poles falling victim: from the Khmelnytsky rebellion, through the bloody events of 1917 at Reźhuman, to the Volhynian massacre. Did the Poles bring this fate upon themselves?

Daniel Beauvois: To a large extent, unfortunately. The slave option eventually turned against them. In order to get out of the wild world of serfdom, there was no other way for the Ukrainians than to fight and murder their masters in a cruel way.

GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
25 Oct 2024   #310
Kania and Ironside saw red

I cannot speak for Iron but I certainly didn't "see red". I merely vomited rather violently.

Genocide justifiers are a very special kind of lowlife sick f*cks. Somewhere between rapists and paedophiles.

And you are a genocide justifier, Pawian.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Oct 2024   #311
I merely vomited rather violently.

So, your wife saw your red face, exhausted from violent vomit. You or her saw red, whoever. Still remains in the family. hahahaha


Hey, you are a sick apologist of Polish colonialism, with its cruel oppressors and murderers of Ukrainian people. Decent people and apes despise such creatures like you. Tfu!!!!

It is amaSSing your wife tolerates you in her bed. Does she cherish the same sick opinions as you?

Judging my Kania`s furious comment, I estimate that educating Poles/Polesses about their nasty colonial past in Ukraine will take decades. :(:(:(:( AmaSSing.

PS. I need some data for comparison. How long did it take the British to realise and condemn their colonial past??? The last major colony Brits lost was India in 1947. So, how many years since then???
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
25 Oct 2024   #312
So, your wife (...) amaSSing your wife tolerates (...) Does she cherish

You are a genocide justifier. A couple of levels below a rapist. Why would I talk to you about my wife? Actually, I shouldn't talk to you at all. From now on you are on level par with Strzelec35 for me.

Decent people and apes

Do not confuse self-righteousness with decency.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Oct 2024   #313
I shouldn't talk to you at all.

Because you have no reasonable arguments for your defence, darling. Poles were occupiers in Ukraine and you can`t deny it. And they were treated as occupiers by Ukrainians. But you reject it coz your nationalist pride blinds you
It will take decades to educate you and your lot. But I won`t give up.

n level par

oh la la. Don`t forget to take your antidepressants after this meltdown. hahahaha And make a shrink appointment for tomorrow. buhahahaha
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
25 Oct 2024   #314
Poles were occupiers and they were treated as occupiers

"They"? "They"??? Well, well, well... so you are not only a genocide justifier but also a traitor of your nation. How low can you possibly fall?

take your antidepressants after this meltdown

I'm not taking any meds and neither am I having a meltdown. It simply saddens me to see such moral ruin in a person who perhaps once - long time ago - was a Polish patriot.

Oh, and you don't have decades to "educate me and my lot". You have 10-15 years more to annoy me and my lot. After that you will have to justify not Volhynian genocide but your life and deeds in front of God Almighty. Think about it.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Oct 2024   #315
your nation

Really?? Darling, it means that decent Germans who rejected and condemned their Nazi past were also traitors??? :):):)

I'm not taking any meds

Wrong!! Your must! Do not play silly games with your psyche which gets so easily disturbed. :):):)

You have 10-15 years

:):):) You hope for my demise but you should know that Goddess likes playing tricks on people and apes. So, don`t be so certain which one of two of us will meet Her first. hahahahaha

Think about it.

I do. All the time. That is why I reject Polish colonialism and a few other things that Poles/Polesses did wrong.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
25 Oct 2024   #316

Yes, really. You refer to Poles as "they" and you compare Poland to Nazi Germany. Q.E.D.

my demise

Don't tell me you plan to become a coffin dodger like Novi. Have some decency. Oh, no... wait, you're a genocide justifier and a traitor - you have no decency.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Oct 2024   #317
Poland .

Darling, stop twisting like a maniacal rightist. :):):) I was talking about Poles and Germans, not countries.


Yes, I do. If he can, why can`t I??? :):):)


Yes, I will wait until you take your meds coz now you are in an uncontained psycho stage. :):):)
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
25 Oct 2024   #318
Whatever, monkey. I'm off to catch some z's.

Meanwhile, enjoy the place you have just earned in the PF Sick F*ck Hall of Fame. You've made Strzelec35 proud.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Oct 2024   #319
Decent people and apes

The French historian mentions them, too. But they were too few to put an end to Polish brutality in Ukraine:

Daniel Beauvois: Of course, there were people on the Polish side who cried out loud that this could not go on, that it was time to stop the exploitation. At the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, Szymon Szymonowic encouraged people to treat the peasantry humanely and cited all these horrors. In the 18th century, Adam Kisiel defended the principle that one could be Orthodox and Polish at the same time. In the 19th century, there were many so-called peasant-men, although the name itself indicates that other landowners considered them madmen. There was also the famous communard Jarosław Dąbrowski, a supporter of the free choice of nationality. But in general, hatred between the peasantry and the manor grew until 1917. And the riots in 1905-1906, during the first revolution, were a dress rehearsal for the final catastrophe aka Volhyn Massacre.

enjoy the place

In your psychotic mind??? I surely will. hahahaha buhahaha

I'm off

You certainly need it. Sweet dreams, darling. :):):)
Ironside  51 | 13087
25 Oct 2024   #320
Ironside saw red.

Really? If I see red it is because you are commie.
Polish colonialism

La nuit porte conseil.
oh la la.

Pouvez-vous parlez plus lentement s'il vous plait?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Oct 2024   #321

Inuit?? Do you mean you did your 30 years` time in Canada??? hahahaha Ale witz!!!
Ironside  51 | 13087
25 Oct 2024   #322

go and suck on ice-sickles.
lI y a plus d'un ane a la foire qui s'appelle Martin.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
25 Oct 2024   #323

Qui pro quo??? Do you mean it wasn`t Canada but Greenland???? hahahaha
Ironside  51 | 13087
25 Oct 2024   #324

Can you please slow down and speak American? I'm having trouble understanding your accent.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
25 Oct 2024   #325
lI y a plus d'un ane a la foire qui s'appelle Martin.

Yeah, you live in France.
Alien  26 | 6528
26 Oct 2024   #326
it wasn`t Canada but Greenland????

Nauczył się Morsa.🤣😅
OP pawian  226 | 27817
26 Oct 2024   #327
Can you please slow down

I can`t.

Alien, read what the historian thinks of the Polish rule. Sort of shares your view.

Interviewer: Is Polish rule in Ukraine colonialism?

Daniel Beauvois: Maybe that's not quite the right word, because it all started a few centuries earlier, when that term wasn't used yet. Maybe it would be more accurate to say: "It was a form of feudal expansion." But the results were more or less the same as in the case of colonization. The idea was to take over a certain area in the East - at the expense of the local population. Some elements of that population agreed, they Polonized themselves. But the majority didn't really. So everything had to be imposed on them - Polish culture and Catholicism. This is a policy that later had its counterparts among the French or the English in their overseas colonies.

Alien  26 | 6528
26 Oct 2024   #328
This is a policy that later had its counterparts among the French or the English in their overseas colonies.

It's good to know that we didn't just teach them how to eat with a fork, but also how to deal with black people. 🙂
OP pawian  226 | 27817
26 Oct 2024   #329
but also how to deal with black people. 🙂

Rather deal with white oppressiver occupiers. Ukrainians, when they massacred Polish colonists, exploited the same brutality used on them earlier by Polish lords for centuries. Simple.
Polish nationalists like Iron and common azholes like Kania prefer to ignore basic facts. Polish crimes don`t matter, better to live in sweet denial.
No, azholes, I won`t allow you to live in sweet denial,. I will educate you and others. Let Goddess help me in this holy task.
Ironside  51 | 13087
26 Oct 2024   #330

Hey retard seems that you found some obscure French moron and you fell in love. Copy pasting its moronic nonsense here. I guess for a retard like you such moronic dribble sounds like gospel. lol!

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