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Poles should apologise to Russians first

GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
23 Jul 2023   #1
In 1960s, communist times, Polish bishops issued a declaration which initiated German Polish reconciliation - "we forgive and ask for forgiveness." Their initiative shocked most Poles, coz it was a short time after WW2 when Germans were still viewed as murderous beasts.

Today Poland needs a similar gesture concerning Russia.

Poles are demanding that Russians should apologise for their genocidal crimes on the Polish nation in the interwar period (Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937-38) and during WW2. However, most Poles prefer to forget that it was Poland which invaded and oppressed Russia centuries before, and even captured the Russian capital of Moscow.

Poles should apologise first!! What for?

1/ for the colonisation of Russian territory.
2/ for the enslavement of Russian peoples.
3/ for suppressing Russian attempts to create a benevolent pan-Slavic empire
4/ for all the centuries of cruel anti-Russian jokes and the racist "theory of civilisations" which even today
inclines certain wicked individuals to call our Slavic brothers "Mongols"
5/ for always throwing a spanner into the Russian works and being a "pain in the arse numero uno"
6/ for stubbornly insisting that the borders of Europe are not in the Ural Mountains but on the Bug River
beyond which vast Asian steppes extend
7/ for neither loving Russia as much as we should nor being afraid of her as much as we ought to.
Novichok  4 | 8682
24 Jul 2023   #2
GK, I am really proud of you, man...
Yes, Russians are people, too, and have a right to feel secure.
amiga500  5 | 1541
24 Jul 2023   #3
Don't be silly, Poland should never apologise to it's BEE (Bestest Enemy Ever)
24 Jul 2023   #4
"4/ for all the centuries of cruel anti-Russian jokes and the racist "theory of civilisations" which even today
inclines certain wicked individuals to call our Slavic brothers "Mongols""

So when a group of people literally make huts of mud and dung, no comparison is allowed to be made with people who prefer quality woodwork or brickstones? :)

Some people prefer sticks, other prefer knives and forks. Some have those forks in metal, others in wood.

Math seems to be so cruel to some people! How come there is more of some materials some places, and other places know how to use it better?!

Oh noes! Can it be a better civilization?! :O

Seems like Logic and reasoning is unreachable to some people
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jul 2023   #5
Poles are demanding that Russians should apologise for their genocidal crimes on the Polish nation in the interwar period (Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937-38)

Now you are closer to truth although it is not a popular public demand. I would call it an expectation for an apology which most of Poles know will never take place or will but not within our lifetime, until Russians get civilised which is going to take a long time. .
ConstantineK  26 | 1298
27 Jul 2023   #6
Russians are modern Macedonians. Ancient Greeks had also denied them civilization until the moment when king Philip II took them over.
pawian  226 | 27817
28 Jul 2023   #7
Russians are modern Macedonians.

Not the best comaprison. After some time of splendour and conquest, Macedonians weakened and were subdued by Romans.
Who will Russia - modern Macedonia - be subdued by???
Bobko  27 | 2215
28 Jul 2023   #8
Russians are modern Macedonians

Russia is modern Sparta, and America is modern Athens.

One is impoverished, conservative, patriarchal, and militant. The other is wealthy, liberal, pluralistic, and commercial.

One is basically standing as a lone warrior in the field, the other is surrounded by numerous allies - beholden to it by links of gold.

I will not tell you who won in the end. You can read the History of the Peloponnesian War, for that.
Novichok  4 | 8682
28 Jul 2023   #9
The other is wealthy, liberal, pluralistic, and commercial. forgot decadent and broke.
On the plus side, medically advanced...with men capable of becoming women and even getting pregnant. You are still in medieval times...
pawian  226 | 27817
26 Dec 2024   #10
Poles should apologise first!! What for?
1/ for the colonisation of Russian territory.
2/ for the enslavement of Russian peoples.

You confuse modern Russians with old Rusins aka modern Ukrainians.
Crow  155 | 9700
28 Dec 2024   #11
Message to Russians

Its the responsibility of Russia to make sure Poland survive translation of the world into the new architecture. Why? Its simple. Polish spirit is healthy one. Sunking into Catholicism is result of historical circumstances, same as you Russians sunk in loyalty to Constantinople. And what loyalty to Constantinople did to Russia? Nothing good. What Polish loyalty to papacy did to Poland? Nothing good.

See what I mean. But, Belgrade deflected all traps set by Rome and Constantinople. Greeks or Italians, all the same to us. We preserved SLAVA. We preserved total spiritual independence. In the eye of Serbs both Poland and Russia deviated from the path of ancestors but still, we love you led by the spirit of the ancestors.

So. Look to Belgrade brothers. Look to the oldest core where Garden was born between Danube and Adriatic.

Monument to Veliki Zupan Stefan Nemanja in Belgrade, he stands on the cracked Roman helmet, negating Rome-Constantinople monopoly on the Christ`s path

Russians helping to Poles. Because Russia is now strongest Slavic state. That is what I want to see. Then, you together come to Serbia.

  • redandwhitesardragon.jpg
Crow  155 | 9700
28 Dec 2024   #12
Let victory of Russia prove to be victory of our entire Slavic ie Sarmatian civilization.

Fenečki biseri - two songs > Russian Rjabinuška & Ovo je Srbija/This is Serbia

Ironside  51 | 13086
28 Dec 2024   #13
Let victory

La Victorie est á Nous! Vive la Pologne!

Crow  155 | 9700
28 Dec 2024   #14
France was pissing on Russia through Poland. So, the Poles were wet too.

It was not the rain brothers. Awake.

Home / History / Poles should apologise to Russians first

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