OP Lodz_The_Boat 32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010 #91
just ask Crow or Natasa
Natasa is "you know who".
Well as for Crow ... he has his own stuff to say. For me, I would say that the reason was bondage. If you read my topic post, and other posts (specially the topic post) you will see no bondage. Bondage doesnt work anywhere, specially with Poles it never works.
Among all Slavs, Russians and Poles are the most romantic. Romantic groups dont like Bondage, and thus they keep on having uprising and revolutions. As for the Yugoslavians ... the problem arises when someone becomes too powerful and tries to oppress others into listening to him.
We believe in a fair Slavic union. Why are you trying to invent or concentrate on problems only? Did I not mention equal representation from all big or small nations on the table? One representative from each of the states. Secular ... respecting religion ... democratically elected from each of their respective states!
Every structure will have one thing very common ... the LOVE and the HEART of the Slavs.
Equal male and female participation ... and for the world to see our diverse nature, we will have even the German Slavic or the Turkish Slavic or the Asian or Indian or American or Brazilian or British or Irish + Slavic representatives working in our important departments as heads even.
Its not a regressive AXIS which many of the other European neighbors are renowned to create which spreats facism and hatred and racism and what not ... all foreign and non-Slavic imports ... we are better than that. Our skin-heads are unemployed in-confident and aimless bunch who need to be groomed into values of ours so that they can understand the distinction and work together for a flourishing future!