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Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation?

OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #91
just ask Crow or Natasa

Natasa is "you know who".

Well as for Crow ... he has his own stuff to say. For me, I would say that the reason was bondage. If you read my topic post, and other posts (specially the topic post) you will see no bondage. Bondage doesnt work anywhere, specially with Poles it never works.

Among all Slavs, Russians and Poles are the most romantic. Romantic groups dont like Bondage, and thus they keep on having uprising and revolutions. As for the Yugoslavians ... the problem arises when someone becomes too powerful and tries to oppress others into listening to him.

We believe in a fair Slavic union. Why are you trying to invent or concentrate on problems only? Did I not mention equal representation from all big or small nations on the table? One representative from each of the states. Secular ... respecting religion ... democratically elected from each of their respective states!

Every structure will have one thing very common ... the LOVE and the HEART of the Slavs.

Equal male and female participation ... and for the world to see our diverse nature, we will have even the German Slavic or the Turkish Slavic or the Asian or Indian or American or Brazilian or British or Irish + Slavic representatives working in our important departments as heads even.

Its not a regressive AXIS which many of the other European neighbors are renowned to create which spreats facism and hatred and racism and what not ... all foreign and non-Slavic imports ... we are better than that. Our skin-heads are unemployed in-confident and aimless bunch who need to be groomed into values of ours so that they can understand the distinction and work together for a flourishing future!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 Dec 2010   #92
When are you starting your movement Lodz?

How do you plan to go about your union? What's your next step?
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #93
Nah, Natasa is Natasa (trust me)

Because there are multiple problems to be addressed, simple. Think first, act later and not the other way round.

As for changing the attitude of skinheads, good luck. If that is love then I'd hate to see hate :)
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #94
When are you starting your movement Lodz?

Movement started when I first entered university. My movement always have been towards racial harmony ... cultural exchange and understanding ... and also to build a harmonious slavic sentiment which have been wonderfully greeted even by the unaware Kashmiri (a name of a place many Poles dont even know). Such is the attractiveness of our union ... its nothing like past demons have made you see... .

What's your next step?

Build more awareness.... share our thoughts with other Slavic brothers and sisters ... which is already in motion ... A bigger and combined voice, direction, proper mission-vision-strategy ... and u will see the rise everywhere ... a rise supported by even those who just love unity, prosperity and goodness!

We are the right ones to come forward and give that push to the world to move yet another step forward. We have the HEART!

As for changing the attitude of skinheads, good luck. If that is love then I'd hate to see hate :)

I didnt understand this? What is love and what is hate which you would hate to see?

Skinhead issue will be resolved. I have seen skin-heads turn real multi-culti even =D ... ha ha ... I could post pics in loads but its not right or safe.

See Sean ... things change only if the elements of change are properly utilized to the proper subject, as every subject is different.

Yep, there are those who are too stubborn and really very difficult. For them we'll have the law and jail. I dont want someone to hit you for being irish or scottish (there are ppl who would do that even ... there are various levels of extremism).
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 Dec 2010   #95
Movement started when I first entered university. My movement always have been towards racial harmony ... cultural exchange and understanding ... and also to build a harmonious slavic sentiment which have been wonderfully greeted even by the unaware Kashmiri (a name of a place many Poles dont even know). Such is the attractiveness of our union ... its nothing like past demons have made you see... .

Well....if the Kashmiri approve of your idea then nothing can go wrong anymore! ;)

Yep, there are those who are too stubborn and really very difficult. For them we'll have the law and jail.

So they better hail your union or else...

Will be interesting to watch! That's for sure :)
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #96
Then why didn't that Slavic love work in the Balkans, £ódź? It wasn't like the Bosniaks were all wild Mujihadeen from Arabic countries, was it? They were not so different from other Yugoslavs at all.

Do you want to know where the biggest pro-Slavic sentiment comes from, £ódź? Do you know?

£ódź, those skinjole are a law unto themselves. Me being white would probably get me off the hook, tho
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #97
if the Kashmiri approve of your idea then nothing can go wrong anymore! ;)

It was an example how acceptable and soothing is the idea that someone from nowhere (atleast people we dont come across with everyday) also finds it wonderful. Its not something that makes people feel unwanted or low, something which some other European state thought of ... like demons.

But then how can you understand that ...

Our union is something even the little girl and the eldest or wisest in Poland would prefer ... considering a good heart and a beautiful future to walk together with.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #98
What would the Slavic Union's stance on Kosovo be, then? The way I see it, Slavic govts are divided on that one. The people are generally pro-Serbia on it. You'd have to address that as it is a major geopolitical hot potato.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 Dec 2010   #99
Our union is something even the little girl and the eldest or wisest in Poland would prefer ... considering a good heart and a beautiful future to walk together with. many votes did your party get last time?

With so much natural understanding and support it should be easy to win the votings...
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #100
Me being white

U r too confident about your whiteness my friend. Too much confidence is not good.

hen why didn't that Slavic love work in the Balkans, £ódź?

What are you a sadist? There have been artificially created reasons PLUS ...the racism is not innately slavic and it never will work in any of the Slavic lands, specially not in Poland (I reckon not in Russia either ... they are far more mixed).

Will be interesting to watch! That's for sure :)

Oh yeah ... so your desperate skinhead lunatic brothers be help loose? ... No! ... Law and order will protect civilization ... no skinhead can be let loose to bother our citizens.

Try that in ur country BB ... no one is stopping you. You keep stooping low and come here to try and fill with some of ur racism and maniacism and what not ... trying to make us look incapable of having our prosperous union. You have said "bye" several times now already. But look at you =D .... insecure as hell with the prospect of something far more respectable and constructive rising from Europe and that also from the Slavs eh?

stance on Kosovo

Are you a 2 yrs old child sean? ... pardon me, but you should already know as i put this thread on, as well as from my topic post.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
25 Dec 2010   #101
Nah, Natasa is Natasa (trust me)

I too thought it was Crow in disguise

Build more awareness

£ódź seriously if you mention something like Slavic Union or brotherhood to a Polish person he'll look at you like you've just got released from a mental institution ( sala numer 5) brotherhood with Russians, Ukrainians?? Saying something like we should all be together and we share the same blood sounds like some insane racist talk to a Pole.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #102
insane racist talk to a Pole.

It depends on how you put it ... read the topic post before saying something.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 Dec 2010   #103

I only asked how far your movement has come till there any at all???

I mean you are always talking big how THE Slavs can't wait to come together and build the grande must have something to show for it, don't you!

Maybe you can convince some Kashmiri to vote for you?


It depends on how you put it ... read the topic post before saying something.

No really...Lodz...building a union on blood and genetic heritage, excluding everybody that not racist??
When did you blast your last functioning brain cell?

You are accusing others of racism in every second post but you are the biggest one in this thread.
A super überrace, huh? So much better than the where did you hear that one before!

But I always knew you for an imposter and a bigot hypocrite with all your lofty I'm-so-enlightened-talk you swamp the board with.

And Europe is to old and weary for that sh*it again...
PennBoy  76 | 2429
25 Dec 2010   #104
It depends on how you put it ... read the topic post before saying something.

Yes I have read the topic:Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? That sounds like Poland closely together with other Slavs, less friendly and excluding other non-Slavic nations, sounds racist.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #105
I said probably, £ódź. You never know with those guys and me being Scottish may be cause enough (though I can't see why)

A sadist? No, just a realist or do you think that war didn't even happen? Slavs killing Slavs on a mass scale. We didn't see much religious tolerance there either.

Insults don't work either, £ódź. A Slavic Alliance would HAVE TO address Kosovo so what's your proposal? That's the question of a mature person, not of a kid.

True, Pennboy. I see where he is coming from but it would be far too much like Us Vs Them.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
25 Dec 2010   #106
True, Pennboy. I see where he is coming from but it would be far too much like Us Vs Them.

What would Europe and the rest of the world think if Poland/Russia/Ukraine announced suddenly a Slavic Federation? or Germany a Germanic Federation with Austria? WWIII is coming.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #107
Precisely! It has those undertones and it doesn't need a union for people to get together. I was telling Crow about a Polish-Serbian exchange here in Poland not so very long ago. I'm sure there are countless numbers of friendly societies that people can subscribe to/join. It comes from the peoples' will and not unscrupulous leaders.

£ódź didn't answer me. My answer was metal concerts. You really get a lot of pro-Slavic types there shouting SLAVA non stop. It recognises common culture. My wife likes black metal and she has videos showing the closeness of Slavs at concerts. However, she is most definitely not a fan of many Russians given the words she uses. Ukrainians she tends to like.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #108
But I always knew

You cannot think beyond your racist self you attention monger.

Maybe you can convince some Kashmiri to vote for you?

It was an example as I cleared before ... but ur true racist self as all over it can be seen on the thread will always want to pump the racist subject. Disgusting and sickening to the core.

less friendly and excluding other non-Slavic nations, sounds racist

You certainly didnt read the part which said about working with other nations aswell didnt read how we welcome other nation citizens for education and even integration. I am in favor of immigration ... I am also in favor of the Polish mixed marriages and the mixed Children as OUR CHILDREN. How less racist can it get?

There are commonwealths ... there are small regional unions ... there are regional support systems. THIS IS ALL THAT I AM LOOKING FOR IN A SLAVIC UNION.

Its not that we are superior to others ... or that

Us Vs Them

thing. No absolutely not.

Problem is that you all only know about the version of Imperialist Britian and Nazi Germany or the Soviet extremism. You have no idea about anything that can work beyond wars and racism ... thats why you think everyone who talks about a union either wants it for racist purposes, or war or etc. It is exactly what the Slavic Union WILL NOT BE ABOUT.

TO address Kosovo

They are to be treated as brothers ... their economy supported ... their universities supported ... their children be welcome in our universities ... cultural exchanges ... everything constructive.

It was not an insult but a wake up call to you. Many times I've seen some people get obsesses with racism spread by the likes of BB and southern and jar ... its unfortunate. Think outside the "racist" box and then we will be talking. Take this plain and simple that the SLAVIC UNION WILL NOT CARRY ANYTHING RACIST.

You guys are not slavic mostly ... but ofcourse I welcome everyone. But so unfortunate that you desperately want to blemish a Slavic union as racist because the Brits and Germans have the most racist past ... but we are neither Brits nor Germans. We have something else to give to the world and Europe which they have never seen before.

First you guyz remove your racist hearts and then u'll know that true Slavs are never racists =). Its not a part of our culture tradition or history.

WWIII is coming.

Why do you start thinking from racism POV ... havent you heard of teams working together ... our union is not for war but for peace and progress. Keep racism out of it please. Definately we are not racist, and I'll be the first to walk out of anything racist.

I myself am in an interracial union ... !
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #109
£odź, I reviled imperialist Britain. I castigated Stalin's regime. I loathed Nazi Germany. I know the main history but what's your point here?

Aha, so Albanians are to get favourable treatment, right? They are the dominant group in Kosovo now.

Not racists? Do you have any idea how white Russia treats those with coloured skin now?? I know from MANY sources exactly how and they are racist scumbags. Poland has a lot of racists too and I've met some. There are quite a few purists amongst Slavs (and anyone else for that matter) and you can't ignore that. I'm from a family that doesn't tolerate racism.

The Brits and Germans gave you some of the best inventions in the world. What's wrong with that?
25 Dec 2010   #110
I reviled imperialist Britain. I castigated Stalin's regime. I loathed Nazi Germany.

Wow! I didn't know you're that old, Seanus. Fair play to you for standing up against all those
terrible regimes!
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #111
The Brits and Germans gave you some of the best inventions in the world

I am not against inventions ... Inventions were given by Poland too. Hell a few years ago I was reading a book about Britians Imperialist past where I read about a certain TIPPU SULTAN who invented the rocket armory which the British used aswell. Inventions can be given ... its good ... but racism is bad.

know the main history but what's your point here?


so Albanians are to get favourable treatment, right? They are the dominant group in Kosovo now.

I am not against anybody. I told you, its not CROW version, its my version.

Poland has a lot of racists too and I've met some. There are quite a few purists amongst Slavs

And I tell you this is not natural among us. Its a foreign import. We were never racists even in the most racist periods of history. We are farming people! FARMING!

Unemployment, helplessness ... lacking in confidence ... these are some of the factors which push them to try and take help from misleading ESCAPIST feelings such as racist. It helps them to escape from their own failures ... like a drug ... its all bad and need to be removed. The youth need to be give a better direction.

Why you meet racists anyways ... there are 1000 good Pole for 1 racist.


Seanus ... if you read my exact previous post u'll see that no all unions are for segregation .. just dont see it from the glasses colored by Brits and Germans.

white Russia treats those with coloured skin now

What white Russia? ... How many are really white there? ... (apart from the fact that white doesnt even make any difference).

Russian youths are much more mislead ... they need stability. Russians are much more into your "interacial" things than anywhere. Oh yeah I know this well ... I dont think of them as racist ... but then again, as I said, escapists are there - the more desperate the economy and the more broken the family structures - the more racists will churn out of it.
Crow  154 | 9548
25 Dec 2010   #112
Wow! I didn't know you're that old, Seanus.

Yes. Highlander.

/there can be only one... between legs/ ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #113
Hehehe, you played my card, Torqy :) :) I also criticise, albeit jokingly, those that pretend to have the monopoly on history (defo not me, btw) when they weren't even there. We can all wangle second-hand news any which way we like but we didn't live it.

I was taking a more principled approach, my friend.

Seanus (raises his kieliszek with miodowny krupnik and contemplates romanticism) :)

BB is in for a treat now. Crow and £ódź are here together :) Let's see the Slavic bracia there :)

Oh, Crow, here's to Highlanders :) :) Góraly are the most in touch with their cultural roots :) This is where Scots and Poles are very close indeed :)

£ódź, I love many Poles. They are a brethren of sorts for me. Good people are good people wherever you are.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #114
Just dont think of our Slavic Union as some superiorist master union in the process. Its an economic and cultural union ... with joint defences and a helpful nature ... with its neighbors and other nations ... ITS ABOUT PROSPERITY =)

Crow and £ódź are here together

I respect him for his feelings for a Slavic Unity ... but our versions of the Slavic Union is not exactly same maybe ... or I dont know, he will be the one to decide on that.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 Dec 2010   #115
Just dont think of our Slavic Union as some superiorist master union in the process.


Who was talking all the time about this special slavic soul and heart (something the mean Germanics don't have of course) much more special than the dour neighbours....the famous slavic spirit..which alone should make this union work because its's so f*ucking fantastic and something no non-slav can ever hope to understand!

You are quite messed up, aren't cha.

Keep racism out of it please.

A SLAVIC union is build on racism you racist dumb nut!
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #116
I can say that it does help but you have to target the string pullers. For me, I wasn't happy that Scottish regiments got involved in internal Irish disputes with the IRA and UDF. However, fractious disputes are a reality and we have to treat them as such. If you can eke out a common agenda, then fine. I'm just saying that ethnic kin alone is far from sufficient to move forward positively.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #117
A SLAVIC union is build on racism you dumb nut!

IT IS NOT. Racism breeds in ur kinds of minds BB ... you cannot think beyond it ... nothing to do with you.

ethnic kin alone

Its not only Ethnic ... we are around each other. Slavic Union is not to be based on racism and thats for sure Seanus. I hopefully clarified it many times till now.
25 Dec 2010   #118
raises his kieliszek with miodowny krupnik

Ah, Krupnik - great stuff. I see you can appreciate good Polish liquor :)

all the time about this special slavic soul and much more special than the dour
neighbours... something no non-slav can ever hope to understand!

Don't worry, BB. Scientists say that the evolution of human kind is still in process, so it is
possible that in maybe 150,000 - 200,000 years time, Germans will develop heart and soul
too (especially that you constantly mix with Slavic people). The future looks bright - let
the evolution do its job! ;)

A SLAVIC union is build on racism

But if we take in Hungarians and Romanians then you can't play this card against us anymore - ha!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 Dec 2010   #119
IT IS NOT. Racism breeds in ur kinds of minds BB ... you cannot think beyond it ... nothing to do with you.


So Slavs are genetically resistant to nationalism and racism??? ;)

Sorry, but you are found out and seen through. You are as racist as the most lowlife skinhead. You should hug each other as comrades next time you see one. Hail Slavija!

Don't worry, BB. Scientists say that the evolution of human kind is still in process, so it is
possible that in maybe 150,000 - 200,000 years time, Germans will develop heart and soul
too (especially that you constantly mix with Slavic people). The future looks bright - let
the evolution do its job! ;)

Oh **** off
25 Dec 2010   #120
Oh **** off


Now, THAT'S the spirit (and some heart and soul too)! Well done, BB ;)

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