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Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation?

Borrka  37 | 592
25 Dec 2010   #61
I would be for including Russia in the Union

The most important factor are Russian chicks with Slavonic R1a1a haplogroup .
Blueyed and blond with Slavic high cheeks bones.
Smart and warm.
For me reason enough to accept Ivans, pardon our Slavic brothers from Mongolian steps in all unions of universe...
25 Dec 2010   #62
the dying out of Germans and Russians!!!

You're like dinosaurs - accept it. The future planet Earth will be populated by Poles (and some Serbs.)

The most important factor are Russian chicks with Slavonic R1a1a haplogroup .
Blueyed and blond with Slavic high cheeks bones.
Smart and warm.
For me reason enough to accept Ivans, pardon our Slavic brothers from Mongolian steps in all unions of universe...

Good thinking, Borrka.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
25 Dec 2010   #63
You will need a meteoric impact to achieve that...HA!!!

(You forgot the Hungarians)
25 Dec 2010   #64
(You forgot the Hungarians)

No, I didn't. I consider them as Poles - such is the deepeness with which I feel
the Eternal Polish-Hungarian Friendship and Brotherhood! But you don't want to
get me started on Pol-Hun friendship, do you? ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #65
What would this federation do that currently isn't being done? Simple question!
25 Dec 2010   #66
Unite all Slavs.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #67
Croatians with Serbs? Russians with Poles? Czechs with Slovaks?

You can tell a Russian, 'forget the past', 'forget the past' and he'll think you mean remember, LOL You'd have to overcome the false friends :)
25 Dec 2010   #68
Croatians with Serbs? Russians with Poles? Czechs with Slovaks?

Absolutely. If French can get along with Germans within the EU, then I can't see why
all Slavs couldn't do the same in the Glorious Slavic Empire Under the Sun.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #69
Mitterand got on well with Kohl. Sarkozy gets on well with Merkel etc etc. They are just the leaders, Torq, those that follow geopolitics instead of looking out for their people. What kind of governments let a problem build up so much without any real protective measures? The answer is the current ones. Only now are Sarkozy and Merkel addressing the problem of the failures of multiculturalism and, while the Germans and French have a common problem there, it is the police that will deal with it.

So, having focussed on just one geopolitical reality, my question to you is this. How do you get the people together and explain the significance of cooperation when there is a lot of suspicion around? A union must be meaningful to the people and not just for politicians who often lazily just side with the West.
25 Dec 2010   #70
How do you get the people together

It would be quite easy. Slavs feel natural liking towards one another, even if the rulers
of their countries disagree or even fight.

A union must be meaningful to the people

And it would be. You underestimate the feeling of kinship that joins all Slavs (yes, even Poles
and Russians or Croats and Serbs.) When I visit a Slavic country, I feel almost like I'm at
home, and it's not only about similar languages. There is something... je ne sais quoi... call it
a Slavic Spirit or Slavic Soul. "Słowiańska dusza" is something that makes ordinary Poles,
Russians, Slovaks or Serbs feel that they are a part of a big family (a dysfunctional family,
yes, but a family nonetheless.)
southern  73 | 7059
25 Dec 2010   #71
I also feel that feeling.It is a sense of great freedom and naturality.You don't feel the germanic oppresion.Slavs are also quite similar in sense of fashion,appearance,behaviour,customs etc.And there is some nobleness as well.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
25 Dec 2010   #72
You Slavs are worse than western or central Europeans regarding a union and working together and accept leaderships. (Southern has a point here)

HAHA because i think underneath it all Slavs really hate each other.
southern  73 | 7059
25 Dec 2010   #73
Actually I notice that Slavs get quite well on when vaccationing at the same place.They usually choose the same places since they have facilities that fit them.I have never seen any conflcit between Russians and Poles or between Serbs and Russians and they are all so similar with Czechs and Slovaks you need to be really experienced to differentiate them.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #74
First of all I am appalled how some of you are asking "what and how" questions to SOUTHERN! ... You guyz really sick or what? Neither is he a Slav nor is he the logic king of PF. He is a pervert and a complete racist package, something which does not bring the complete picture of Slavs.

As for those who are not serious about Slavic union (Borrka), then why are you joking aimlessly? Dont you think its a shame for someone who have so much faith in EU and so much against the capability of Slavs to build a prosperous Slavic Union/Alliance to even talk?

Well ... Slavic union would have a lot of give, and a fresh new perspective of love and unity, with economic alliance, and military would be a nice beginning. JUST READ MY TOPIC POST AND THERE I HAVE EXPLAINED ABIT.

BB - you really couldnt stay away could you? Sometimes Crow seems to speak logic when he talks about some Germans who would do anything to spoil anything Slavic, even if its a discussion like this. Just to try and prove we are incapable, dream-kings and nothing else, German slaves ... just reading through the thread about your pathetic comments and sentiments for Poland and the broader Slavic population makes it evident. Why cant you atleast be optimistic or encouraging to our high ideals are real potential? We have something more to give the world which your FAMOUS RACIST SELF is not!

Slavic union is not necessarily going away from the rest of Europe or the EU. We would like to be a separate regional power, which can operate apart from EU.

We have a progressive, forward looking, logical agenda with which we can move forward.

These are Slavic lands and no one is a half-anything (as BB said) ... they are Slavic enriched or mixed individuals ... born out of Slavic elements ... and will rise to aide the Slavic purpose and a future where Slavs contribute with positivity.

Racism was never Slavic ... its something imported from the DESPICABLE people in the neighborhood. Even it carries name with are derived from foreign books and languages.

In any ways ... very disappointing how some people (usually foreigners) in PF see the Poles and their capability to share with their Slavic brothers and sisters. Very unfortunate.

underneath it all Slavs really hate each other.

We dont ... but differences have been created. We dont have an innate hate for each other. Unfortunately we are not helped by absolutely any well-wisher to remove the misunderstandings.

Specially, the Polish Slavs are much more liberated ... they think differently. Sometimes alot more romantic than the other Slavs. While the Russian Slavs are far, and they are not as interested in the Slavic identity. I welcome their diversity (The Russian Slavs are very much more mixed and diverse) ... but they just don't realize that they are born and raised on Slavic lands and they have the Slavic genes, with which comes a responsibility towards these neglected people of Europe who actually had alot of good to give, and may have a leadership capability in them.

Is this good? ... Certainly not.
Sokrates  8 | 3335
25 Dec 2010   #75
We'll then proceed to Locate Crows family and have his sister make out with a muslim albanian, see if crows head explodes:)
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #76
Some do, some don't. Torq, don't you feel that many Poles tend to ignore one another? I have been observing this for a long time now. Sorry, but I don't see much natural liking amongst Poles on the streets. Also, they face the same dividing factors as others. Road rage, the dreaded waiting in queues and anger after drinking. This is even more the case with Poles in the UK where it's more of a dog-eat-dog scenario. I guess I've just taken a leaf out of BB's book here and addressed practical concerns.

I understand what you are saying but history is history. I can see the comfort that comes with being in amongst felllow Slavs but there is also a pecking order and BB alluded to that too. Most Poles would not subjugate themselves to the Ruskies and I know this from multiple discussions. Nonetheless, Russia would see the potential to manipulate this potentially powerful union. Another concern is enlightening some of their Slavicness. 'My Polacy' would have to change to become 'My Słowianiny'. I don't think that would be easy given Polish people's constant striving for their own identity. Part of the Polish psyche, and a major part I might add, is the Sandwich Doctrine (my own nonsense here) :) I've really lost count of the number of times a Pole has talked to me about being caught between Germany and Russia. It's like they are still waiting for the numbing effect to wear off and will be doing so indefinitely.

Also, I heard a guy in Lukas Bank talking about Czechs not liking Poles. Now, some do and some don't (as we should all know by now, LOL) but it does seem to me, from discussions with many Poles, that they cannot really follow Czech language but Czechs can follow theirs. In order for a union to work, there must be communication. There couldn't be this complacence that, oh, us Slavs are so similar and understand one another. Well, I've seen differently and Slavs have to tackle in-built nationalism and also put themselves out in order to REALLY understand fellow Slavs. That takes a lot of work and a complete abandoning of the 'oh, this is our land (Kresy, Lviv etc)' mentality. It would be like a marriage and that involves a lot of sacrifice for a common cause. Trust me, as I'm sure you know yourself! The nature of humanity is to identify with your own and accrue for yourselves but we should follow the lead of the Germans in the EU. I mean in the sense of dipping into their coffers to advance the interests of the union's growth. Some German pragmatism wouldn't hurt.

I could say more but that's enough to sink your teeth into for now. Oh, I might just add that I identify with Celts but there are many Irishman that would do my head in. Knowing a bit of their Gaelic (from some knowledge of my own) is a start but that's all it is. Bringing back common culture is hugely important but we are losing sight of that far too quickly.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #77
see if crows head explodes:)

Why should his sister make out with a Muslim Albanian? ... Why are you trying to enforce extremism and hatred here?

If his sister genuinely loves someone, who happens to be a muslim or an Albanian, I am sure Crow will know better what to do ... no matter how much he shouts or screams in here, I think he will do something surprising ... and that would not be ugly at all. Unlike some innate racists who wish for blood and sadistic things to keep happening all the time.

Atleast Poles would never go to extremes. I've seen Polish girls go for Muslims, and even the granny gives way after some grumble. But there've been conversions/adjustments from the other way round aswell. I am not saying people must convert to Catholicism, but they need to make little adjustments ... and its always possible and keep happening. Tons of examples, but in a public forum filled with perverts its hard to post.

Plus Slavs by nature (atleast I can say about Poland ASWELL AS RUSSIA) very accepting people, not innately racist.

s but we should follow the lead of the Germans in the EU

Sorry Sean ... I guess thats your wish, you cannot think everyone would wish the same.

Poles tend to ignore one another?

Those little igoring doesnt prevent the general sentiments of a union

. 'My Polacy' would have to change to become 'My Słowianiny'. I don't think that would be easy given Polish people's constant striving for their own identity.

She would be happy ... talk about it with her in an unbiased way. By the way, she would be sad with your ideas about the incapability of Slavs. Be careful there Mr. Sean.

As for our self identity, it is strong and the states would remain ... there will be an Alliance/Union of its kind but it doesnt mean we become one big country.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #78
£ódź, I only meant in the terms of helping out weaker powers to redress imbalances. Otherwise, you are gonna have the position where the bigger players rule beyond proportionality grounds.

A union which would have to choose its leaders very carefully indeed!

What incapability, £ódź? I wouldn't generalize in such a dumb way. I was just addressing realities, not fairytales.

a thorn in the Slavic side in ways but he also embraced the internal divisions which characterises many Slavs. It's about Milosevic, Slobodan. I was not as critical of him as others, nothing like it, but he did approach Tudjman and then we know what happened when Kakadardevo wasn't followed.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #79
It's about Milosevic, Slobodan.

Those have no place in the hearts of majority of the Slavs. These are issues we need to come in terms with for the greater good of the Slavs. I hope Slavs, for the greater good of a unity, will come to realize how wrong these people have been.

not fairytales.

I am not talking fairytale either. Why should it be fairytale? ... Its very logical.

I have an opinion of having a Leader Parliament ... of a bench with representatives of all states ... one representative from each state, no matter how big or small the state is ... it creates a fare chance of equal voice.

We all must come to terms with ourselves ... unions are not easy. Even a marriage is not easy with the absence of an all encompassing love.
25 Dec 2010   #80
'My Słowianiny'

My, Słowianie.

In order for a union to work, there must be communication.

This has already been taken care of:

The rest of your post is just nitpicking, grumping and obstacle-inventing, so I will just ignore it.
Long live the Glorious Slavic Empire!

Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #81
Well, I won't enter a deeper discussion but Putin and Lukashenko would present obstacles to any future union. How do you propose to deal with them?

OK, that would seem to be logical, £ódź, but how would you control some of the more firey elements? What do I mean? I mean, for example, some Ukrainian influences. Have you ever seen the Ukrainian Parliament in session? It's wild!! The Russians at times too. The reality is that many Poles look down on that kind of behaviour and 'etiquette'.

Politics doesn't breed love, £ódź :(

Torq, thanks for the correction :) What nitpicking? That wasn't my intention.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
25 Dec 2010   #82
'My Polacy' would have to change to become 'My Słowianiny'

My Słowianie Seanus ;)

underneath it all Slavs really hate each other.

We dont ... but differences have been created.

Sorry I meant the older and middle ages people, the younger Poles don't have a problem with anybody, different generation, unless he's some unemployed skinhead from a broken home.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #83
Thanks, Pennboy :) The generation gap is a major issue which needs to be bridged. Look at Borrka, he is divided. One part of him likes the Ruskies but the other is of an angry man for what they did to his family. Younger ones didn't really experience much loss which is in sharp contrast to the oldies.
25 Dec 2010   #84
Putin and Lukashenko would present obstacles to any future union.

And such obstacles will be dealt with appropriately. In the future Slavic Empire there will
be no place for local watażkowie. Anti-slavicunion element will be taken care of.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #85
So, some sleeper cells to observe Putin and some snipers to take him out if necessary? ;) ;)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
25 Dec 2010   #86
Is it really possible?


Sounds good, I mean the world/phrase ... a Slavic alliance ... not bad eh?

It does sound bad

Oh no I'm not stealing the show from dear ol' Crow!

No your making one without pictures of heritage or specific reasons to make one (That's why I like Crowie!)

From Sea to Sea is an good thought + adding Germany into it if they want to! Germany is a strong powerhouse.
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #87
That's why I like Crowie

Thats his version ... this is mine. =)

adding Germany into it if they want to!

I wonder if its his version ... but its not mine.

Slavic union with Slavic states =) ...
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
25 Dec 2010   #88
I wonder if its his version ...

THat is my version
OP Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522
25 Dec 2010   #89
What a version ... where r u from anyways?

Germans are not in ... the whole union thing is then useless. They are not in in any condition. Yea we can work together on projects and stuffs ... but they are not in the Union ... not in the Slavic land where I live in ... nope.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Dec 2010   #90
In order to overcome history, you need to address one very important reality. I've noticed that a common Slavic trait is denial. There is hope from the Katyń revelations but there is still a long way to go. Take the case of Yugoslavia. Those people are sooo similar, just ask Crow or Natasa. Yet they were able to kill one another willy-nilly. Nationalism and denial don't disappear fast and are left to linger.

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