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Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians?

12 Feb 2009   #451
Comical relief :-]

Germans SS soldiers (Mitchell and Webb look)
12 Feb 2009   #453
Yes, yes you are. Very funny and enjoyable. I can't believe I was so wrong about you. You're so cute and delectable (I hope I'm tolerant and bright enough now ;-])

Funny thing: Whenever I met a German on the forum and someone mention a WWII topic all of them (Germans) swears that their predecessor were fighting against the regime.

How old are you?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969
12 Feb 2009   #454
I can't believe I was so wrong about you. You're so cute and delectable (I hope I'm tolerant and bright enough now ;-])'s never to late!

Funny thing: Whenever I met a German on the forum and someone mention a WWII topic all of them (Germans) swears that their predecessor were fighting against the regime.

You don't know many Germans, do you....till some years back resistance or deserters were seen as traitors in the broad german public, it's only changing slowly...well...with resistance as Stauffenberg anyhow....

Deserters have still a hard stand!

How old are you?

Not old enough to remember the war and I doubt you are!
12 Feb 2009   #455
Rafal_1981: How old are you?

Not old enough to remember the war and I doubt you are!

No, I'm 27. I don't remember The War however history is one of my hobbies.

I have always asked myself a question: why almost the whole nation supported that madness.
What happened to the German people.
You just became barbarian. You had lost your humanity.
Like I said before I have much appreciation for German composers, poets and inventors but WWII crossed out their achievements in my eyes. I mean I still appreciate them but I can't look at them without thinking what will happen with that nation in the future.

I like to think of Germans as a two nations: one pre-nazi and the other after-nazi
I don't find a common language with the after-nazi Germans.
It is like an ancient China and nowadays China, but worse..
Babinich  1 | 453
12 Feb 2009   #456
People are people... You cannot hold today's generation at fault for the sins committed by others.

Live and let live...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969
12 Feb 2009   #457
I have always asked myself a question: why almost the whole nation supported that madness.

Then it seems you still have a lot to learn...good luck!
12 Feb 2009   #458
People are people... You cannot hold today's generation at fault for the sins committed by others.

Live and let live...

I'm not killing anyone. I am just asking a questions...
Babinich  1 | 453
12 Feb 2009   #459
I'm not killing anyone.

I know, I didn't mean to imply you were.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969
12 Feb 2009   #460
I'm not killing anyone. I am just asking a questions...

No you don't!
You are talking all the time how you can't communicate with will you ever find answers then? You are not interested in the first place, you prefer to wallow in generalizations and bombastic phrases, still seeing the modern Germany as Nazi state...remember our last discussion!

You said you "endured" one year in Hamburg but you have prejudices like someone who never set a foot into Germany. You are perfectly happy with the "bad Germans"!
12 Feb 2009   #461
You are talking all the time how you can't communicate with Germans

To 'communicate' with someone it is something different than to 'talk' to someone.
I just think that there is no communication platform for Poles and the Germans.
We can talk though.
12 Feb 2009   #463
Talking and communicating are a two different things. You have to know it if you are married, heh :-]

  • -
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969
12 Feb 2009   #464
Boy Rafal...our peoples live since millenias side by side, there is barely another peoples with so much interaction and mixing!

Lot's of Poles lived and live in Germany forever...ever heard of Klose and Podolski? And the coach of your successful handbal team learned the game in Germany and even played for the german national team before and that are just a few actual examples.

Polonia in Germany is the second largest in the world and the largest in can't be all that bad, can't it!

Get a grip man!
plk123  8 | 4119
12 Feb 2009   #465
I just think that there is no communication platform for Poles and the Germans.

why? i'd rather PL be friendly with the germans then the russians. germans aren't into bullying PL like the russians.
12 Feb 2009   #466
our peoples live since millenias side by side, there is barely another peoples with so much interaction and mixing!

That is why I put a census between pre-nazi and after-nazi Germans...

BTW: The second largest Polonia is in the UK.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969
12 Feb 2009   #467
That is why I put a census between pre-nazi and after-nazi Germans...

No you don't! Your

I just think that there is no communication platform for Poles and the Germans.

...was quite generally!

BTW: The second largest Polonia is in the UK.

Well...that is a quite recent development then! :)
But do you have numbers? Wiki says this:

Estimates for the total number of people living in the UK and born in Poland, or of Polish descent vary significantly. The figure has been quoted as 600,000 (February 2007)[10] and "well over a million" (October 2007),[11] but more recently it is reported that the numbers are decreasing.[12]


The second largest Polonia in the world, and the largest in Europe, is the Polish German community. As many as three million people living in Germany may be of Polish descent, although the vast majority of these identify themselves as Germans. The main Polonia organization is Kongres Polonii Niemieckiej / Polnischer Kongress in Deutschland. Polish surnames are very common in Germany.

12 Feb 2009   #468
I just think that there is no communication platform for Poles and the Germans.

...was quite generally!

As there were always a 'difficulties' in communication between our countries (were there ever any communication platforms?) , I stated that there are no communication platform for Poles and Germans nowadays in my opinion.

The second largest Polonia in the world, and the largest in Europe, is the Polish German community. As many as three million people living in Germany may be of Polish descent, although the vast majority of these identify themselves as Germans. The main Polonia organization is Kongres Polonii Niemieckiej / Polnischer Kongress in Deutschland. Polish surnames are very common in Germany.

If they describes themselves as a Germans they are not Poles but Germans, sounds reasonably enough to you?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969
12 Feb 2009   #469
As there were always a 'difficulties' in communication between our countries (were there ever any communication platforms?) , I stated that there are no communication platform for Poles and Germans nowadays in my opinion.

Okay, then WHAT is a "communication platform" in your eyes?
Does Steinmeier visiting Sikorski in his private home count? Does the Weimar triangle count? What?

If they describes themselves as a Germans they are not Poles but Germans, sounds reasonably enough to you?

Nope...that's those about 3 millions who see themselves as Poles, hence Polonia.
There are so man polish surnames, so many 'skis in Germany, that's far more than only 3 millions...
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138
12 Feb 2009   #470
What do you think they could/should do? :)

Build up military strong enough to be taken serious and take over Kaliningrad, tho Germany lost much of it's territories so no land-conflict with em. But with Russia they REALLY need a lesson in where they should keep their noses! Not up for third world war but, you can't stand still doing nothing when they place nukes at your border!

Throughout history it is showed that Poland needs strong military! Germany-Russia allways used Poland as a bridge for war!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969
12 Feb 2009   #471
Germany-Russia allways used Poland as a bridge for war!

But there won't be any Germany-Russia war anymore!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138
13 Feb 2009   #472
It is historicly proved that Russia and Germany co-operated to take down Poland. When they forgot about the people that constantly wanted freedom they started to attack each other. It's like saying "Russia won't invade anyone after Georgia" haha. National interest is allways important (It doesn't have to be Germany attacking Russia you know?)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969
13 Feb 2009   #473
Agreed about the past!

But times have changed and it just isn't in Germany's national interest anymore to invade and to destroy another potential customer market for our products. Quite the contrary is the buy our goods we need happy, prospering people with their bags full of money, you understand?

And why should Russia attack and try to invade Germany???

There won't be any war between us anymore...
Marco78  1 | 15
13 Feb 2009   #474
I Love Polish and Russian people!

they are very simular - tuff, but yet warm and very generous!

I have many Russian and many Polish friends... I Love them both! they are both better than Germans and Brittons - who are snobbish and cold
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138
13 Feb 2009   #475
(It doesn't have to be Germany attacking Russia you know?)

But times have changed and it just isn't in Germany's national interest anymore to invade and to destroy another potential customer market for our products. Quite the contrary is the buy our goods we need happy, prospering people with their bags full of money, you understand?

I dearly hope you really read what I write.

Russia is full of surprise like allways, I see the situation today between Germany and Russia like France and Germany.

In France it was no more war, peace in our times etc. While in Germany they wanted revenge. Now in Germany they want peace (I dearly hope so) while in Russia even thoose who tries to talk about tsechenians they get killed and "nobody" protested against invasion of Georgia
Pinching Pete  - | 554
13 Feb 2009   #476
they are very simular - tuff, but yet warm and very generous!

- yes

Germans and Brittons - who are snobbish and cold

- yes
2 Mar 2009   #477
Haha... I think hes gotten 1 actual answer from all of these hundreds of posts...

-Polish people hate Russians more... Germany appologized for almost everything (killing smart Poles to reach their goal) and Russia just recently appologized for such violations as killing 100s of 1000s of people and raping women and killing innocent random people as they 'liberated' Poland.

But the point is they appologized and we cannot hold them responsible for the bloodthirsty Soviet regime many years back.

<3 all ^.^
PennBoy  76 | 2429
10 May 2009   #478
I'd have to say Germans i havn't met one i liked yet, yet i have many Russian friends, Russians don't see us as sub-humans but as fellow Slavs.
10 May 2009   #479
I'd have to say Germans (...) i have many Russian friends, Russians don't see us as sub-humans but as fellow Slavs.

Yip, that sums it up pretty well.

i havn't met one i liked yet

What about Steffen Muller? He's OK. :-)
deepfern  - | 6
19 May 2009   #480
Well, the Dutch last fought wars with the English in the 17th century (the English did destroy Holland's status as a superpower and basically usurped that role) and ditto for the Dutch wars with the French -- those ended in 1815. WWII is still a lot closer and there are still many people who lived through those times. By 2039, the animosity will be forgotten as the survivors will have passed on.

Remember that the English were enemies with the French and friends with the Germans right up until 1914, but alliances change.

All this talk about how Germany pays the most to the EU and Poland takes loans from it are just plain silly -- Germany was lucky that W Germany fell into American hands and the US enabled it's industry to rise. Poland is now also lucky that the Germans are there to help it.

however, never forget that people can bear grudges for centuries -- don't forget that the Syrians still talk about the wars with the Persians in the 5th century :)

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