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Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread

pawian 221 | 24284
28 Dec 2023 #121
But it was your compatriots who did it in the past. Why do Germans still apologise today? Why does Charles apologise? Why do Belgians apologise???? All of them and others do decades or centuries after events. There is something in it, isn`t there?

This sth is called basic human decency.

You have a choice - join the decent ones or remain a moral outcast.
rozumiemnic 8 | 3856
28 Dec 2023 #122
I am.not a " moral.outcast" you have no idea where my predecessors came from..
Not saying " we" when talking about history was lesson one in O level history. That's teenaged school stuff. But then I had a good teacher.

Although yes it's true that stuff like the transatlantic slave trade should be looked at more closely, that wasn't the point I was making.
rozumiemnic 8 | 3856
28 Dec 2023 #123
Besides what did your "compatriots "do? Mmm?
rozumiemnic 8 | 3856
28 Dec 2023 #124
If you don't want to think about kind of makes you morally bankrupt.
Joker 2 | 2233
28 Dec 2023 #125
join the decent ones or remain a moral outcast.

Join? Who in their right mind would join your tampax mafia? You're the antithesis of decency.
OP Torq 7 | 1152
28 Dec 2023 #126
The old borough of Krak: 2022


Once again we take a quick look into the old eagle's nest to soothe our Polish hearts and souls. :)
OP Torq 7 | 1152
28 Dec 2023 #127
Господи, помилуй: 2023


... and to get in touch with the more eastern, wild, steppe part of our souls (by and large lost and forgotten these days) let's raise our hearts to God while looking at this lovely, traditional, wooden cerkiew in Trześcianka.
OP Torq 7 | 1152
28 Dec 2023 #128
Summer thunderstorm: 2023

storm over Warsaw

Burza z piorunami rages over the night Warsaw skyline.
pawian 221 | 24284
28 Dec 2023 #129
Join? Who in their right mind would join you

11 million Poles who ousted PiS rightist bolsheviks from power???? Ha!!!!!

You're the antithesis of decency.

Opinions by pimping rightist bolsheviks are nothing to me and other decent Poles and Polesses. Ha!
OP Torq 7 | 1152
29 Dec 2023 #130
First day of school: 1931

tram to school

Beginning of a school year. A group of schoolgirls (a lot of schools back then were not coeducational) are waiting at a tram stop in Warsaw.
OP Torq 7 | 1152
29 Dec 2023 #131
Tourist magnet: 2023


No, it's not a still from a Disney movie but a popular tourist place (hotel, restaurant, huge park) organised at historic Moszna Castle (former Schloss Moschen) in Opole Vojvodship, between Prudnik and Krapkowice.
OP Torq 7 | 1152
29 Dec 2023 #132
In the Gryphon's nest again: 1962

Starostwo Powiatowe

Seat of Słupsk's District Office, as seen from Blacksmith Bridge (Most Kowalski) over the Słupia river...


... and the same building these days, renewed for the 120th anniversary, seen from the same spot.
Alien 22 | 5228
29 Dec 2023 #133
Moszna Castle

I was there, I saw it.
OP Torq 7 | 1152
29 Dec 2023 #134
I was there

What's it like? Is it as impressive in reality as in the photos?
Lenka 5 | 3526
29 Dec 2023 #135
Is it as impressive in reality as in the photos?

Not in my opinion. It needs investment. But then I was there about 12 years ago so...
OP Torq 7 | 1152
29 Dec 2023 #136
Not in my opinion. It needs investment.

Thanks. I'll be going to Wrocław in February, it's about 100km from there, so I might check it myself.
Alien 22 | 5228
29 Dec 2023 #137
What's it like?

It looks a bit like castles from Disney movies. There is now a hotel there, i.e. it has been restored. Worth seeing.
OP Torq 7 | 1152
30 Dec 2023 #138
Hello, Mum? I might be a bit late for dinner: 2020


Driver in Warsaw stuck between a police cordon and a group of protesters against the ruling of Constitutional Tribunal on abortion. Protests lasted about a month and spread all over the country.
OP Torq 7 | 1152
30 Dec 2023 #139
And my next wish, Golden Fish, is that...: 1937

fire in Poznań

Two million litres of unrefined spirit flow through the streets of Poznań after a lightning struck a huge spirit container in Akwawit distillery at Tama Garbarska street.
Ironside 50 | 12345
30 Dec 2023 #140
Yeah, Torq, I see... your thread, What can I say>? Good job.
OP Torq 7 | 1152
30 Dec 2023 #141
Good job.

Thank you. :)
OP Torq 7 | 1152
30 Dec 2023 #142
Wooden gem: 1936

Rogów Manor

Wooden architecture dominated in the Polish countryside until XIX century. This traditional wooden manor (larch wood), in Rogów near Opatowiec, burnt down during WW2 and was never reconstructed.
OP Torq 7 | 1152
30 Dec 2023 #143
Well deserved rest: 1938


Roman Dmowski, one of the fathers of Polish independence, spent the final months of his life in a lovely country manor of Niklewicz family in Drozdowo near Łomża. In the photo we see him accompanied by Maria Niklewiczowa (a poet and author of children literature). Dmowski died on 2nd January 1939 and was spared the sight of Poland's fall.
Alien 22 | 5228
30 Dec 2023 #144
and was spared the sight of Poland's fall.

I assure you that the Germans would have found him something to do.
OP Torq 7 | 1152
31 Dec 2023 #145
The look in their eyes!: 1908

Dmowski in Drozdowo

Here again we see one of the greatest Poles of interwar period, again in Drozdowo but 30 years earlier, accompanied by Lutosławskie sisters, Maria and Izabella.
OP Torq 7 | 1152
31 Dec 2023 #146
General and his aide-de-camp: 1916

General Haller

General Haller taking a short horseback ride accompanied by his adjutant, 2nd Lt Teodor Chmielowski.
OP Torq 7 | 1152
31 Dec 2023 #147
In the beginning there was nothing... : 2023


... only God walking through the streets of Gdańsk. Please, forgive me if I exaggerate. ;)

And, of course, I have to agree with Andrei from the comments section (and overlook the spelling mistake ;))...

OP Torq 7 | 1152
1 Jan 2024 #148
Mountain shrine: 2020

Groń of John Paul II

The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God is a liturgical celebration observed in the Catholic Church on January 1st. In the photo we see a group of pilgrims attending a Mass at the shrine on the John Paul II Peak. Groń of John Paul II is the only mountain peak in the world which was named in honour of the Polish Pope. Karol Wojtyła often hiked to the tops of Jaworzyna (the previous name of Groń) and Leskowiec, even as a bishop.
OP Torq 7 | 1152
1 Jan 2024 #149
Visit of an old friend: 2010

Ksenia Starosielska

Ksenia Starosielska (Ксения Старосельская, 1937-2017) in front of an old tenement building in Łódź. Pani Starosielska, the greatest translator of Polish literature into Russian, visited Poland (to which she always referred to as "my Poland") for the "Dialogue of Four Cultures" festival. In the photo we see the Lady of the Order of Merit of Republic of Poland being observed with reverence by two dresiarze/gopniks standing in the gateway.
OP Torq 7 | 1152
1 Jan 2024 #150
observed with reverence by two dresiarze/gopniks

...although the one on the left should really take his hands out of his pockets in the presence of a lady. Zero manners.

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