Those interested I refer to the article "Czy czeka nas konflikt etniczny?" in the most recent issue of Do Rzeczy.
I've read the beginning of this article that is available for free and I think this newspaper should be renamed "Od Rzeczy", because just based on that fragment I can see it's nonsense.
Whether it is a real thing/threat remains to be seen.
I think that anyone with a brain and capable of logical thinking realises that nothing "remains to be seen" lol A chunk of Ukraine was part of our country for quite a while and they didn't "Ukranise" Poland, so how could they possibly do that now? lol
There are 2 mln Ukrainians in Poland presently and this number stabilised - there's no increase:
I'm not sure if the author of the article in "Do Rzeczy" understands what the term "Ukrainisation" even means o_O 🤦
when doing missionary work some can be a bit persistent.
Yeah, I've experienced it myself lol