Care to explain how Lech Wałęsa was corrupt?
If it was not for some of his underlings, the movement probably would have been stunted from the beginning.
Well, duh. He might have been the inspiration to the masses, but there were a lot of great men and women behind him.
When the labouers of the lenin shipyards in gdansk were given their working demands lech decided to end the strike.
What's new? Solidarność was first and foremost a trade union.
This would have abandoned the strikers in other shipyards and factories across poland, allowing the authorities to shut them down and destroy solidarność in the cradle.
That's because the Gdansk Shipyard workers were concerned about themselves, not others. Same story all over Poland, particularly with miners.
Pienkowska was a remarkable woman.
This is one example of lechs somewhat slippery track record. Historical idealism shows him as a shining hero, the facts show a more fallible man who might even have been a communist double agent.
Yawn. You might want to look at more obvious cases, such as the curious case of an ex-AK man who just so happened to be given a very large and comfortable apartment in Zoliborz.