Indifferently? What could a few hundred soldiers, only armed with a handfull of personnel carriers and a bunch of light arms do against thousands and thousands heavily armed Serbian soldiers who also had dozens of heavy tanks?
Not to mention the 6 times Karremans asked for air support, the fact that the first few requests for air support were not relayed to UN-HQ in Zagreb, the fact that the mission was called a peacekeeping mission (hence the fact that Dutchbat carried only small arms), there was an unclear mandate, Gen Janvier who most probably made a deal with Mladic not to attack from the air, 2 members of the UN-Security Council who, in the beginning of June 1995, already knew Srebrenica would be attacked but chose not to mention this, the fact that there was no clear definition of the term "safe area".
Did things go wrong? Absolutely! But the main culprits here are the Dutch government and the UN ... and not DutchBat