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Enemies, Strangers, Friends. Poles and Germans.

Kashub1410  6 | 580
20 Jun 2023   #61
Allright please enlighten us of the idea of a prison being run by prisoners can be a stupid idea, go on.

Then explain to us how a immoral society should have any decision making. Go on, make our brains pop

I dare you
Paulina  19 | 4484
20 Jun 2023   #62
@Kashub1410, not being baptised doesn't make anyone automatically "immoral" :))) And vice versa - there are plenty enough of baptised people out there who are immoral, morally corrupted (including our government).

Btw, so in your world Israel can't have democracy then? (I imagine there aren't that many baptised people there) ;D
Kashub1410  6 | 580
20 Jun 2023   #63
As they are a non-Polish nation. Why would I complain about their government being less effective?
Paulina  19 | 4484
20 Jun 2023   #64
@Kashub1410, so... only Poles need to be baptised in order to be moral and have a democracy...? The rest of humanity is capable of being moral and having democracy without being baptised? :D

Kashub1410  6 | 580
20 Jun 2023   #65
No, a democracy is ineffective and won't work without being moral.

Well any society won't work overtime without being mora, just look at Russia as prime example
Paulina  19 | 4484
20 Jun 2023   #66
@Kashub1410, as I wrote already - being baptised (or religious) doesn't automatically mean or guarantee being moral and democratic.

look at Russia as prime example

Look at Nazi Germany as a prime example of what I wrote above:

Kashub1410  6 | 580
20 Jun 2023   #67
So if a ~50% Protestant/ ~50% Poland lost it's government to a immoral and unethical pagan political group (NSDAP's biggest issue with Christians was that Jesus being Jewish)

Is a valid counter argument?
Paulina  19 | 4484
20 Jun 2023   #68
@Kashub1410, German society was a Christian society. So, yes, it's a valid counterargument.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
20 Jun 2023   #69
What's next? Soviets were a brotherly nation? They say and have said it plenty of times

May I remind you that Poland tragedies are mainly based on Germans not being very Christian!

Ask and see how many Pomeranians, Kashubians, Silesians are grateful for Germans being real Christians. Go on
Paulina  19 | 4484
20 Jun 2023   #70
What's next? Soviets were a brotherly nation?

Did you hit your head or something?

Poland tragedies are mainly based on Germans not being very Christian!

You mean - not acting very Christian - yes. But there's been, there is and there will be plenty of Christians not acting very Christian. And are plenty of non-Christians who are acting "Christian". Do you understand what I mean?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
20 Jun 2023   #71
Plenty of times, especially by a plastic shovel as a kid. You can call me a looney if you want
Luke1410  - | 146
20 Jun 2023   #72
'But there's been, there is and there will be plenty of Christians not acting very Christian. And are plenty of non-Christians who are acting "Christian". Do you understand what I mean?'

You clearly have distanced yourself a long way from the Church, what makes you think you can judge what is Christian behaviour and what is not?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
20 Jun 2023   #73
I understand what you mean, I just don't understand your point as it's all well written about and warned about in the bible.

Either way, I need to prepare for a date with a very fine lass. So I'll leave the unattractive ones be and don't anyone carrying this discussion as I'll be "unavailable"

Luke, is it judging to say that a door without a door handle is a door without a door handle? Especially according to the manual on door handles? I do not speak of my own authority, nor do I intend to increase it.

If you have a problem with understanding that pagans generally worship nature and form deities on basis of nature or human nature. Then you have a problem with information being received. Not if I judge or not, cause for I don't know how many times I need to explain myself, I do not judge! I only sound judgemental!
Paulina  19 | 4484
20 Jun 2023   #74
what makes you think you can judge what is Christian behaviour and what is not?

Because I'm still a Christian, I was raised in Catholic faith, practiced it for majority of my life and I'm not a moron?

, I just don't understand your point

I already wrote what my point is. Being non-baptised/non-Catholic doesn't automatically make anyone immoral and being baptised/Catholic doesn't make anyone automatically moral.
Lyzko  44 | 9719
20 Jun 2023   #75
As to whether or not Germany is or was a "Christian" society has long been a subject of serious debate amongst historians, many of them German!

Prior to the rise of Nazism, Germany papered over her pagan roots by going to church, celebrating Christian holidays with pomp and ceremony. With Hitler, she finally got in frightening touch with her heathen heritage, and showed herself to be incapable of post-Enlightenment grass roots Christianity as truly reflected in the Biblical injunctions of "Love thy neighbor" as well as of course the teachings of Jesus Christ.

When push came to shove, way too many Germans opted to shove Jews and others into gas chambers, there being a Christian Resistance so insignificant compared to the rest of Germany, it was merely a drop in the bucket.

Even today, Germans are suspicious of and typically don't attend church, especially those under seventy, Bavaria being the exception.
Bobko  27 | 2119
20 Jun 2023   #76
I need to prepare for a date with a very fine lass

Go Kashub! Nice man) Hope you have a good date.
Paulina  19 | 4484
20 Jun 2023   #77
As to whether or not Germany is or was a "Christian" society has long been a subject of serious debate

I meant that "formally" Germany was a Christian society. As in - consisting of people identifying themselves as Christians and being raised in Christian faith (just like majority of Poles today identify themselves as Catholics and were raised in Catholic faith). Whether they behaved like Christians should - that's a completely different matter. And that's what I'm talking about - the fact that you're Christian (as in - you identify yourself as Christian and you were raised in Christian faith) doesn't automatically mean that you'll behave in a way a Christian should behave or that you're going to be a moral person.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
20 Jun 2023   #78
When push came to shove,

Not really if you think of "shoving Jews into gas chambers" as a good christian deed, after all Jews are non-Christians and actually guilty of the murder of Jesus!

It's all a matter of how to sell it, I fear! Anti-Semitism has been part of christian lives for centuries now.

I could think that a truly pagan Germany wouldn't had done that....not really interested in the christian-jewish bickering....suspicious, the both of them! ;)
Ironside  50 | 12955
20 Jun 2023   #79
As far as i can see you are on the fringes of crazed bolshevics. All your chit chat belongs in the bin,off-topic.
Lyzko  44 | 9719
20 Jun 2023   #80
@Paulina, I think you meant that you were referring to Germans as "nominal Christians. There I concur.

@BratwurstBoy, apparently I didn't make myself clear in my post Am sending along a private message to explain post haste!
Ironside  50 | 12955
9 Jul 2023   #81
Is that German band? I wasn't aware.. .I like them.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11926
9 Jul 2023   #82
Not a "band" but a "project"....yeah....german....catchy! :)

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