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Benefits of being Polish nationalist: is there any?

Strzelec35  19 | 830
14 May 2021   #1
maybe ironside or spike or mr grunwald or joker can answer this. why not be a true national socialist and a reich supporter and German narionalist? why a Polish one? what are the upsides when there is nothing extraordinary about Polish history besides the time of creating a constitution and riding off the back of Lithuanian warriors like woututas for a couple hundred years? i mean Germany almost conquered the entire world or planet so why not be a German supremacist or nationalist and claim depsite you being Polish you support the fourth reich if it ever comes?

I ask particularly for those Polish people who ask you always are you Polak or where you from or talk **** in bars in nowy swiat warsaw about Ukrainians what makes them better than them or special when the reich destroyed them and almost conquered the world?

Here is a question to you guys. how any of you would own up to what you are and not hide it in Israel? Say a tram lady harassed you from buying tickets form Palestinian kid there or being on some Palestinian part of town how many of you would blow up on her with your pollack nationalism pride?
14 May 2021   #2
Israel-Palestinian war is forbidden on this forum until its ends. You are on Polish Forum do not forget it please.
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
14 May 2021   #3
das reich brother das reich and teutonic knights and the order. ya know **** like that?
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
14 May 2021   #5
my problem is with these polak nationalists who hate immigrants even poor people or economic migrants they harass online or in real life in Poland and themselves being froma. satellite state and in the case with them on this forum emigrants. thats my problem. if youre cool about hard working Ukrainian emigrants being harassed by them only due to EU giving Poland money for anyone to have any incentive to come there hey thats ur problem boooi. my problem is a fuking skinhead looking polak at old town Warsaw wlakinf with his arms around him like an ape drunk coming to me asking where im from like some gangster and whether im a polak. yea i do have a problem with them and their kaka garbage nationalism.
Ironside  50 | 12941
14 May 2021   #6

His problem is simple, raised in whorehouse, never knew his father, moved to usa at young age was looking for something to give him an edge and he was playing polish card but it didn't work for him, lol

As I say garbage is garbage and every country's has some.. he is a Pol-Am
or he is delpin who went nuts after losing his job and his wife
or he is some retarded kid on a trolling spree
either way he is a pest that Adm and mods tolerate bevosue he post a lot.

The real problem here is the fact he spam this forum real bad. It difficult to navigate here, him and Novidog are the damn spammers worst kind of trolls.
OP Strzelec35  19 | 830
14 May 2021   #7

have you ever been with such a free and loose with the moment chick iron? such a free spirit?

this is the dude i believe who wrote it or without vodka:
pawian  226 | 27453
11 Nov 2024   #8
One of the benefits is taking part in the nationalist Independence March across Warsaw.
- We estimate that the 15th Independence March in Warsaw will be attended by around 100,000 people - Aleksander KowaliƄski, spokesman for the Independence March Association, told PAP. Vice-president of the Association Jakub Kalusa added that "the interest is certainly greater than in previous years, so we expect the number to be greater".

The organization of the march involves about a thousand volunteers, over 15 ambulance and rescue teams in ambulances, two staff vehicles and over 200 paramedics on foot patrols.

The President of the Independence March Association, Bartosz Malewski, reminded us that this year's slogan of the March - "Great Poland's power is us" - is a fragment of the youth anthem from 1926 by Jan Kasprowicz. - This is the anthem that we sing as nationalists, very often at our celebrations.

  • participants gather for the march
Alien  25 | 6392
11 Nov 2024   #9
Israel-Palestinian war is forbidden

Not anymore.
pawian  226 | 27453
21 Feb 2025   #10
I am so happy that there is karma and justice in life.

In 2017, a few nationalists hanged the portraits of rival politicians on "gallows". They also verbally expressed their hate and threats. 2 years later, two of the organisers were punished with huge fines.
Today, in 2025, the Barrister Association announced that one of the participants of the hate protest can`t become a barrister due to immoral/ indecent behaviour in the past.

Excellent!!!! Those maniacal nationalists think that they are playing fun games. No, darlings, your dirty deeds will never be forgottten.

It has come to my mind that is one of the reasons why Polish nationalists are so pro Russian and pro Putin. They hope that one day imperial Russians will rule in Poland again and the traitors will be granted positions in the occupational gov.

Tfu!!!! Wy ruskie sobaki. Won za Don!!!! Tam wasze miejsce.

  • a
Ironside  50 | 12941
21 Feb 2025   #11
I am so happy that there is karma and justice in life.

I wouldn't be so happy if I were you, You soviets and traitors will have your comeuppance.
pawian  226 | 27453
21 Feb 2025   #12
I wouldn't be so happy if I were you

yes, I know, you will hang me on the gallows in public. You threatened me with that a few years ago already.

However, being Polish by character, I sneeze at your threats. And I do my best so that imperial Russians and Polish nationalists won`t rule Poland. ):):):)

Summary: I spit on you, Polish nationalists, the scummiest svoloches that have ever trodden this land. :):):)
Ironside  50 | 12941
21 Feb 2025   #13
you will hang me on the gallows in public.

Nah I wouldn't do it. I won't argue with you after all you know what you deserve.

You are very aggressive and vulgar. I know it is your soviet nature but restrain yourself somewhat on a public forum. There is no need to be agitated in such an unhealthy way.
pawian  226 | 27453
21 Feb 2025   #14
I wouldn't do it

You will have me hanged by your henchmen??? Like Hitler - he never killed anybody personally (except WW1) while millions perished by his orders.

Do you dream of being like Hitler????

aggressive and vulgar.

Dalring, I learnt it from you. You showed me the way. hahahaha buhahaha
Lyzko  44 | 9713
24 Feb 2025   #15
There's one heck of a difference between being a nationalist versus a patriot!
The former is usually an unthinking jingoist, my country right or wrong as opposed
to the latter, one who acknowledges both the good and the bad in their history,
strengthening the strong point in order to make them stronger, rather than sweeping
the negative under the rug and blaming internal criticism on the perennial "foreign
enemy", always a convenient scapegoat.

Poland has had a truly glorious history; Chopin, Mickiewicz, Mme.Curie, Apollinaiere, Casimir
Funk, Jan Karski, Karol Wojtyla etc.. That history has also been marred by the likes of
Roman Dmowski, Moscicki, even Gomulka, responsible in large measure for the "brain drain"
from Poland to the West during the end of the '60's!

Germany too, a nation of wondrous contribution to the world, many unrivaled in science, music, research
and the visual arts....and then there was Hitler.

The US has accomplished much within a scant two-hundred-fifty years, among these achievements its
Constitution, the promise of human equality, Thomas Alva Edison who ushered in the modern world,
Abraham Lincoln, whose Emancipation Proclamation remains a beacon of freedom to all.

However our greatness has also been seriously flawed by our history of violence against the Native
Americans, the unrelenting, persistent bigotry towards the Black man and non-white aka European

I therefore consider myself an American patriot, but not a nationalist.
mafketis  38 | 11137
24 Feb 2025   #16
one heck of a difference between being a nationalist versus a patriot!

patriotism is downstream of nationalism.... if you're not a nationalist to some degree you won't recognize a nation to be patriotic towards....
Lyzko  44 | 9713
24 Feb 2025   #17
Perhaps, Maf. You could be right about that one.

Home / History / Benefits of being Polish nationalist: is there any?

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