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Typical Polish Eye Color

29 May 2017   #61
Curious as to eye colors and came across this site. My dad was polish,and his mom like him, had bright light blue eyes. Three of his children have the same eyes. (Me being one) And now my daughter has them as well. We all had very blonde hair when children as well...
31 May 2018   #62
I have them from my polish grandpa♡
11 Jun 2018   #63
Im polish and we many have a earthy eye colour so its mixed with blue and green it starts green in thee center and then becomes blue
Lyzko  44 | 9730
11 Jun 2018   #64
"Earthy" eye color, Emilia? Not sure I can quite picture it from your description. "Muddy colored", perhaps? The last part I think I got.
13 Apr 2019   #65
My father, Polish American, has very light green eyes...with hints of yellow. I also have bright green eyes. My Ukranian mother moved to the US as a child. Reading the comments makes me wonder if the green eyes came from my mother or my father. Either way, they are unique and I love them.
14 Jun 2021   #66
People in Slavic regions tend to have the contrast of darker/golden toned skin and very light eyes whether their eyes are blue, green, grey or a light beige the pigment in their eyes is very light. They also often have very fine, doll-like chiseled features. I think it came out in the mix of ethnicities in that region through out many centuries. If you look it up they have been mixing awhile,. Most Slavic friends of mine, which is not a huge sample, find mostly Scandinavian DNA markers, then all parts of the Mediterranean and then many find traces of markers from different parts of Asia and a lot get about 1% from Africa. Eye color is determined by over 15 genes. It is probably at least 1 gene that is a melanin inhibitor that causes the lighter Slavic eye colors.
28 Jan 2022   #67
Green and hazel eyes are dominant n Southern Asia, and when the scythians( red hair pale skinned) Iranian type people conquered the steppe and integrated into Slavic populations, I have proven this through my DNA . I have hazel eyes, my moms entire family has blue,
Vlad1234  16 | 883
28 Jan 2022   #68
People in Slavic regions tend to have the contrast of darker/golden toned skin and very light eyes

Possibly in Balkans only.

They also often have very fine, doll-like chiseled features.

Men not too often.
30 Jan 2022   #69
Scythians and Sarmatians were two completely different peoples, the Salmats, the ancestors of the Polish nobility, who were very close to the Caucasians of today and were brothers and sisters.
25 Feb 2022   #70
I can tell you right now that my family has been in Poland for as long as they can remember and I had DNA test done and we have trace amounts of specifically Scythian DNA .
27 Feb 2022   #71
Dunno the **** are the people here on about lol brown eyes are very common.
27 Feb 2022   #72
@ Polish nobility did not descend from Sarmatians it was a myth they created with absolutely no proof.
4 Mar 2022   #73
Poland is the descendant of salmat people. Poles cannot betray their ancestors.
Lyzko  44 | 9730
17 Mar 2022   #75
Many Poles also have brown, actually dark brown, eyes this is true.
A majority though do have light eyes.

Once asked a Swede, another time, a Norwegian similarly, whether most of their countrymen had blond hair and blue eyes and they answered that those with darker eyes or complexions tended to be of Lapp or Saami origin:-)
22 Oct 2022   #76
My Polish grandfather whose family emigrated to US from Poland in mid 1800's had turquoise eyes. Wife had green eyes. His daughter (my mother) had green eyes. My father had blue eyes. My sister had blue, I and my two brothers have light emerald eyes. Very proud of my jolly greens. I passed them to my daughter.
pawian  226 | 27817
22 Oct 2022   #77
green eyes. blue eyes.

One day green and blue genes will produce cyan eyes!

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