2 Dec 2011 #1
Hi. It is highley likley that my ancestors from Poland were ethnic Jews. My Great grandfather was very dark complected, almost "arabic" looking and he lived in Nowogrod, which more than half the population was Jewish. His father came from Hungary to Nowogrod, and their surname was Zawistowski, but it is beleived that they adopted it upon arrival in Poland. Although when they immigrated to America they threw away their Judaism, and names changed. Although they openly practiced catholicism, my uncle, who was alive when they were still alive, recalls opening a chest of theirs which contained a menorah. Also, after my great grandfather died, many strangers that my uncle never recalled seeing came to the house to mourn (for seven days), which is known as sitting shiva. Also, a peice of his clothing was torn and my great grandmother pinned it to her shirt. My family today practices Judaism. How likley is it that my great grandfather was Jewish?