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Old Polish Prayer Book-Chlib Duszi

ElaineDE  3 | 5
2 Jun 2010   #1
I have come across what I believe is my grandmother's prayer book. She was born in Poland in 1891. When I use Google translator, I can't get a translation for the text below. Nor can I find the title, "Chlib Duszi", although I can find "Chlib Dusi". I'm wondering if this book is written in a dialect that Google doesn't recognize. The book has gilt edges and raised pictures of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Jesus, and a cross, which I believe is Orthodox. Which puzzles me because as far back as I know, the family was Roman Catholic. Any clues would be appreciated.

Sobranije rizntch
molenij, swjataho Bohosluzenija i
pisnej cerkownych so Pohrebenija til mertwych, i so Parastasom
1jola  14 | 1875
2 Jun 2010   #2
It is an Orthodox prayer book. Chlib Duszi would be Chleb Duszy in Polish, which means The Soul's Bread. The language used might be Church Slavonic, but I'm not sure.
TheOther  6 | 3596
2 Jun 2010   #3
She was born in Poland in 1891

There was no Poland in 1891.
bimber94  7 | 254
2 Jun 2010   #4
Our Lady of Perpetual Help

You can ask her, though I wouldn't as she let Poland down every time.
OP ElaineDE  3 | 5
2 Jun 2010   #5
Born in Galicia, in the area that is now Poland--Podkarpackie. Excuse the faux pas.

Thank you for your reply!
1jola  14 | 1875
2 Jun 2010   #6
Stick around and you will get more precise answers. Nathan is from Lviv and he or someone else will understand this text. The writing is recognizable to us Poles but it is not Polish. Be patient.

Edit: Oh, I'm sorry, you've been here for some time.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
3 Jun 2010   #7
Sounds like Ukrainian to me. Could this have been a Greek Catholicc (Uniate) prayer book? Some Ukrainians were in communion with Rome in the Greek Catholic Church although theyv retained their Byzantine-style liturgy.
1jola  14 | 1875
3 Jun 2010   #8
Were getting closer:

The terms of union permit the use of the language of the people, of which the Old Slavonic was the accepted church form among the Slavs.

Between the Uhro-Rusins and the Ukrainians there are numerous minor differences of custom, the most important of which is probably the variation in the use of the language; the Ukrainian using a reformed, phonetic spelling, while the UhroRusins cling to the earlier etymological forms.
nincompoop_not  2 | 192
3 Jun 2010   #9
The chlib dusi (bread of life in english) is an old standby once given to children at their first confession/first communion (yes there were orthodox parishes that gave first communion to children at the same time as their first confession..and yes = have a humeral veil from an oca parish that used to have adoration and benediction during lent). the chlib dusi slavonic is written in latinica using the slovak alphabet.

The first editions of Chlib dus~i were compiled by Father Aleksander Duchnovic~, the "national awakener" of the Rusyns, who was a liturgist and canon of the Pres~ov Eparchy in the 1st half of the 19th century[...]

The older editions of Chlib dus~i from Europe are in Slavonic only - -page 3 and 4

Carpatho-Rusyn prayerbook

Look also for info on Starokatolicki Kosciol Morawitow. They identified themselves in 1906. Until then they were part of RC church in Poland. However, they patron was and is Our Lady of Perpetual Help and they've also had churches in south east part of Poland and Russia/Ukraine.

Maybe ther's a connection/explanation.
OP ElaineDE  3 | 5
6 Jun 2010   #10
Thanks to all for your postings! I think you have put me on the right track. Your comment that this Chlib Duszi could have been a Uniate book is supported by the orthodox cross on the cover and the roman catholic cross in the interior picture. Your mention of Aleksander Duchnovic shows up as Aleksandra Duchnowycza. I have attached 3 views of the book to see if they give any further insight. It looks like the book was published by Steinbrenera in Budapeszti.

It has been suggested to me that my grandmother might have come from a village that was Lemko, or maybe Hutzul or Boyko. Since I am a novice at genealogy and Polish/Ukrainian history, I don't know if that is a possibility. Nor do I know if those dialects had printed textbooks at the time(circa 1890-1900). Grandmother Karolina Nieduzak came from Jedrzejowka near Narol, in what is now part of the Podkarpackie in Poland.

Again, thank you for your efforts!

trying again to upload pictures. Will try single pictures as it says file too big.

I have posted 3 pictures on Snapfish, since I couldn't upload them to this site. (File too large).
8 Jun 2010   #11
The fact that this is your grandmother's prayer book suggests she was not an ethnic Pole, but, rather, a Lemko Rusyn.

Jedrzejowka, or Andrzejowka, is a village with a Lemko-Rusyn population:

Here is a list of Lemko Surnames from the village cited by Krasovs'kyj from 1787 Austrian Cadastral Records

1. Barna
2. Brzezinski / Berezins'kyj
3. Wyslocki / Wislocki / Vyslots'kyj
4. Hawrylczak / Havryl'chak
5. Gnatowicz / Hnatovych
6. Hobor / Chobor
7. Holowacz / Cholowacz / Holovach
8. Horniak / Gorniak / Hornyak
9. Zarnowecki / Zarnowiecki / Zharnovets'kyj
10. Zyriak / Zyryak / Zyryiak / Zyryak
11. Krayniak / Krainiak / Kraniak / Krajnjak
12. Iwanicz / Ivanych
13. Iwasz / Ivash
14. Krynicki / Krynits'kyj
15. Magera / Magiera / Mahera (3 families)
16. Pawlow / Pavliv
17. Pastyr / Pastur
18. Poliwoczka / Poliweczka / Polyvochka
19. Semczyszak / Semczysiak / Semchyshak
20. Stefanczyn / Stefanchyn
21. Tyrpak / Turpak (3 families)
22. Chomiak / Homiak ' Khom'jak
23. Cichanski / Tsikhans'kyj

Some more details

Parish Data: [from Blazejowskyj and Iwanusiw]

Church was "Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary" - erected in 1876 [still standing]. This church replaced an older church that existed as early as 1830. The village is one of the oldest settlements in Lemkovyna. An old bell dated from 1484 was located here before WW II. The location of this bell presently is not known. The church was turned over to the Poles after 1947.

The parish was a filial parish to MYLYK located 4.5 km away.

In 1785 the village lands comprised 6.97 There were 298 Greek Catholics no Roman Catholics and no Jews

1840 - 371 Greek Catholics

1859 - 282 Greek Catholics

1879 - 391 Greek Catholics

1899 - 294 Greek Catholics

1926 - 460 Greek Catholics

1936 - 380 Greek Catholics
OP ElaineDE  3 | 5
11 Jun 2010   #12
Thank you so very much for researching for me! But...I have found more than one Jedrzejowka villages. Grandmother (Nieduzak) came from Jedrzejowka near Narol, now in Podkarpackie province. (Google map: 37-610 Poland). I found another Jedrzejowka on Google maps: (23-450 Poland). I think I may have found the Jedrzejowka/Andrzejowka you mention on Google maps at 33-370 Poland. So does that mean it is unlikely that grandmother was Lemko? But I am wondering if she got the Chlib Duszi from grandfather (Mamczur), who reported that he was born in Narol, and reported on his immigration record that he was Ruthenian. (My mother always said he was Ukrainian, and grandmother was Polish.) He may have been Greek Catholic.
6 Oct 2023   #13
Paulina  19 | 4558
6 Oct 2023   #14
@junedahl788, apparently it's called "humeraƂ":

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