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Odette Timmons looking for father history, Setnik

timmons  1 | 2
26 Jun 2009   #1
I have just found your site after many years and would like to find my history and any remaining family. My maiden name is Setnik, my father came from chorzow, krolawska huth. Can anyone help and advise me how to go about this. Thank You all

Hi everyone, Still trying to find my fathers history and family in Poland. His name, Setnik. He came from Chorzow.I have searched the sites advised but still finding it difficult. Wondered whether the army records might help as well. If anyone has anymore advice, it would be so welcome. Thank You Odette

Dec 4, 09, 21:45 - Thread attached on merging:
Odette Timmons looking for father's history Setnik

Hi, was also advised to go to Poland and to the village he was born in to ask around and check the local churches. Wondered if anyone had any idea's about that?

Thank You
caprice49  4 | 224
10 Dec 2009   #2
Churches:- (Kosciol means church)
Kosciol Nowoapostolski
ulica Jodłowa 24
41-506 Chorzów
woj. śląskie
tel. 32 785-43-23 lub 60 615-13-74
fax 32 785-43-23

Kosciol Świętej Jadwigi
Wolności 51, 41-500 Chorzów
This email address also applies to the first church mentioned.

Lutheran Churches:-
Kołciół ks. Marcina Lutra Chorzów, ul. Powstańców 13
Kościół im. Elżbiety Chorzów, ul. Katowicka 92

Write to:-
EA w Chorzowie, ul. Dąbrowskiego 22, 41-500 Chorzów

E-mail: (for both churches)

Tel/fax.: (032) 241 13 97


Kosciol św. Józefa
ul. £agiewnicka 17
41-500 Chorzów II
tel. (032) 2498-199 fax: (0-32) 2498-644


There are several families living in and around Chorzow with the same surname.
OP timmons  1 | 2
10 Dec 2009   #3
Thank You for your reply and information. I shall write to find out as much as I can. Keep Safe
Polonius3  980 | 12275
12 Dec 2009   #4
The root of Setnik is sto (one hundred) and setnik is the Polish translation of the Roman centurion. It means someone in command or chagre of 100 people.

Home / Genealogy / Odette Timmons looking for father history, Setnik
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