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Was name `Szczerbin` first and original Polish ethnic name, local version of Sarmatian name ?

Crow  154 | 9463
5 Apr 2018   #1
What I know (!), I would be first in the world that ever went public with this idea. My contribution to Polish history. From Srbin to Szczerbin. Mistake is possible in my interpretation of name `Szczerbiec` but, I sense something in this. Its just so logical to me, having in mind logic of Balkan and Lusatian Serbs in ethnic naming.

So, was name of Szczerbin first and original Polish ethnic name, local version of Sarmatian name, back in past universal name of all Slavs?

Polish Szczerbiec sword must be in connection to Polish Sarmatian origin. After all, Polish legends do confirms Polish Sarmatian origin. So, only open question is the local `Polish speaking area` original version of Sarmatian name.



Szczerbiec on display in the Wawel Castle treasure vault

Why name of Szczerbiec to the sword? It was the coronation sword that was used in crowning ceremonies of most Polish monarchs from 1320 to 1764. Obviously, originally, Warlords of Sarmatian tribe of Polani that dominated the region, when sought to unite land turned to ancestral symbolism- to the local version of once universal name of all Slavs- to Sarmatian name. They turned to meta-ethnicity of its people, to its ultimate Sarmatian identity.

I don`t know did you Poles noticed that but, name of sword Szczerbiec must be best link that Poles needs to use in search for their own version of Sarmatian name. See, we Serbians on Balkan/CE preserved that name in form SRBI, SRBIJANCI I SRPSKO. Lusatian CE Serbs would say SERBJA, SERBY and SRBSKO. Also, have in mind that linguistic and history connects Czechs to name BOII (Boika, Serboi > Ser-boii), so comes the Bohemia. As you know `Sarmatian` is foreign given form in accordance with linguistics of foreigners and modern science suggests that Sarmatian name was universal name of all Slavs in past.

Poles, your most probable original ethnic name was Szczerbi. You are SZCZERBI. There comes the Szczerbiec sword.

SZCZERBI. Those are you Poles. Polani were just segment of wider picture. They were part of vast and venerable Sarmatian realm.

God bless you all, Sarmats (ie Slavs), my sisters and brothers!

And awake, just awake!
OP Crow  154 | 9463
7 Apr 2018   #2
Balkan/CE Serbians designate itself as (to be precise I say Balkan/CE Serbs to underline that Balkan Serbs aren`t just Balkan but also equally Central European population and by that their language was not reduced only to Balkan but to Central Europe as well. Just, with time Serbians are reduced to Balkan, to say retreated to Balkan mountains and even so, parts of today`s Serbia are still geographically situated in Central Europe. Good to know that medieval Slavic Great Moravia was spread from river Morava in today`s Slovakia to the Morava river in today`s Serbia- so comes the name `Great Moravia` - `Velika Moravska`):

When male...

I am (Ja sam) `Srb`.
I am (Ja sam) `Srbin`
I am (Ja sam) `Srbijanac`

What form would be used depend on situation or from local regional variation.

Now, in case of Poles, if we were to accept form that is presented in name of sword `Szczerbiec`, using above logic,.... having in mind that name of Sarmatians gradually, (how climate improved after Ice age/glaciation), was spread upward from South to North along the Danube, local Polish versions could be:

I am `Szczerb`
I am `Szczerbin`
I am `Szczerbiec`

It would help if somebody here who is native speaking Polish tries to help a little, from the angle of particular logic of Polish language.

In Lusatia we have this situation:

Upper Lusatia...

I am `Serb`
I am `Serbjan`

Lower Lusatian...

I am `Serb`
I am `Serbyan`

So, take western Balkan as starting point and then think of upward movement of our ancestral population. Those that would later become Polani tribe moved up to North and little bit right (when you look at the map). Those that would later become tribe of Lusatians moved up to North and little bit left.

All the time we speak of Sarmatians, just tries to figure out their local names. Local versions. Name of Slavs (Slavjani) appeared much later in history. Name of Thracians that was equally in use for/by same population, parallel, with name of Sarmatians is another phenomenon so we now won`t go in it.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
19 May 2018   #3
Have in mind that we here speak of Polish meta-ethnicity or to say primordial ethnicity. We search for local original versions of back in past universal name of all Slavs (as science and old sources suggests)- `Sarmatian name`.

Obviously, I don`t point on possibility that Poles come to existence out of Serbian ethnicity. What we have on the scene is that Balkan and Lusatian Serbs preserved use of Sarmatian name as their ethnic names. In case with Poles, things developed in direction that in one local dominant tribe (in this case `Polani`) prevailed tribal name and was in specific circumstances spread as regional ethnic name. Still, those same Polani, obviously didn`t forget their meta-ethnicity, their real ethnicity and so cames the legends about Sarmatian origin of Poles.


Boleslaus the Brave and Sviatopolk at the Golden Gate of Kiev

Anyway, look when sword Szczerbiec was forged. Legend says that King Bolesław I the Brave used sword `Szczerbiec` to hit the Golden Gate of Kiev (now in Ukraine) during his intervention in the Kievan succession crisis in 1018. Why this legend? Let me tell you why. Sword `Szczerbiec` stays deeply connected with Polish meta-ethnicity and not only Polish. Name of sword is proof. Inventors of legends is people itself. See, people knows that sword `Szczerbiec` wasn`t connected just to primordial name of Polish ethnicity. People who invented legends about `Szczerbiec` remembered that name `Szczerbiec` have its weigh not only for Poles but for other Slavs, too. That is why Polish Kind needed `Szczerbiec` when wanted to establish his authority in Kiev. He referred to deeper roots of population of Kiev (Ukraine) and wanted to show how he coming as representative of that same heritage, because he knew that people of Poland and Ukraine were both Sarmatians in its origins. Sword `Szczerbiec` had to remind to it and to strengthen unity.

Serbia = srb, srbin, srbijanac > Poland = Szczerb, Szczerbin, Szczerbiec

Looking at the forest, people sometimes don`t see a single tree in front of their very eyes. Such a fantastic is simple truth about Polish origin. And not only Polish. Of most of Europe, if not all. But, Poles and some others preserved obvious traces of their origin in their culture and linguistics. Most of non-Slavic Europe didn`t. Such a strong are consequences of Roman impact on Sarmatians.

On entire Slavic West and South, `Szczerbiec` sounded sacred, referring to deeper, primordial meta-ethnicity. Have in mind that Germans use term Wend for Kashubs, too, not only for Lusatians. Actually, all Western Slavs in past were Wends to Germanics. All.


It was transition of `B` to `V`, what is know and explained phenomenon in linguistics.

In our time, Germans are specific. They use term Wend for Lusatian Serbs.

And remember. When we speak about `Szczerbiec` and `Szczerb` we speak just about one local native version of Sarmatian name in what is now Poland, where `Szczerb` represent self-given name, while `Sarmat` represent foreign given form in accordance with Greek and Roman (Latin) pronunciation. It was in time prior to name of Poland was accepted as regional ethnic name but still, Polani remembered their older- ie meta-ethnicity.

`Szczerb` (native) = `Sarmat` (foreign)
OP Crow  154 | 9463
4 Jun 2018   #4
Admine, dobri pane brate, please don`t merge my posts with previous posts. I here creating structure of my thread, post by post. Every post is unique information. Its behind what Sulmirski wrote about Sarmatians. Thing that Sulmirski was aware of, as it is obvious but was reluctant to tell. Its revealing real native original name (that was little bit different from region to region) that is behind foreign given form of the name- Sarmatian name. Revealing real Polish ethnic name prior to name of Polani what replaced Sarmatian name as universal name for number of Slavic (ie Sarmatian) tribes.

So, let me continue.

What we have until now? Yes, name of WEND (VEND) as nothing but short form of SRBIND/SRBEND (SARMAT). By the way, you have that exact form written in Indian Rg Veda manuscript (from 1700-1100 BC) describing the hyperborean (Aryan) invaders from the other side of Ind river, where is `Srbinda` (exact form in Vedic Sanskrit) described as foe of Indra, that after defeat retreated back to where he came from- in northern realms. So, its nothing but story about invasion of one branch of Sarmatians onto the Black India behind Ind river and then their retreat back to their old lands.

Anyway, later more on this. For now focus on Europe and wherever you in old texts encounter ethnic name of WEND and other form of it VENET but also WAND and VANDAL, just replace it with one of these words: Srbin, Szczerbin, Serbjan or Serbyan. Words that we can tell with high degree of certainty, represent form of local version of Sarmarian name.

Srbin, Szczerbin, Serbjan or Serbyan = SARMAT = WEND = VENET

From western most Europe via Eurasia to the Ind river all was Sarmatian realm.

Old Sarum in what is now Britain

Roman period................ British hillfort was called Sorviodunum .................. Roman road network and Sorbiodoni.

Norman period........... In 1075, the Council of London established Herman as the first bishop of Salisbury (Seriberiensis episcopus)

See, not that Picts just were Sarmatians. They were Serbs, that was their name. And not only them.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
21 Jun 2018   #5
Now, when we know more, put this videos in context of Polani tribe or conglomerate of tribes being part, just one segment of wider Sarmatian meta-ethnicity- people that was native to Europe. Szczerbi, givers of the West >

Polacy = Szczerbi (Sarmaci)

Jesteśmy Sarmatami. Chodakiewicz vs Drewniak.

Sarmaci a współcześni Polacy

Sarmackie dziedzictwo

Mieli rozmach... sarmackie imprezy. Historia Bez Cenzury

You know of old Picts ancestors of Scots, that they were Sarmats.

Now, let`s move more eastern across the island. On the south of England is old Sarum. Oldest known settlement of Salisbury in England. People who lived there in past built monoliths of Stonehenge. Full name of these people or rather settlement, as Romans of classical antiquity recorded it was Sorviodunum and Sorviodunum. Corrupted English versions were Sarisburie, Searoburh, Searobyrig, and Searesbyrig.

Its again about Sarmatians and we today know three original words that could gave name of Sarum. Those are Srbi (Balkan/CE Serbs), Serbya (Lusatian/CE Serbs) and Szczerbi (as was obviously known to old Poles).

So oldest ethnicity of British island is Slavic (ie Sarmatian) ethnicity. Scots, Welsh, English, Irish,.... all originate from Slavs (ie Sarmats). And again we came indirectly to fact that when one speak of Celts, one speak of Sarmats. What after all corespondents to certain old data that speak of Celts as of Scythians and as we all know, Scythians were branch of Sarmatians, in deep past connected to wandering (nomadic way of life) and so comes the name SKITI what in Serbian (core Slavic language) directly means `to wander`. So SKIT (in Serbian) > WANDERER (in Eng.). Note word WAND* in English lexical comprehension of original SKIT.

> SKIT = WAND*erer > WAND > WEND = SERBS (exactly how Germans today, as always call Lusatian Serbs).

Also, as mentioned earlier above in thread > SRBIN > SR-BIN > SR-VIN-D > SRVIND > VIND > VEND > VENET

This way or another, Latin influenced speakers of Europe (meaning- all except Slavs, who preserved their ordinal native European Sarmatian language), when tries to speak of Serbs often finish using form WEND, WENED and VENET.

All in all, to conclude this new insight.

Let`s go in reverse >>>> it was Roman `Sorviodunum`. Now, let us correct what we can immediately >>> its then `Sorbiodunum` (Serbs/Sorbs is constant and in Latin transcription and pronunciation `B` always transform in `V`).

This `*dunum` in `Sorbiodunum` is remain of Celtic version of ancient Sarmatian (Serbian) speech. For you who seek to know more I will explain that phrase `Celtic version of ancient Sarmatian (Serbian) speech` means that within ancient Sarmatian world (exactly same as in modern Slavic/Sarmatian) existed different dialects or even similar languages. So, speaking in modern terms, real Celtic language isn`t nothing but dialect of Sarmatian language or language within Sarmatian linguistic family.

Anyway, when we translate `Sorbiodunum` from local ancient Slavic (let us name it Sarmatian-Celtic) dialect we get SRBOGRAD (Serbian city/town).

See, in modern Serbian language exact word DUNUM and DULUM means exactly `fenced space`. So exact meaning of `Sorbiodunum` is `Serbian fenced space`.

You are familiar with fact that Celts were founders of Belgrade, Serbian Capital? You know that, right? Recorded (by Romans) Sarmatian-Celtic name of Belgrade is `Singidunum` and as name it perfectly overlap with `Sorbiodunum`. Its obvious that actually Romans mistaken. It was not SINGIDUNUM (Singi-dunum). It was in its original SRBODUNUM. Romans, being absolutely unable to pronounce SRB just translated it as suited to that at that moment so comes the SINGI. If translator at that exact moment was somebody from Roman province of Germania he would for sure say SVABODUNUM.

Do you, do you even begins to comprehend what is reality behind world of matrix? By ethnicity all Europeans are Slavs (Sarmatians) or to say Serbians. Now, nationality is something else. That came later.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
8 Dec 2018   #6
Look at this old picture >



Polish King John III Sobieski after the Battle at Vienna

After he defeated Ottomans at Vienna, Polish King John III Sobieski among other things informed Pope with words ``Bona Vindobona``. Few people know that by those words Sobieski re-claimed Sarmatian heritage of Vienna. For one of meanings, maybe exact meaning of `Bona Vindobona` is exactly > `I am the Shield of Sarmatia` or `I am liberator of Sarmatia` in other words, to paraphrase `I am re-claimer`. He said so because he knew that Pope knows truth and Pope knew the truth that behind story of Slavs stays story of Serbians (Sarmatians), that old original name of all Slavs was Sarmatian name.

I explained already in this thread > /see above/ > Srbin (Balkan and Central Europe), Szczerbin (Polani tribe speaking area), Serbjan or Serbyan (lusatia) = SARMAT = WEND = VENET.

and > Roman `Sorviodunum`. Now, let us correct what we can immediately >>> its then `Sorbiodunum` (Serbs/Sorbs is constant and in Latin transcription and pronunciation `B` always transform in `V`).


See, Vindobona was a name of a Roman military camp on the site of the modern city of Vienna in Austria. It was in time when Roman Empire had symbiotic relationship with our Slavic (ie Sarmatian) ancestors. Change of name from Vindobona to Vienna happened in the 13th century.

And guess what mind-blowing thing will you also learn today? Various old sources suggests how is `Vindobona` shared Sarmatian-Gaulish word. And that is even obvious. Gauls, as I said long time ago, were nothing but branch of Sarmatians. Gaulish windo- `white` and bona `base/bottom`. And what is the other name for lusatian Serbs even today? Wends. They are WENDI. And we know how is WENDI short form from SRWENDI or to say in native original > SRBENDI, exact word that is for designation of White hyperboreans used in ancient Indian Rg Vedic manuscripts 3.500 years ago. And we know that Buddha was White and that he was Scythian. And who were/are Scythians? Scythians were branch of Sarmatians.

Did you sow where we came from start, from word Vindobona?

Remember. Sarmats were Europe. And not only Europe. Since time immemorial. Sarmats are givers of West. Rest came later. Much much much later. From Sarmats came out other Europeans. Then, history was stolen to Sarmats and they were allowed to continue to use only other their name `Slavic name` that didn`t refer to their ethnicity but by which Sarmatians among themselves knew that they differ from others- that they are able to understand each others and that others are mute to them (Slovianin - sloviti - to talk = one who is able to talk). Still, some Sarmats, those who live in old cores, along the Danube and on the Balkan-Baltic line and Lusatia. They are still Serbs or Serbians.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
19 Apr 2019   #7
More about traces of original ethnic name of culture that gave Western world, ie Sarmatian/Slavic culture (read in old original- Serbs, ie Thracians, ie etc). Here we seek for name of places that existed on old maps. We here cover more then 5000 years in the past and see that trace of name existed already that deep in time.

in Italy >


Zerba (is a comune in the Province of Piacenza in the Italian region Emilia-Romagna.......

in Germany >


Zerbst is a town in the district of Anhalt-Bitterfeld, in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.

region of early Christian. So name of place precede early Christian >

Mount Serbal

Mount Serbal is a mountain located in Wadi Feiran in southern Sinai. At 2,070 metres (6,791 ft) high, .... fifth highest mountain in Egypt

region of early known Egyptians, name of place existed already in their time and therefore precede them >

Serabit el-Khadim

Serabit el-Khadim is a locality in the southwest Sinai Peninsula, Egypt, where turquoise was mined extensively in antiquity, mainly by the ancient Egyptians.

From Europe to the Ind river, from romanized and germanized Sarmats to those that were semitinized

Kingdom of the Suebi > Suebi > read Kingdom of Serbs >


The Kingdom of the Suebi (Latin: Regnum Suevorum), also called the Kingdom of Gallæcia (Latin: Regnum Gallæciae)

Mind yourself that name of `Germania` came to existance only after Romans conquered local Sarmats and named province as Germania. In similar way, modern day Serbia (ancient cradle of Sarmatian world that preserved Sarmatian name till the our time) was after Roman conquest named as Moeasia.

Swabians > read Serbians >

Swabians (German: Schwaben, singular Schwabe) are ethnic German people who are native to or have ancestral roots in the cultural and linguistic region of Swabia

Swabia > read Serbia >

Swabia, also archaic Suabia or Svebia is a cultural, historic and linguistic region in southwestern Germany.

Swabi > read Srbi > Serbi > in modern day Pakistan >

Swabi or Sawabai is the capital of Swabi District in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan

You can`t even imagine how sound fanny to me when somebody says `Greater Serbia`. Look how wast that concept would be. So, I rather have great satisfaction just knowing how are all Slavs and Europeans nothing but Serbs and only few of us still keep using that original ethnic name. Even outside of Europe, many people got in itself Serbian ancestry.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
24 Aug 2019   #8
Representative of Slavic autohtonistic school, Dr Jovan Deretic > Jovan Deretić: Česi i Poljaci su Srbi (translate: Czechs and Poles are Serbians directly and also partially in extended sense (ie Sarmatians)

On your peril if you don`t understand but I think any Slavic speaking person should understand.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
27 Mar 2020   #9
Deeper insight into history of Europe. Some thoughts...

Spali, Spalaei, Spalaei, Palaei - names of one and same people. Corrupted name of Serbs by Pliny (fl. 77-79).
Spalaei/Palaei/Pali - corrupted by Diodorus (2, 43). Even point at them as ancestral people (Royal Scythians) of all Scythians. This remind me of Polish legneds of Sarmatian origin.

Polish Tadeusz Sulimirski connects all these records with Sarmatian Roxolani. Spalirisos, Spalyris, Spalahora, and the Slavic word ispolin, spolin (`giant`). Sulmirski also thinks that other Slavs considered Serbs as overlords, ancestral people of their origin. Francis Dvornik says that Sporoi mentioned by Procopius (around 500 AD) aree old name of the Antes and that Sclaveni were probably the those Spali mentioned by Jordanes (fl. 551) and Spalei mentioned by Pliny.

Having this in mind and in context of this thread, where we, among else, try to analyze all local native versions of Serbian (Sarmatian) name.

So, on the first glance, in my opinion on the base of data and linguistic logic these names are native versions of Serbian name > spot how is line of original Serbian name preserved on the Balkan-Baltic line, first backbone of Europeans on this continent (in slow migration along the Danube river), after Europe was re-populated when Ice age was over.

(in Serbian sound - Shvabi) - Here we don`t have foreign corruption but linguistic evolution where we have that phenomenon where B moving to V or symple gradual softening of original (from all Europeans and Slavs only Balkan Serbs preserved ``R`` as vocal, being located in the ancient core of West/Ice age refugium where civilization never ended in last 70.000 years, on Balkan and language retained its primal originality). SRBI > SRVI. Serbs from Balkan, Lusatia and Kashupi would tell Srbin, Syarbin or Sorbin. See, you have that gradual softening. But Polish will tell Szczerb (in Serbian that sound SH).

Corrupted versions of Serbian (ie Sarmatian) name are for sure these remnants >

* SPAIN, SPANIARDS (in Serbian sound - Shpania)
* PORTUGAL (same as Spalei > Palei)

Among else, we now know more of European history. We see and learning that when we speak of slave rebellion of Spartacus against Romans, we actually speak about `Rebellion of Serbs led by Serbian`. So, Sarmatian rebellion that were at the same time slaves of Rome, while Sarmatian elite was in symbiotic relationship with Rome. For example, we know that Spartacus who led rebellion of slaves was directly from Thracia, Thracian (and it is dual designation for Sarmatians same as Serbian state even today have two names, Srbija i Rashka > Racowie > Th-racowia = Thracia). In all Roman records name of Triballi (biggest Thracian tribe) is exonym of Serbs. Duka (of Byzant) directly write, even in middle ages, write how Turks moved against Triballi and clashed with them on Kosovo (Kosovo battle - Serbs vs Turks) and speaks of Lazarus of Triballi (at that time Serbian King Lazar). Also, more Roman Emperors (Western and Eastern) were of Sarmatian then of Latin origin.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
7 May 2020   #10
One comment on Spartans, maybe most famous Sarmatians ever. Spartans, one of us, on the glory of our common venerable ancestors. A story that is useful to modern-day Sarmats.


It is said that Spartans separated male children from mothers at the age of seven.

Now, with all respect on mothers, this story teaches us not to hesitate to unleash the full manly potentials of our sons. So, go now, talk to your sons.

Only strongly! Sarmats shall prevail.
OP Crow  154 | 9463
26 May 2020   #11

by the 9th-century Bavarian Geographer .... "....... great a realm ......, all the tribes of the Slavs are sprung and trace their origin"


tribal confederation of early East Slavs occupying areas to the east of the middle Dnieper River and the Danube River

Home / Genealogy / Was name `Szczerbin` first and original Polish ethnic name, local version of Sarmatian name ?

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