The employees of the "Aquarius" Water and Sewage Company. Thanks to them it was possible to maintain the operation of the drinking water sources. First, they saved the mountain ones, namely "Forest Cabin" and "Stone Tower", and later they also fought for "Grabarów".
For two days, they stood in the downpour, in the forest, manually pulling out everything that the elements carried from Polski Stream: stones, branches, leaves, garbage. They did not give up even when it seemed that "Forest Cabin" was beyond saving. This morning, they left "Grabarów" with a shield. They fought for two days with the Beaver River pouring into the plant. If it were not for the dedicated actions of them, today the entire Zabobrze and part of the city center would be without water.
Jelenia Góra bows low to them," added the president.
Sometimes I get a huge surprise when I see people who look very similar to me. Are they my much younger twin siblings and why do I know nothing about it????