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Polish looks? - part 2

pawian  220 | 24929
17 Jan 2024 #31
Yes, I did!!! And I am proud of it! hahahaha

Goodnight. ::):)
Miloslaw  21 | 4869
17 Jan 2024 #32
And I am proud of it!

Proud of being a crazy old ape?
Jerzy, really?
pawian  220 | 24929
17 Jan 2024 #33
:):):) Why not??? Crazy apes lead interesting lives and are generally liked by decent people. Ha! As for age, I am old in documents but in reality I feel very young. :):):):

I am very happy in my life, contrary to embittered mongrels. hahahaha
Miloslaw  21 | 4869
17 Jan 2024 #34
Crazy apes lead interesting lives and are generally liked by decent people.

I don't think anyone likes a crazy ape........
pawian  220 | 24929
17 Jan 2024 #35
I don't think

Exactly !!! Holy words of yours. hahahaha
Miloslaw  21 | 4869
17 Jan 2024 #36
Exactly !!! Holy words of yours.

And the last words from a complete imbecile who is so narrow minded that he won't debate anything!!!

All he does is make moronic comments and avoids debate...... truly pathetic!
pawian  220 | 24929
17 Jan 2024 #37
debate anything

What can I debate with you? The fact that you can`t speak Polish??? :):):)
mafketis  38 | 10847
18 Jan 2024 #38
I don't think anyone likes a crazy ape........

Not true... how many people loved the demented old circus monkey Arthur Spooner?

pawian may also be a demented old circus monkey..... but he's _our_ demented old circus monkey!
Alien  22 | 5479
21 Jan 2024 #39
but he's _our_ demented old circus monkey!

It's not dementia, it's Parkinson's disease.
pawian  220 | 24929
21 Jan 2024 #40
pawian may also be a demented old circus monkey

I used to be demented but when I joined the forum, I recovered miraculously! hahahaha

t's Parkinson's disease

And Peter Pan syndrome. hahahaha
pawian  220 | 24929
25 Jan 2024 #41
Some Poles and Polesses look like horses:

A known politician:

Ironside  50 | 12466
25 Jan 2024 #42
A known politician:

Stop gaslighting people he is a known horse from Janow Podlaski.
pawian  220 | 24929
20 Feb 2024 #43
Farmers from today`s protests: only No 2 and 3 look like typical Polish peasants.

Ironside  50 | 12466
21 Feb 2024 #44
typical Polish peasants.

Looks like you have a stereotype of a typical Polish peasant, are they all on the oldish side? lol!
Anyway, those are Polish framers.
Typical Polish peasant look like Bodnar or Tusk or you!
jon357  73 | 22640
21 Feb 2024 #45
Farmers from today`s protests

It's someone among their leaders who gets wads of cash from Dmitri rather than the ones they've whipped up to protest (and divvied some of the cash up with).

A known politician

With a face like a well slapped arse.
mafketis  38 | 10847
21 Feb 2024 #46
only No 2 and 3 look like typical Polish peasants.

I dunno.... there's a peasant market in town I go to sometimes and 5 and 6 look more like customers than sellers... I think 1 and 4 could be either....

Polish (and in general European) farmers have a lot to be angry about especially daft green policy that wants to cut production (who needs food?) but I don't think any of them are especially motivated by ideology, more by practical day to day paying-the-bills problems.

And now a bad combination of PiS's failure to keep Ukrainian wheat off the market, stupid EU anti-agriculture policies and (probably foreign) moneyed interests wanting to turn Ukraine into a massive agricultural collective (a la Almeria, Spain) is driving current protests and not any kind of pro-russia ideas....
Miloslaw  21 | 4869
21 Feb 2024 #47
stupid EU anti-agriculture policies

That sums up why The EU is not "Fit for Purpose".
Alien  22 | 5479
22 Feb 2024 #48
not any kind of pro-russia ideas....

But it is russia that benefits most from these protests.
Ironside  50 | 12466
22 Feb 2024 #49
The EU is not "Fit for Purpose".

No, it is fit for fat few!
pawian  220 | 24929
22 Feb 2024 #50
Looks like you have a stereotype of a typical Polish peasant,

Yes, because I have spent a quarter of my life in the countryside. :):):)

Check out this stereotypical peasant painted in 1917

Miloslaw  21 | 4869
22 Feb 2024 #51
No, it is fit for fat few!

Bobko  26 | 2175
22 Feb 2024 #52
Check out this stereotypical peasant painted in 1917

Looks like you!
pawian  220 | 24929
22 Feb 2024 #53
Only the moustache fits in.
Bobko  26 | 2175
22 Feb 2024 #54
Yes, too much hair on top to be you.
Alien  22 | 5479
22 Feb 2024 #55
moustache fits

Handsome guy. But what's most interesting is that he's definitely not more than 40 years old. People aged earlier in those days.
pawian  220 | 24929
22 Feb 2024 #56
he's definitely not more than 40 years old.

No, he was 80. I know coz he is my great great grandpa.
pawian  220 | 24929
2 Mar 2024 #57
A typical Polish male police officer.

Alien  22 | 5479
2 Mar 2024 #58
Polish male police officer

Looks like militiaman from People's Republic of Poland
pawian  220 | 24929
2 Mar 2024 #59
Alien, you forgot how they really looked. :):):)
Alien  22 | 5479
2 Mar 2024 #60
you forgot

I haven't forgotten, they also had mustaches and willingly took bribes from drivers.

Home / Genealogy / Polish looks? - part 2

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