Looking for any information or descendants of Wladyslaw and Anna Krulikowski of Kalisz, Konin area. Wladyslaw Krolikowski born 1858 in Wladyslawow. Married Anna floryanski in Konin 1886. Please contact me janelle.pking@gmail.com
I have the old church birth records for Wladyslaw and his children (Jozef 1887, Marianna 1890, Ignacy 1892, Edward 1894, Apolonia 1899 & Ludwik 1903; all born in Konin Parish) - thanks to help of others. I'd just like to know what became of him and his decedents that did not immigrate to Michigan in the United States. Last known residence of Anna Florayanski-Krolikowski before immigration to US in 1924 was Kalisz, Poland.
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