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Justewicz and Szawatkowski

16 Dec 2006 #1
Does anyone know of any Justewicz or Szawatkowski family members in Poland? I am looking for relatives of Roman Justewicz or Anastasia Szawatkowski, my grandparents.
jccalvin  1 | 8
16 Dec 2006 #2
A little more information would be helpful. When were they born, where, children's names, school, church, marriage, death, etc.

13 Apr 2008 #3
I am also a grandchild of Roman and Anastasia. Roman was born in Poland in 1871. Anastasia was born in 1876 in Michigan but some say in Poland. I believe I know who wrote in the original question. How do we get back to Polish records?
Polonius3  980 | 12276
13 Apr 2008 #4
Only two people in Poland sign themselves Justewicz and a mere 12 share the Szawatkowski surname. That makes it much easier to trace long-lost relations than with more popular surnames.
10 Jul 2008 #5
Sure. Anastasia parents were John and Eva Szawatkowski. Came to the USA in 1884. Immigrated from Wejherowo.
11 Mar 2010 #6
Who is this and where did you get this information? This is the first I've heard the names of Anastasia's parents.

Priscilla Buttson Peterson
12 May 2013 #7
Do you know where they lived??
5 Mar 2014 #8
I am a grand daughter of Roman and Anastasia also. Yes Eva and John were the parents of Anastasia. I have some limited information about the geneology and am looking for more.

They are my grandparents also. Who are you? I am Evelyn
31 Oct 2018 #9
Roman Justewicz originally came from Radislaw and the family later migratednto Warsaw.
Anastaczia was actually born on Germany as the Sczawatkowkis intended to leave Europe for U.S.
26 Apr 2022 #10
According to the passenger list of the ship arriving from Hamburg in June 1892, Roman Justewicz, b. Aug 6, 1871, was 21 years old and lists his home (in German) Raganow, Russe? (Russia?), his nationality Polish. His father is Mateush Justewicz, b. about 1850. Mateush appears in the passenger list for the SS Patricia, leaving Hamburg 11/21/1908 with Josef Justewicz, 23 years old, married, arriving Ellis Island, New York listing his nationality as Polish and last location Radzanowa, Russia. He identified Mateush Justewicz as his father. The family story was that the Justewicz family migrated to Warsaw but I see no evidence of that in my research.
Pollonia  - | 1
28 Apr 2022 #11
Roman Justewicz was born in RADZANOW in Mlawa county , north of Warsaw. Records BMD 1808 -1909 are in Mlawa state archive .

There was a couple Jan Szawatkowski and Eva nee Krzywda in Zwiniarz parish (Grodziczno civil register), former Prussia, recently warmisnko-mazurskie province. I see no records before 1874 in Polish archives.

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