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Golembiewski/name help/desperate

Peach921  1 | -
6 Jun 2024 #1
Hello all. My family last name is Goliembeski/Golembiewski. Different family members spell it differently, these are just two variations I've seen. Some just use Golemb. My great-grandma immigrated to America from Poland in the late 1800s, my great grand-father came from Russia. In doing genealogy online I'm finding more records indicating that my family is Jewish. My dad brought it up once and there was an uproar in the e family. My grandma reminded him "we spell our last name WITH A W!" I never understood it. Can anybody help? Is this a Jewish name? None of my family will talk about it.
Paulina  15 | 4429
6 Jun 2024 #2
In Polish language it would be spelled Gołębiewski.

My grandma reminded him "we spell our last name WITH A W!" I never understood it.

I'm Polish and I don't understand that either, I'm afraid :)

Is this a Jewish name?

No, it isn't, but someone with Jewish roots could take this name or marry into a Gołębiewski family, I guess.
Tlum  12 | 257
17 Jul 2024 #3
It could also be Gołębiowski (not only Gołębiewski).

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