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Taste of food in Poland vs other countries

dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
3 Nov 2010   #61
and you don't use salt, either.

Now you're just talking crap, I don't know one person who doesn't and besides the point, it's healthier not to...
Teffle  22 | 1318
3 Nov 2010   #62
it's all picking at details to hide the fact that the taste of food in Poland is either bland or tastes like you use bucket loads of salt, which is quite often.

There you go - fixed that for you : )
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
3 Nov 2010   #63
Lol! I'm awaiting to go for a my lunch at the Castle Campbell hotel...I must remember to tell them there not to put even a grain of salt on my food in case the wicked salty flying monkeys come take me away...
Ksysia  25 | 428
3 Nov 2010   #64
There you go - fixed that for you : )


So... what countries IMPORT English food? Waht food is there to export? All you have is some sheep and fish... and maybe potatoes - I do love an English potato.

Come to think of it, you should be called tater-eaters, not beefeaters. Taterers.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
3 Nov 2010   #65
what countries IMPORT English food?

Spain and France for example...

Come to think of it, what countries import Polish food? dumb-ass
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
3 Nov 2010   #66
Come to think of it, what countries import Polish food? dumb-ass

actually quite a lot about 2 billion euro worth:)
Teffle  22 | 1318
3 Nov 2010   #67
Well since I'm not English I'll talk about Ireland:

Dairy produce, beef, lamb is exported all over the world - high quality reputation. A lot of fish in Spain comes from either British or Irish waters. Scottish & Irish smoked Salmon is exported everywhere.

On the whole salt issue, I think it's more the case that we (Poles & Irish/British) taste it where we don't expect it. E.g. I don't necessarily expect a cabbage or egg based dish to be particularly salty but for me, in Poland, it definitely is.

On the the other hand, salted butter is the norm here which Poles would notice more.
Ksysia  25 | 428
3 Nov 2010   #68
Come to think of it, what countries import Polish food?

dtaylor - wow, that's the fish and sheep already mentioned.

Russia, Czech, France, my family's company exports to Holland, Germany, and the UK.


dumb dick. 'england iz better, england iz better!!!' if you really believed it you wouldn't jump up when you're called to account. No food can grow in England, because it's too dark and damp anyway. It's like Iceland, only you stole some Chinese and Indian money, so you got a little of polish on top of the wall fungi.

[let's see if the Anglo can match my evil]
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
3 Nov 2010   #69
England, because it's too dark and damp anyway.

Strange coming from a Pole where the country is frozen over for 6 months of the year :D

england iz better, england iz better!!!

What has England got to do with the price of butter? Oh I forgot, you're the little English cafe owning hater...

It's like Iceland, only you stole some Chinese and Indian money, so you got a little of polish on top of the wall fungi.

Have you been eating some of that wall fungi? Cos you're making no sense.
Ksysia  25 | 428
3 Nov 2010   #70
Strange coming from a Pole where the country is frozen over for 6 months of the year :D

at least we can eat the Polar bear!

paying only little compliments to the country does not make me a hater.
jonni  16 | 2475
3 Nov 2010   #71
So... what countries IMPORT English food?

Half the world.

No food can grow in England, because it's too dark and damp anyway.

Havok  10 | 902
3 Nov 2010   #72
specifically meat

I felt slightly adventurous one time so i bought polish spam "wieprzowa mielonka w puszce" in a polish grocery store. I almost puked when i opened it.

It's all about how you prep your food imo.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
3 Nov 2010   #73
some posters here are quite funny.

Bigos is a good dish if it is made well, with fresh meat and well spiced.

In general Polish food is cooked for too long therefore it loses its taste.

I felt slightly adventurous one time so i bought polish spam "wieprzowa mielonka w puszce" in a polish grocery store. I almost puked when i opened it.

nobody expects spam to taste good, Polish or not. Adventure my ass;)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
3 Nov 2010   #74
Bread in most countries tends to taste "weird" to non-natives. As does the milk. Just one of those things : )

I love Polish "£aciata" and "Kajzerki" :D

Polish milk, especially the UHT stuff is ****

*Put's on his iron knuckles and loads his gun*
Yu messen wid mi?

I'd agree with Ksysia, in general. Polish food seems more flavoursome.

Indeed in Norway a lot of stuff have thing's "added" so that they last longer... Yaakh
But in Poland there are so many people, that they don't have to do it! ;)
pgtx  29 | 3094
3 Nov 2010   #75
I love Polish "£aciata" and "Kajzerki" :D

i love it too! nothing better then £aciate butter...
American butter doesn't have any taste... same as milk... :(
Maybe  12 | 409
3 Nov 2010   #76
It's like Iceland, only you stole some Chinese and Indian money, so you got a little of polish on top of the wall fungi.

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
3 Nov 2010   #77
American butter doesn't have any taste... same as milk... :(

most stuff there doesn't have any taste, so they have to spice it up;), well, maybe some growth hormone taste;)

Polish food in general has more natural taste, therefore less spices are needed. End of;)
Teffle  22 | 1318
3 Nov 2010   #78
Jesus - in almost the same breath!

In general Polish food is cooked for too long therefore it loses its taste.

Polish food in general has more natural taste, therefore less spices are needed

Patrycja19  61 | 2679
3 Nov 2010   #79
well, maybe some growth hormone taste;)

they went organic, now food that is without chemicals and hormones cost you a mint

The shelves are changing, Which is good, we dont need more crap in the food. :)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
3 Nov 2010   #80
Jesus - in almost the same breath!

the first one is related to the generic Polish cook, who overcooks everything.

The second is related to me, who does not overcook everything. I have lived in Poland longer then you have, I actually grew up there and spend some time away from it, so I can compare.

kisses ;)


I know they do , but still it is a long way to go to be honest. I east regular food and nothing fancy really and it has a taste, in Canada it DID NOT even though I tried organic and other things - the food production in North America has done a lot of damage to the taste.

Come to Poland :)
Teffle  22 | 1318
3 Nov 2010   #81
OK fair enough - but still, if you are claiming that typical Polish cooks overcook things until they are tasteless.....?

Kisses and hugs ; )
Havok  10 | 902
3 Nov 2010   #82
nobody expects spam to taste good, Polish or not. Adventure my ass;)

I don't mind eating spam, actually i kind of like the taste of it.

That and Pizza, mac'cheese, stuffed cabbage rolls, general tso's chicken, shooshee, rib-eye steak, (well done though), red wine like Merlot, maybe sauerkraut sausage and beer,

oh and i like zubrowka with apple juice and helb ze smalcem. Good stuff, yeah and zurek. so GFY for that spam comment.
Teffle  22 | 1318
3 Nov 2010   #83
Yes! I mean, come on - insulting spam? that's a new low - what is the world coming to??
Marynka11  3 | 639
3 Nov 2010   #84
I think the different taste of meat might result in the fact that the animals are not fed as much corn as eg. in the States.

I live in the States and visit Poland once a year. I find that chicken does not smell as much like bleach (the supermarket chicken in America does). Pork also seems to taste better in Poland, but I generally do not like pork or beef that much.

Whatever beef I had in Poland was horrible. It's not a place to get a good steak.

I buy the chicken from the Amish and I have to say the difference in taste is tremendous.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
3 Nov 2010   #85
OK fair enough - but still, if you are claiming that typical Polish cooks overcook things until they are tasteless.....?

of course they do:). If something is not boiled to death, reheated many times will not be eaten. I, on the other hand like fresh food and will not touch a soup which is older then 2 days.

Kisses and hugs ; )

ha, ha......huggin back the hard working TEFL teacher;)


you can swear as much as you like, spam is not food - it was invented to keep the WW2 soldiers from starving and somehow ended up on the shelves - and fU too;) lol
Wroclaw Boy
3 Nov 2010   #86
most stuff there doesn't have any taste, so they have to spice it up

American beef steak is great, lovely and tender its unnaturally always good. The sliced beef is great two, once you get to the end of the packet theres a weird brown watery substance left in the packet, what the hell are they up to?

After watching Food inc i understand that there are only four companies producing beef in the US, and that they have the entire market sown up.


Every time i buy carrots in Poland they taste great with a kind of natural sweetness, i dont really like carrots by the way. In the UK i have eaten carrots only once that tasted like they do here and that was in a fancy New Forest Hotel restaurant. I can even remember the name of that Hotel. and no they weren't honey coated or artificially sweetened in any way.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
3 Nov 2010   #87
Come to Poland :)

:) I heard from few relatives that the food in poland was full of more fat, which I would
agree , that might be why the taste is different compared to here. some places still cook
things naturally.

I think its just what we get used to, because my mom would cook some really good food
and I loved it, and then someone elses mom would cook and I would not like how she
prepared her food.

I dont like the original way to make cabbage, I like how my mom taught me, so its all
in what we get used to, and you grew up on a certain taste. back home is always the
pgtx  29 | 3094
3 Nov 2010   #88
Kisses and hugs ; )
ha, ha......huggin back the hard working TEFL teacher;)

ok! you guys need a group hug....

*...groouuup huuuggingg....! ;) ...*

Mossad boys are the hottest!!!!!!!! If I ever went astray it would be with a Mossad boy lol, not the spam eaters. Never!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah.... :)

ahem, back to Polish beef.

that's what this thread is about? ah! yeah Polish beef is quite good... even better then a TX steak... ;)
OP businessmaninpl  6 | 26
3 Nov 2010   #89
I felt slightly adventurous one time so i bought polish spam "wieprzowa mielonka w puszce" in a polish grocery store. I almost puked when i opened it.
It's all about how you prep your food imo.

Spam is not real food by my books.

Unfortunately I think a lot of this problem stems from the fact that there is a certain section of society in Poland (the minority, but it seems like a large minority to me) who think that basically anything Polish is better than anything else in the world.

It wouldn't surprise me if some Poles thought that the oceans were created by the tears of Polish people weeping in sorrow and pity at how inferior every other country is.

Poles only think their food and women are superior. Everything else has to be foreign.

yeah Polish beef is quite good... even better then a TX steak... ;)

In your dreams, honey. No beef tastes better than texas steak.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
3 Nov 2010   #90
In your dreams, honey. No beef tastes better than texas steak.

somehow I get the impression we are no longer on the subject of food. :)

hmmm off to work..

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