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Best hypermarket to shop for foods in Poland?

pawian  226 | 27817
9 Nov 2024   #31
I have never found a similar scent anywhere else since.

Those oldies are much better than contemporary stuff. That is why I still drive my old car. It is simply indefatigable. Like pawian. hahahaha
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Nov 2024   #32
Since when did men need perfumes??

Since they started showing some self-respect, a few centuries ago.

to soothe my skin.

Moisturising is more important; any will do, even the cheapest (though non-greasy ones are best), last thing at night.
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Nov 2024   #33
I bought Yardley's men's perfumes. I have never found a similar scent anywhere else since.

If you like those vintage British scents, have you ever tried Imperial Leather by Cussons? The soap smells delicious. It's a very old scent for men. The scent was originally commissioned by a Russian nobleman from a London perfumier back in the 18th century, hence the 'imperial' title. A bit hard to get in Poland but you can buy it on the net. You can also get a shower gel and a few other things but they discontinued their shaving products and colognes years ago as far as I'm aware.

You can still get Yardley fragrances for men though.
Alien  26 | 6528
10 Nov 2024   #34
Leather by Cussons?

I'll check.
You can still get Yardley fragrances for men though

I tested everything they have but these are different scents. The last trace on the internet was from South America, but naturally I did not continue my search there. It's a pity because you can have an allergic reaction to new (somewhat artificial) scents.
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Nov 2024   #35
I just checked and some people are complaining that the Imperial Leather soap no longer smells the same. If you can get the older bars (NOT made in Thailand!) you might get the original formula.
Alien  26 | 6528
10 Nov 2024   #36
Imperial Leather

Now I remember, we sometimes brought this soap from our holidays in England. I don't remember the smell though. It's not available in German stores. I'll check next time if it's in Tesco in the Czech Republic.
Novichok  4 | 8682
10 Nov 2024   #37
Best hypermarket to shop for foods in Poland?
Women shop. Men buy.
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Nov 2024   #38
I don't remember the smell though

There is or should be, an underlying scent of sandalwood. Sandalwood is a fabulous fragrance for men. I often buy it for Mr Atch. I was just looking now and I found this stuff from India which is very much the real deal. I'd give it a go if I were you :)

Gets great reviews on Amazon. I've used Indian products in the past, their pure natural stuff like Henna from India and they are really good in my experience.
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Nov 2024   #39
Men buy.

Men buy - yes, indeed they do - whatever rubbish is currently being marketed to them. I'm afraid Novi, that shopping is yet another dying art. Old men like yourself may make sensible buying decisions, as indeed I'm sure your wife does, both of you being of a generation that understood the concepts of quality and value for money. Men under forty are mostly as daft as a brush and highly susceptible to marketing and advertising. Men between forty and sixty are even more daft, and will buy any old shite that makes them feel younger.
Novichok  4 | 8682
10 Nov 2024   #40
Men buy - yes, indeed they do - whatever rubbish is currently being marketed to them.

Maybe in the past...Today, I research things to death to my wife's extreme irritation. Like when we need a new toaster...

Shopping (def.): You walk into a store not knowing what you will walk out with. Mostly women.

Buying (def.): You walk into a store knowing exactly what you will walk out with.

Shoplifting (def.): as above but without paying.

Looting (def.): as above except replace "walk" with "run". To avoid being arrested, you must be black or look like one: brown and fat.
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Nov 2024   #41
I research things to death to my wife's extreme irritation. Like when we need a new toaster...

Just don't buy anything manufactured in the USA - if you can find anything these days! American manufactured electrics have a terrible reputation. But if it's made in Japan, you have a fighting chance that it'll be halfway decent.

Surprisingly, De Longhi make good toasters. I say surprisingly because we all know the reputation of Italians - can't build cars, can't fight wars ;) mind you De Longhi make good convector heaters too, great old workhorses. But the Italians do tend to have a reputation for style over substance.

I'll tell you one brand of kitchen appliance that really is a joke and that's Smeg, especially their fridges. They look beautiful, and all the retro-heads want them for that vintage look BUT the gubbins of them are pretty lame and those gubbins were actually manufactured by Gorejne whose fridge costs about half the price. It's basically the same fridge but if you're an idiot, you'll pay double the price for it. Maybe that's changed now but up until quite recently Smeg and Gorejne were basically the same fridge.

What toaster did you buy in the end?
Alien  26 | 6528
10 Nov 2024   #42
What toaster did you buy in the end

Made in China for sure.
De Longhi make good toasters

They also make great coffee machines.
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Nov 2024   #43
If you like those vintage British scents, have you ever tried Imperial Leather by Cussons?

I use Brut 33 sometimes. They still sell it and it's actually good quality. Nobody under a certain age remembers it, and for people older, it has nostalgia.

I'll tell you one brand of kitchen appliance

One good thi grin Poland is some of the 'cheaper' brands made for Eastern Europe. The quality is often very good and they tend to be robust. Plus the 'special' versions from well known brands for that market. I bought a Kenwood stand mixer/food processor, made in the U.K. but sold in Poland, Ukraine etc. Much cheaper than their other stuff, takes the same attachments and has lasted me for years.

EuroRTV are particularly good for those products and Media Markt often has some.
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Nov 2024   #44
it has nostalgia.

The original Old Spice and Imperial Leather for me are the scent of my grandad :) I think I remember him also having some Max Factor aftershave that my sister bought him for Christmas. It's all very Proustian, this talk of scents of the past. Amazing how scent takes one back in such a vivid way, like a time machine. You're in that moment again.

And on a more mundane note, Zelmer kettles are very good!
Novichok  4 | 8682
10 Nov 2024   #45
ust don't buy anything manufactured in the USA

What about F-35?
What toaster did you buy in the end?

The one my wife threw into the shopping cart faster than I could Google "best toasters". 30 bucks and five years later still working...
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Nov 2024   #46
The one my wife threw into the shopping cart faster than I could Google "best toasters".

Now, that's actually funny! :)) That's the spirit Novi :) good man. G'wan, ya good thing!
jon357  72 | 23654
10 Nov 2024   #47
the scent of my grandad :) ......... It's all very Proustian, this talk of scents of the past.

I was visiting an Old People's Home and there was a decorative bottle of Heaven Scent talc next to the bog. It was as if my granny was in the room.
Joker  2 | 2447
10 Nov 2024   #48
What about F-35?

Lets the Euros keep buying chinese crap....too funny!
pawian  226 | 27817
10 Nov 2024   #49
keep buying chinese crap

China Exports to United States was US$501.22 Billion during 2023

European Union Imports from China was US$657.32 Billion during 2022

Counting the size of population, stupid Americans buy twice as much from China than Europeans.

Joker! Do some research before you post your usual stupidities.
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Nov 2024   #50
Dino, which has been expanding rapidly lately.

Dino is growing like a weed. In the first half of 2024, the chain exceeded 2,500 stores in Poland, opening 98 locations since the beginning of the year, which gave a total of 2,504 stores. At the end of the third quarter of this year, the chain already had 2,572 stores throughout the country, and employment in Dino reached 47.1 thousand employees. Dino is still looking for people willing to work.

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