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Do Polish people really love cabbage ??

danielle1  3 | 12
16 Nov 2008   #1
my boyfriend is Polish and when we first started going out all he ate was cabbage stu. in other conversations with other people they say that the polish people thay know also eat a lot of cabbage is it true ??
LondonChick  31 | 1133
16 Nov 2008   #2
I guess so - it's been the ingredient of several dishes that I've eaten. However, it's prepared in such a way that it doesn't taste like school dinners :P
OP danielle1  3 | 12
16 Nov 2008   #3
i know i have seen, what looks like to me the same dish, but my boyfriend says its totally different. He doesnt eat as much cabbage now hes onto progies sorry cant spell that is that a good poish dish too?? if you can understand what i mean??
LondonChick  31 | 1133
16 Nov 2008   #4

Yum!! I had some cabbage and wild mushroom stuffed pierogies when I was in Poland a few weeks ago :P
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
16 Nov 2008   #5
hes onto progies

Pierogi ?
Switezianka  - | 463
16 Nov 2008   #6
I love cabbage, especially sauerkraut.

I like in in bigos, in salad, in pierogi and in kapuśniak (sauerkraut soup).

This thread made me want some bigos. I'm going to the kitchen to warm some up ;-)
LondonChick  31 | 1133
16 Nov 2008   #7

Mmmm... bigos. I had this for the first time last week :P
pawian  226 | 27817
16 Nov 2008   #8
Popular cabbage dishes in Poland are:
1. Bigos (made from sauerkraut and fresh cabbage).
2. Kapuśniak soup
3. Pierogis stuffed with cabbage and mushrooms.
4. Gołąbki rolls
5. Boiled cabbage salad

And my favourite
4. Sauerkraut carrot salad, often served in our school canteen.

If I skipped some dish, correct me.
koziolek  2 | 31
16 Nov 2008   #9
Mmmmmm... Cabbage. It's cabbage's evil little brother, the brussels sprout that you have to be careful with.
Krzysztof  2 | 971
16 Nov 2008   #10
He doesnt eat as much cabbage now hes onto progies

I'm afraid your boyfriend went to the cabbage in disguise of pierogi, in order to make you less worried about his cabbade-addiction :)

3. Pierogis stuffed with cabbage and mushrooms.

koziolek  2 | 31
16 Nov 2008   #11
Cabbage cooked nicely - steamed, then served with a butter and a dash of salt and pepper is a fine way to keep up your vegetable intake. However, I have a jar of sauerkraut in my fridge and I need more ideas of what I can do with it.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591
16 Nov 2008   #12
The best use of cabbage is in gołąbki. Or soup. :)
z_darius  14 | 3960
16 Nov 2008   #13
in other conversations with other people they say that the polish people thay know also eat a lot of cabbage is it true ??

This is very ambiguous as in Polish there is a slang for a girl or girlfriend - "kapusta" (cabage). So you might say Polish males eat even more cabage than Polish females do.
17 Nov 2008   #14
They think cabbage is healthy.

I have been here for 3 months

hotdog has cabbage
hambuger has cabbage
kebab has cabbage

if you order a meal it usually has cabbage on the plate somewhere.

I think if they could find a way to put cabbage on pizza they would.
Prince  15 | 590
17 Nov 2008   #15
I think if they could find a way to put cabbage on pizza they would.

Kebab pizza with cabbage ;) 3.JPG - pizza
gosiaczek  1 | 85
17 Nov 2008   #16
This is very ambiguous as in Polish there is a slang for a girl or girlfriend - "kapusta" (cabage). So you might say Polish males eat even more cabage than Polish females do.

Never heard of that...

But in other slangs "kapusta" means money. So who's got more cabbage? ;)
pawian  226 | 27817
17 Nov 2008   #17
Neither have I.

Probably Z darius meant sth else.

But in other slangs "kapusta" means money.

Yes, that`s it.

I have been here for 3 months

hotdog has cabbage
hambuger has cabbage
kebab has cabbage

Hmm, are you sure you don`t mistake fried onion for cabbage??????
z_darius  14 | 3960
17 Nov 2008   #18
No, I didn't.
While certainly not mainstream, the slang use of the word stems form one of regional answers to the question:

"mommy, where do children come from?"
'they are found in a cabbage field, dear".

I heard it from a few dozen people, mostly in Western Poland (lubuskie)
pawian  226 | 27817
17 Nov 2008   #19
But cabbage field is literal here. An old superstition, or rather a politically correct reply to the question where children come from, is that they are found by parents in cabbage or are brought by a stork.

So, kapusta still has nothing to do with girls, girlfriends, even in slangish meaning.
pawian  226 | 27817
17 Nov 2008   #21
:):) I get this attempt of a joke here. Children are found in cabbage which metaphorically means they are found in girls. That`s what you mean?

However, I may assure you that kapusta has never been used as a slang expression for a girl or girlfriend in Poland. Google "kapusta dziewczyna" and you will see zero results.

Sorry, someone has misinformed you.
z_darius  14 | 3960
17 Nov 2008   #22
:):) I get this attempt of a joke here. Children are found in cabbage which metaphorically means they are found in girls. That`s what you mean?


However, I may assure you that kapusta has never been used as a slang expression for a girl or girlfriend in Poland.

You have never heard it. I did numerous times and first hand. I needed no information from anyone.
pawian  226 | 27817
17 Nov 2008   #23
Instead of contradicting, why don`t you admit you are wrong on this? :):):) No Pole here will corroborate your stance...
EraAtlantia  2 | 106
17 Nov 2008   #24
Defintions of cabbage:

# boodle: informal terms for money
# pilfer: make off with belongings of others
# any of various cultivars of the genus Brassica oleracea grown for their edible leaves or flowers
# Polish girlfriend for which you have no longer feelings for
17 Nov 2008   #25
# Polish girlfriend for which you have no longer feelings for

really? hmmm...
EraAtlantia  2 | 106
17 Nov 2008   #26
I know! There it was, in the dictionary, black and white, so i got up out of my throne, boarded the pegasus and we both ...wait...ah...hmmmm....
z_darius  14 | 3960
17 Nov 2008   #27
Instead of contradicting, why don`t you admit you are wrong on this?

Me saying I never heard it would be lying.
You saying you never heard it is true.
You saying I never heard it is lying.

No Pole here will corroborate your stance..

So what?

see and look for this text:

A teraz przez Was moja kapusta nie rozumie, co do niej mówię, nooby!

# Polish girlfriend for which you have no longer feelings for

Finally someone who knows Polish :)
rdywenur  1 | 157
17 Nov 2008   #28
"mommy, where do children come from?"
'they are found in a cabbage field, dear".

You are right and that is how the Cabbage Patch dolls were born..........You Poles think the stork still brought you.........LOL

Maybe he is thinking of "Pusta glowa" as in Blond
beckski  12 | 1609
17 Nov 2008   #29
Do polish people really love cabbage ??

Yes, especially when it's in the form of golabki.
18 Nov 2008   #30
Hmm, are you sure you don`t mistake fried onion for cabbage??????

I know the difference between cabbage and onions!

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