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Is it Polish forum or foreign forum?

Atch  22 | 4299
20 Jan 2016   #121
One of the funniest threads for a long time...

I'm not sure if it's funny........I have a strong sense that this poor child Ktos is on meds of some kind. Have you noticed how he disappears for quite long periods of time (probably when he's taking his meds) and then shows up again in a lather about something and sounding completely delusional (probably having ditched the meds). Mind you, like most people with mental health issues he's very expert at dodging direct answers to direct questions.
Admin  25 | 414 Administrator
20 Jan 2016   #122
67% of all PF moderators (Admin, Arts) have been born, raised, and educated (up to a graduate degree) in Poland. The remaining 33% (Vincent) is British. 126 posts based on misunderstanding / misinterpretation / confusion / lack of comprehension, you name it.
20 Jan 2016   #123
There are only three mods at PF? If the three you name only two are named as mods....
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
20 Jan 2016   #124
Admin, you could at least admit that you're controlled by the mysterious and secret shadowy underworld group known only as the Turkish Agenda, headed by jon357 and which controls this forum to spread Judeo-Muslim propaganda to destroy Poles and Poland forever.

What happened to Barney, btw?
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Jan 2016   #125
Nah, it's actually rum by David Icke's lizard men, the so-called new world order, the Bavarian Illuminati and Kaczynski's "the worst sort of Poles".

Have you noticed how he disappears for quite long periods of time (probably when he's taking his meds) and then shows up again in a lather about something and sounding completely delusional (probably having ditched the meds)

Looks like that's happening at the moment. Sad, but at least in Australia they have reasonable health care and support for young people with mental illness.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
27 Jan 2016   #126
67% of all PF moderators (Admin, Arts) have been born, raised, and educated (up to a graduate degree) in Poland.

All of you three are bum lickers, do not call yourself Polish because you do not fit the criteria for belonging to Polish community. Many have a degree so what? Not many of those have enough intellect to run this forum properly. This does not feel like a Polish forum because of you.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
27 Jan 2016   #127
This is an Anglo-American forum about Poland.
Atch  22 | 4299
27 Jan 2016   #128
you do not fit the criteria for belonging to Polish community

No Ktos, what you mean is that they do not fit your criteria. Poles, like other nationalities in the developed world are a diverse group of people. They may share certain cultural experiences but they are individuals.
Ironside  51 | 13086
27 Jan 2016   #129
This does not feel like a Polish forum because of you.

Let me put it this way Ktos, for you are fairly new here, you have no room to complain, right now everybody has a chance speak his or her mind and every voice is treated equally, moderating got better, if you disagree with somebody and if they are wrong that is their right and their choice, should they be censored?

You can take my word for it things were bad in the past for two reasons; less moderating by the mods and Admin annoying attitude, foreigners were given more leeway than Poles. Right know that isn't the case. So man up and stop whining.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
27 Feb 2016   #130
And where were you when Polish (and do not write Poles you @!#$@$%^&) were being trampled on here? I was defending Poland while you the "man up" pussy was squicking about in tiny voice. The forum is maybe better but not much better, so stop your cork sucking. There was less moderating by the mods in the past? Ha ha, there was just as much moderating but in the wrong direction. I still ca not introduce any threads about Jews and not so long ago but long after you made this comment same was the case with threads about Americans. This is not yet a right forum, it is run in accordance with different rules not reflecting what Polish forum visitors would like. For once , it is too wrapped in too many policies.
goofy  1 | 39
27 Feb 2016   #131
stop bickering lol, iIm an old guard- decided to deactivate my old account - goofy_the_dog, everything bad in this forum is the fault of 3 individuals that have been born in the UK. they cause all the squabbles, troll through every single pro-right wing, against commies thread.. its just laughable. I will not be replying to their posts/trolling, and iid suggest you dont oo, they will get bored and leave soon after.


peterweg  37 | 2305
28 Feb 2016   #132
This is an Anglo-American forum about Poland.

Polonius3  980 | 12275
28 Feb 2016   #133
fault of 3 individuals

That's why they are known as the Brit Bullies or tag-team. They provide mutual support in trying to impose an Anglo-Cetic mindset on the Polish people. The one that got booted out (hopefully for good) even went sio far as to claim Poland was not a Catholic country becuase only 18% attend mass every single Sunday.
peterweg  37 | 2305
28 Feb 2016   #134
The other distinction fro most of the American posters is that they live in Poland and know a lot about the country.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
4 Jan 2021   #135

Foreigners should be banned from discussions relating to Poland

It's weird how these people obsess about Poland in general, but largely politics and ongoing events.

You would think they have nothing going on in their country.

PS. We don't give a **** about you.
You know nothing about our country or culture.
We don't even care about your existence.
Joker  2 | 2447
4 Jan 2021   #136
It's weird how these people obsess about Poland in general

Its even more weird how Eurps obsess over American politics! You should have seen these libtards foaming at the mouth around here a few weeks ago. Its not just our politics, but everything American. The Eurps are totally jealous of us and it oozes out of them.

I couldn't give a rats ass about Europeean politicians, too bad they cant stop obsessing about ours. Its mostly the Limeys around here and one really obnoxious Pole.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
4 Jan 2021   #137
too bad they cant stop obsessing about ours

LOL cuz they know WE matter and they dont.

Its mostly the Limeys around

I hate them with true and sincere heart esp the fat one who abused me as a mod and closed random b4 i could respond and sell him a used carpet now at his doorstep:)He should give himself a A warning.Poor me.
Lenka  5 | 3548
4 Jan 2021   #138
Its even more weird how Eurps obsess over American politics!

I couldn't give a rats ass about Europeean politicians

And yet it's you on a forum about Poland, an European country and not us on as American one
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
4 Jan 2021   #139
And yet it's you on a forum about Poland

cuz his other half is Polish you dimwit,official troll.
Lenka  5 | 3548
4 Jan 2021   #140
And? Is joining a Polish Forum requirement when marrying a Pole?
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Jan 2021   #141
one really obnoxious Pole.

Yes, some Poles can be really unnerving. I learnt about it after having lived in Poland for so many years. I pity you.
RussianAntiPutin  6 | 209
19 May 2022   #142
What? Where's the hate? Are non Poles not allowed on here? Why is the word Pole offensive. Who are you to decide whos Polish? What's wrong with you?
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
19 May 2022   #143

Calm down mate.
Why are you getting angry about a post made in 2016?

Non Poles make up the majority on here.

And if you really are Russian against Putin, then you are more than welcome here.

Mile widziany!

Добро пожаловать!
Lyzko  44 | 9723
19 May 2022   #144
Above all, I'd say, we're hopefully an OPEN forum, open to all who are willing, and if so, welcome!
gumishu  15 | 6228
21 May 2022   #147
Sarmatian = Polish

Serboi and Khrobatoi were Sarmatian tribes according to Greek (Byzanitne) historians - they were probably allied to Slavs and settled in Eastern Europe along with them - White Croats settled north of Carpathian mountains in what is now Poland and Ukraine - the thing is that Sarmatians originated in the Eurasian steppes and not in the Balkans
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
21 May 2022   #148
The point is, among other things, Gumishu, that the most vital part of Sarmatian heritage and ethos is the love of liberty - free, unbridled souls, that's who Sarmats were. So, who are the real Sarmats? Poles, with our love of freedom and unwavering defiance? Or maybe Russian sovoks - with serfdom in their blood - or their Serbian balkan clones?
gumishu  15 | 6228
21 May 2022   #149
Or maybe Russian sovoks

most of the Polish populace were serfs as well in the ages long gone, so I don't really understand your point
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
21 May 2022   #150
No, I suppose you don't. I can only recommend the works of Feliks Koneczny - among others the two volumes of "Polskie logos a ethos" - for those who would like to understand the meaning of liberty to Polish identity in stark opposition to deeply ingrained serfdom and need for a tsar in case of Russian heritage.

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