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Is it Polish forum or foreign forum?

OP Ktos  15 | 432
26 Nov 2015   #91
What are you waffling about?

Why don't you suck up some more to foreigners, you disgust me because if I saw Polish people getting hassled by foreigners I would not care who is right I would stand up for Polish but you are made differently, people like you were never taught any honour or discipline or loyalty - the foundations Poland was built upon, the Poland you don't belong to nor deserve. Stick to the foreign rubbish on this forum and don't message me, real Polish would not associate with someone like you and that the least of reply you would receive if you know what I mean, for, the real Polish people are not the spineless wonders hovering around foreign forums like this one.
Roger5  1 | 1432
26 Nov 2015   #92
aka the 4Bs!

aka the 4Bs.

Doesn't seem to be catching on, does it, Polonius. Try harder. btw, you are an AA.

Come on Johnny do not chase them away. I believe you could :)

Care to bet on that? Johnny is the one one who provides the comedy here.

Everyone seems to get along with the Polish posters here except the Brit Bullies.

The purpose of this forum is not for Americans to get along with each other. It is to provide a forum in which Polish issues (not American gun fetishes, etc.) can be discussed.
26 Nov 2015   #93
You wouldn't because you have no rights to vote.

It's sad that you are so ignorant about Poland.

you are an AA.

I assume that one 'A' there is for 'American' but what is the other 'A' for? 'Arrogant'? 'Alcoholic'? 'A***hole'? Could it be all of those when talking about Poisonious3? Perhaps we should refer to him as the 4A? Or the 4A Poisonious3?
Roger5  1 | 1432
26 Nov 2015   #94
what is the other 'A' for

The one that pops into Pol's mind first.
26 Nov 2015   #95
But 'gay sex' doesn't start with the letter 'A'.
InPolska  9 | 1796
26 Nov 2015   #96
"AA" = "Alcoholics Anonymous"
26 Nov 2015   #97
Alcoholics Anonymous

Yes, but Poisonious can't be Alcoholics Anonymous: there is only one of him.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
20 Jan 2016   #98
Merged: This forum should be administered by Polish not Americans

I can accept some foreign moderators provided that most of the moderators are Polish (by most I mean overwhelming majority), however, how can we Polish accept the fact that this forum has its headquarters in USA and that administers are Americans?
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Jan 2016   #99
In what way does what you can or cannot "accept" make the slightest difference?

Next time your parents allow you to go to McDonalds for a happy meal, do you tell the assistant that you "can accept" Ronald McDonald but not Hamburglar?
Roger5  1 | 1432
20 Jan 2016   #100
how can we Polish accept the fact that this forum has its headquarters in USA and that administers are Americans?

You could always start your own forum and choose Polish moderators. This forum is privately owned by an American, and he can do what he likes. Nobody is forcing you to come here.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
20 Jan 2016   #101
In what way does what you can or cannot "accept" make the slightest difference?

Yeah, but when Jews don't accept something it has to go to the bin, but when other nationalities don't agree with some matters it should not make the slightest difference? I know you are hoping for that, but to your information, when Polish get together in numbers it is hard to stop us - not even you, the "mighty" Jews can.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
20 Jan 2016   #102
however, how can we Polish accept the fact that this forum has its headquarters in USA and that administers are Americans?

Frankly, it's not for you to accept or not. If you don't like it, leave and stop whining.

If you want a forum run by a Pole, go to allthingspolish
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Jan 2016   #103


If you prefer, you're very free to use a Polish language forum on Poland - there are plenty of them...
OP Ktos  15 | 432
20 Jan 2016   #104
This forum is privately owned by an American, and he can do what he likes.

No sorry, just because in your capitalist head everything goes it does not mean it will. We do not have to follow capitalist rules, owner or not, it does not mean he does not abide by rules and new rules can be imposed, this forum is under scrutiny already. And no American can do whatever he likes, maybe in empty American head.
20 Jan 2016   #105
Ktos Poles on the forum could always offer to buy it off the owner, find out how much he wants , could be a bit of a laugh.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
20 Jan 2016   #106
If you don't like it, leave and stop whining.

You may disappear from here quicker than you think.
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Jan 2016   #107
We do not have to follow capitalist rules

Do tell...

this forum is under scrutiny alread

Gets even better! Under scrutiny by whom?

And no American can do whatever he likes

Regardless of nationality (which is an irrelevance) someone who sets up an Internet forum can run it however he or she chooses.
20 Jan 2016   #108
We could make an offer, does anyone want to chip in some cash.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
20 Jan 2016   #109
Ktos Poles on the forum could always offer to buy it off the owner, find out how much he wants , could be a bit of a laugh.

No, it wont be purchased, it will be cancelled buddy.
Roger5  1 | 1432
20 Jan 2016   #110
in your capitalist head

What on earth are you talking about? You sound like a three pot screamer.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
20 Jan 2016   #111
Regardless of nationality (which is an irrelevance) someone who sets up an Internet forum can run it however he or she chooses.

No, not when Jews oppose it, then it has to close.
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Jan 2016   #112
when Jews oppose it, then it has to clos

An example of that?

Under scrutiny by whom?

Still waiting for an answer to that one.

What on earth are you talking about? You sound like a three pot screamer.

Hopefully it's drugs. If it's chemicals produced by his own brain there is even less hope for him.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
20 Jan 2016   #113
Yes, Americans have their own rules, even international army court in Hage can be bypassed by American soldiers. Arrogance of Americans reaches zenith, it will be stopped.
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Jan 2016   #114
international army court in Hage

The what?


Still waiting for details about:

this forum is under scrutiny already

OP Ktos  15 | 432
20 Jan 2016   #115
An example of that?
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Jan 2016   #116
Ktos, dear boy, that crapola is taken from a neo-Nazi forum and the rant refers to internal matters within Israel. Which never actually happened...

Still waiting for details about:

this forum is under scrutiny alread

One of the funniest threads for a long time...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
20 Jan 2016   #117
No, it wont be purchased, it will be cancelled buddy.

Cancelled by who?

this forum is under scrutiny already.

By who?

The masses demand answers.

I wonder if Ktos was caught by mummy and sent back to bed. :(
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Jan 2016   #118
Probably thoroughly spanked first.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
20 Jan 2016   #119
Yes, definitely. His mother is probably sick and tired of her son getting up in the middle of the night to post rubbish about Jews on the internet.

Nothing that a good thrashing can't solve, though.
Wroclaw1010  3 | 90
20 Jan 2016   #120
Jews don't accept something it has to go to the bin

The cry of an insolent child :)))

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