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Is it Polish forum or foreign forum?

OP Ktos  15 | 432
24 Nov 2015   #31
That may be as "derogatory" for the English language as the term "Pole" is for the Polish language and the Polish people, another full stop.

As good backside kissing Pole that self respecting Polish person would not be proud of you should quickly run around the forum and apologise for me to all the English speakers, go, you can still make it, they read veeery slowly. Spadaj czlowieku, bo jeszcze sie przejedziesz.
Roger5  1 | 1432
24 Nov 2015   #32
This is great. A complete nutjob is leading sane people round by the nose.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
24 Nov 2015   #33
Spadaj czlowieku, bo jeszcze sie przejedziesz.

Now now, don't be nasty to your brethren, oh Plastic Pole.....
24 Nov 2015   #34
as a Polish I

You as a Polish what?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
24 Nov 2015   #35

I'm not a native speaker, but you've made yet another mistake.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
24 Nov 2015   #36
Polish what?

mafketis  38 | 11260
24 Nov 2015   #37
you've made yet another mistake.

Next thing he'll claim that the letter ł is offensive in Australia, or, like Polonius he could claim that the universal modern pronunciation of ł (like English w) is a sign of modern degradation and the kresy pronunciation is more correct....
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
24 Nov 2015   #38
In Poland we use term "murzyn" to denote someone of dark skin colour, it is a neutral term, we do not use the term "niger" or "black guy/man" often used in gentle, tolerant western countries such as USA or England.

With this I can fully agree. "Murzyn" is still a neutral term to denote a person of black skin colour and neither the liberal, progresive thinking of some Poles nor the thinking of British expats in Poland have the power to change that. For the mild-dark complexity I would once apply the term "mulat", but it slowly comes out of current use having been replaced by the term "ciemnoskóry". The highly derogatory and racist term for "Murzyn" in Polish is "czarnuch" which corresponds to the term "nigger". But if progressive thinkers want to apply some racist connotation to the term "Murzyn", it is their problem really.

P.S. I very much like the term "skośnooki" which denotes Asians and is neither racist nor derogatory. A little ironic perhaps with some good-natured feeling added to it.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
24 Nov 2015   #39
no it isn't, it is a self defining term.

and capitalisation is not 'grammar'.

I hope Polish people are reading this.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
24 Nov 2015   #40
the liberal, progresive thinking of some Poles

Well tis true that the black gentleman in the senate was OK with the term.... but other immigrants I asked weren't. But I don't understand Ktos 's rant on this one.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
24 Nov 2015   #41
Next thing he'll claim that the letter ł is offensive in Australia, or, like Polonius he could claim that the universal modern pronunciation of ł (like English w) is a sign of modern degradation and the kresy pronunciation is more correct....

Polonius is right in this regard, I will sign on it.
24 Nov 2015   #42
I hope Polish people are reading this.

Have you considered contacting the Association of Poles in America about this matter?
OP Ktos  15 | 432
24 Nov 2015   #43
Well tis true that the black gentleman in the senate was OK with the term.... but other immigrants I asked weren't.

Firstly, he is not "black" but "murzyn" there is a difference, the term "murzyn" is more respectful as oppose to just calling someone "colour", it is demeaning but I can see that people of the great West can not get it and keep on offending Negroid people. We need to instill some respect into this forum and put an end to some of the more informal terms terms like "Pole" or "blackman" to describe a person are degrading and need to be eliminated.

P.S. I very much like the term "skośnooki" which denotes Asians and is neither racist nor derogatory.

The term skosnooki is derogatory and depicts Asian people as somehow having an eye disorder in the form of crossed eyes, suggesting that others (Europeans) have correct eyes. It is yet another western racist invention that has not died out and Poles like you are using it because of limited capacity to imagine the use of anything else.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
24 Nov 2015   #44
The term skosnooki depicts Asian people as somehow having an eye disorder in the form of crossed eyes, suggesting that others (Europeans) have correct eyes.

And if I called you "skośnooki Muppet", would that mean you have an eye disorder or some more serious disorder?
24 Nov 2015   #45
Poles like you

Why are you trying to insult Ziemowit?
OP Ktos  15 | 432
24 Nov 2015   #46
On this forum foreigners have gone so far as to tell Polish people what is the right term to use to describe Polish person, and we learn today from foreigners that it is fine to use term "Pole", we also learn that from westernised Poles who do not see anything wrong with using this term. I ask Polish people, is this how we want to be referred as in the near future? Because I do not.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
24 Nov 2015   #47
if progressive thinkers want to apply some racist connotation to the term "Murzyn", it is their problem really.

well he can say what he likes in Polish.
But using the term 'negro' or 'negroid' in English is downright offensive and it is silly to suggest that it is not.
mafketis  38 | 11260
24 Nov 2015   #48
foreigners have gone so far as to tell Polish people what is the right term to use to describe Polish person

No such thing has happened. One person has claimed (either out of the blue or according to Australian usage not shared by other English speaking countries) that the word Pole is offensive and a bunch of people including Polish people have said that it is not. Poles or "the Poles" are far more used by Polish people when speaking English than is "Polish people". Examples of the Polish government and other Polish institutions using the word has not changed that person's mind. Whatevers....

Now, had you brought up the idea that the word Pole offensive in Australia that would be interesting and people might want to figure out how that happened and could have started an interesting discussion but instead you very aggressively start attacking longtime posters (including Polish people) in good standing. You're obviously intensely angry about something but posting here is not going to solve that.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
24 Nov 2015   #49
No it is not, you probably mean Negro which is somewhat antiquated. By the way do you mind if I call you mongoloid?

Negro or Negroid either is fine, by the way I don't know if you noticed but your dropped balls bounced away by now and when I was defending Polish culture, you were in the corner trying to balance and play nice, so now do not message me because I respect Polish people who show solidarity not cowards, spozniles sie kolego, teraz idz do kogos innego z zalem, zmiataj stad.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
24 Nov 2015   #50
had you brought up the idea that the word Pole offensive in Australia that would be interesting

the last Aussie I met called them 'jam rolls'..:)
24 Nov 2015   #51
I ask Polish people, is this how we want to be referred as in the near future?

Luckily you don't need to worry about people calling you a Pole, given that you're either an Australian or an Aussie, depending on how formal one wishes to be.
mafketis  38 | 11260
24 Nov 2015   #52
he last Aussie I met called them 'jam rolls'..:)

So... (trying to think like an Australian) they would later be jammos? (working on the seppo model).

The only Australian I've known in Poland didn't have anything to say about the word Pole (don't remember if he used it) but he had lots of interesting and colorful remarks on the bloody (or whingeing) Poms (as he called them) and their various odd behaviors.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
24 Nov 2015   #53
lol Jammo's and Seppo's and bloody Pommies...:)
OP Ktos  15 | 432
24 Nov 2015   #54
The only Australian I've known in Poland didn't have anything to say about the word Pole (don't remember if he used it) but he had lots of interesting and colorful remarks on the bloody (or whingeing) Poms (as he called them) and their various odd behaviors.

Stay on the topic or leave!
Atch  22 | 4299
24 Nov 2015   #55
Ok, so to answer the question posed in your original post, according to the owners/administrators it's a:

'service for both English and Polish language users'
'encouraging fruitful discussions among independent groups of Polish and non-Polish people located in every part of the world.'

So as I understand it, it's a forum for anyone of any nationality who can speak either English or Polish and has an interest in things Polish.
OP Ktos  15 | 432
24 Nov 2015   #56
Fruitful does not mean offensive to Polish people, also, Polish people should take charge in this forum and foreigners should read attentively and learn from us not the other way around, we should be the ones educating foreigners about Poland not foreigners telling us what, where and how it is in Poland and how it should be.
Roger5  1 | 1432
24 Nov 2015   #57
Ktos, you are absolutely right. Who the hell to these people think they are? Some of them don't even live in Poland!
Atch  22 | 4299
24 Nov 2015   #58
Ktos what has happened to you recently, that you're so upset? Because I think it's quite significant that you've been a member here for well over two years and all this stuff is just coming up now. So I would imagine you're raising it because something has happened outside of this forum that's the final straw for you and this is how you're dealing with it. You sound as if you feel you've been taking crap from the world for a long time and you've had enough.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
24 Nov 2015   #59
You sound as if you feel you've been taking crap from the world for a long time and you've had enough.

Spoken like a true woman:) He needs to check out some human contact and chill.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
24 Nov 2015   #60
criticise Polish culture, twist Polish history

The worst are the expats, especially the Brit Bully clique occasionally joined by other alien outsiders. That lot of nationalists/chauvinists will always take the non-Polish side of any controversy. Chauvinist fits them to a T because they never say a bad word about their beloved Limeyland. Maybe only that there are too many Poles there. But Englishness, British snobbery, arrogance, ignorance and insularity are rarely if ever mentioned let alone questioned or crticised. Same with their paramour Atch who paints a glowing pictrue of the Emerald Isle. Admittedly, she at least is less critical of things Polish. Must be the Polish spouse.

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