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Why are salaries in Poland lower than ones in Bulgaria?
Creative jobs in Poland?
Hungarian guy looking for job - planing to become a student at Politechnika Gdanska
Salary for a senior software engineer in Poland  2  3  4  5  6  7
Will Brits working in Poland lose their jobs post Brexit?
20 - It will be EU. Trust me. That is not the answer for Poland. Slavs that are...

Workdolnoslask - 23 Jun 2018 / Miloslaw - 17 Oct 2019
Where to study: Krakow or Wroclaw?
It would help me in my work: A Top of Most Visited Websites by Polish people
11 - Does the most popular auction site, Allegro, count in too?...

WorkAnnaSm - 18 Feb 2010 / pawian - 1 Oct 2019
Argentinian wants to study in Poland. What's the best place?
I'm interested in teaching in Poland and I need some help.  2
Doctor with DNB from India, Poland doctor license requirements
Opening a kindergarten / daycare business in Poland
What is a physician assistant salary in Poland?
7 - I wonder where you get your data, eh? Last I heard PL had the LOWEST doctor to patient...

WorkMirosław K. - 16 Apr 2015 / Jardinero - 7 Sep 2019
Job salary comparison in UK and Poland and other European countries
Salary in Intel, Gdansk for Software Engineer
TAXATION for a foreigner in Poland
11 - Not quite. If your "centre of vital interests" are in PL, then you're liable regardless....

Worksimpleguy11 - 29 Aug 2019 / delphiandomine - 3 Sep 2019
Creating a social media marketing agency in Warsaw
Why Poland employers are afraid of hiring any foreign nationals?  2  3  4  5  6
171 - I meant a Polish Rights Watch....

WorkJabwaw - 25 Feb 2008 / pawian - 29 Aug 2019
Teaching English in Krakow -- how to find students?  2
Morgue Job in Warsaw and what is the average pay?.
Salary of a paramedic in Poland
Salary 18000 pln per month in Gdansk
Non administrative jobs in Poland?
Information about jobs for Indian students in Poland  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
Need advice preparing invoice for my employer - B2B contract
Work in Poland after finishing university in the UK (business management)
Warsaw vs Kraków (Business and Study - planning to study and possibly live there for a while)
Poland Work Visa information (Indian citizen). Can my spouse work in Poland?
What are the most sought IT skills in Poland?
Is a salary of 2,550 zloty enough for living in Warsaw?
6 - was it 2500 pln a month netto or brutto?...

WorkZlatko - 13 Jul 2019 / Cargo pants - 13 Jul 2019
Are art and show businesses in Poland centralized?
Need Advice on visa interview at Polish embassy
Do I need a Health Insurance? Freelancer in Poland (umowa o dzielo)
How Difficult Being a Freelancer Writer in Poland Can Be?
Tax calculation filing jointly and having 2 kids - Poland
How does the process of switching positions within the same company in Poland affect the work permit?
Salary for work in Lodz (customer service / finance IT)
8 - what salary did u finally get mate?...

WorkKarl7 - 28 Mar 2019 / Indian_Poland - 19 May 2019
Dental Student moving with wife to Poland, how difficult will it be for her (IT degree) to find employment?
Moving back to Poznan from America - jobs situation?
13 - A great example were the cupcake and bubble tea trends, both of which totally bombed here....

Workasiapelasia - 3 May 2019 / delphiandomine - 9 May 2019
What is the average accounting/auditing salary in Poland?  2
42 - what in ? A firm ? A bank ? A corpo ? A SSC ? Polish speaking ?...

Workclifborder4fm - 10 Jan 2014 / cms neuf - 5 May 2019
Is moving from Moscow to Wroclaw worth it? (.NET software developer)  2
Taxes in Poland if working for American company?
Business in Poland - should I expect some dirty tricks?
JOB in Wroclaw for a Business Student fluent in ENGLISH/FRENCH/RUSSIAN/ROMANIAN  2
56 - in London the Romanians pretend to be Italian. They must think people are really stupid......

WorkElenaCovalciuc - 8 Sep 2011 / rozumiemnic - 27 Apr 2019
What is deducted from a salary in Poland apart from Income tax?  2  3  4  5  6
Got admission in Kozminski university . What about job opportunities after graduation?
Working in Poznań - competitive salary? (customer service related to languages)
You gotta be a little bit of a gangster to make any money in Poland
× Diversity in Poland especially in workplace  2  3
90 - Merged: More on diversity in the workplace So now even the algorithms must be wrong or ai...

WorkJedynaczek34gff - 31 Mar 2019 / Jedynaczek - 14 Apr 2019
A job at a real estate agent vacancy in Wroclaw
22 - Sorry man if I offended you in any way,I didnt mean to at all.I was just telling you with...

WorkPolishGirlThief - 16 Mar 2019 / lul bul - 19 Mar 2019
Do workers in Poland have to pay ZUS, social security and other salary deductions? Brutto Netto exceptions
D Visa- To work and study in Poland
25 - no u cannot switch jobs, if you do, you require next org also to give u work permit and...

WorkFinfairy - 17 Jan 2013 / Indian_Poland - 4 Mar 2019
Why do many Polish guys prefer to working in construction sites or factories abroad instead of waiters
3 - Thanks Tezza....

WorkBRITABROAD55 - 20 Feb 2019 / BRITABROAD55 - 26 Feb 2019
To move or not to move from India to Poland
9 - Does my wife have to be in Poland with me to get the benefits of EU card?...

WorkIndian_Poland - 14 Feb 2019 / Indian_Poland - 20 Feb 2019
Why do so many Poles accept to do such hard works abroad?
Is there any opportunity in Poland for CISCO certified person?
Looking for work in Poland like farming
What salary can be asked at IBM Poland?  2  3
Software Jobs in Poland  2

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