Let's not use the word discimination.....you can only really pull that kinda card in the UK, I dont think Poland gives a shite what foreigners think....Good on her!
wow wow wow .......... I must say that reality is hard to digest and at some point you have to believe it wheather you want or not:) So lets agree with the reality we see. I know its hard but still you cant change the reality. Being a patriotic is on one side but accepting the facts are on other sides :)
Unfortunately I have come to the conclusion that most Polish employers just don't like foreigners.
Absolutely right I agree with you, even if i m working on contractual base but still I can feel the difference in certain situations :). Also now I think the proportion of Polish immigrant is getting less day by day as now there are different immigrants who are taking there place and are ready to work on lower prices. I think i near future most of Poles will come back home :)
There is strong feeling (in Poland) that Poles are the best possible workers. Some companies started to employ immigrants and I think it will take some time when other will follow them.
Agree with this, but sometimes you have to be flexible and have to think in rational way. No doubt Polish ppl are well educated, but still they shouldn't be such mean. They should remember that Britain's have given them the chance to work and to earn there livelihood so if somebody from another country wants to have such chance while living here then i suppose, this chance should be given to him without any " institutional racism ".