I have been applying for job offers via various sites like praca.pl and trovit.pl but little success so far...
you have to try and visit various companies in person (always leaving a CV) - the best thing is to see people responsible for hiring staff - many people in office jobs are not imaginative enough to extrapolate your CV only into any meaningful role you could have in their company - help their imagination by being there in person
you can consider teaching French and Russian privately untill you get a job that really suits your professional education and skill
I think it is adviseable for you to contact companies that trade with Romania extensively - i have read somewhere that companies that grow ornamental plants for sale here in Poland trade with Romania - but I guess you would have to have some decent command of Polish to work for them - or maybe you could get free lance jobs from them
try software developing companies too - some of them need to localize their products for Romanian markets
I don't know if it is still the case but some time ago (not so long) IBM were looking for people to work for them in an international help desk situated in Wrocław - they haven't offered extraodinary pay but it would be perfect for a start - same case wiht HP (aka Hewlett Packard)
then you have the whole sector of firms that deal with the post-Soviet markets (there are many more such firms in Warsaw or Kraków than in Wrocław though)
EDITI have found this Elena - maybe this is something for you - HP job in Wrocław:
or this:
well the links I posted don't work the way I thought they would - just visit their job search there are at least two postions there you might be interested in - hp.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobsearch.ftl?lang=en - they are both in Wrocław (one for French speaker the other for Romanian speaker)