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Poland's Environment, recycling  2  3
Poland no Unemployment benefits after paying taxes for 20 years  2
Problems with receiving overseas SMS messages from my Heyah SIM card
9 - This iste receive sms online. You can use it receivefreesms.com...

Lifearthur65 - 10 Feb 2014 / leandro - 7 Aug 2014
Polish dentistry cost - 230 zl for one tooth cavity filling  2  3  4
Polish Brand names in everyday usage.
Is there anywhere in Warsaw I can contact regarding my missing parcels?
11 - Are you still in touch with the stock market guy? Sorry, couldn't resist :)...

LifeRichfilth - 23 Jul 2014 / Roger5 - 30 Jul 2014
Help with Xbox website in Polish ( I need to know how to change language back to English )
3 - Fast forward to 1:58... the "prelude" is boring :D youtube.com/watch?v=_UO2zN1ecu8...

LifeSchmiznurf - 28 Jul 2014 / PC_Sceptic - 28 Jul 2014
some poles play the Race games best!  2
How and where do I return empty alcohol bottles in Poland?
What type of gift should i buy for my hosts in Poland?
Any ideas on where to buy a 'Smoking Suit' for a wedding? I am slimmer than most Poles.
Rules of Etiquette in Poland
22 - None of it in Poland. As a new employee, and let me stress "new" Don't show the...

LifeNathan - 22 Apr 2011 / PC_Sceptic - 20 Jul 2014
Client of T-mobile having an iPhone 4 & iOS 7.1.2 - problem with connecting to the Poland's network
Where to buy the best quality sleep mask in Warsaw?
A fair notion of salaries in major Polish cities
Need Help Topping Up Credit On PLAY Phone. Code doesn't work!
Car mechanic in Gdansk (looking for)
E-Payment to mobile phone service in Poland? Anything like 'Paym'?
Public Transport Woes in Poland
Mall Madness in Poland?
Is Polish parenting traditionally very laissez faire?
4 - I think it very much has to be taken on a case by case basis. I know my family...

Lifestolatte - 25 Jun 2014 / Cardno85 - 26 Jun 2014
Looking for bookstore in Warsaw that has a large variety of English books
How Much money for Gas heating in Poland's winter??
Is it me or do any guys in Poland not have shaved heads?  2  3  4
113 - Men with shaved heads look stupid? Please stop embarrassing yourself. ...

Lifecjjc - 26 Jul 2008 / Wulkan - 22 Jun 2014
Buying gold in Poznan
Cost of Visiting Sleep Clinic in Poland?
Business customs in Poland - liquor gift, courtesy toward women
Are there a lot of goths in Poland?  2
I Love Polska - Lovely Poem :)
2 - Czesław Miłosz would be proud, good job :)...

LifeToshi - 5 Jun 2014 / Krzak - 6 Jun 2014
Program on DMAX 'Trouble in Poland'
2 - Is there a video on that?...

Lifeirishguy11 - 22 Dec 2011 / Krzak - 4 Jun 2014
Questions related to mobile phone networks and bank accounts in Poland
Where can I buy and have Plexiglass cut in Krakow?
Water Meters in Krakow - why must they be exchanged every 4-5 years?
Polish game Biznes Po Polsku
Lodz Music Scene (pop / hip hop / other clubs?)
4 - clubcampari.pl, cabaretlodz.com or lordisclub.com...

Lifemegnblaze - 9 May 2012 / rex34 - 2 Jun 2014
Anti establishment Polish artist Pawel Kuczynski
Making friends in Poland - is it easy?
21 - Ohh i did not know that .. I will try find people and talk to them , then :)...

Lifepolishgirl1 - 8 Aug 2010 / Paritosh - 27 May 2014
Polish programs with Polish subtitles on TVP online have disappeared...
Sewer smell in Bathroom - PLUMBING CODE - P TRAP ??
Mushroom hunting close to Warsaw
Beauty supply stores selling wigs in Warsaw?
Where in Bydgoszcz can I buy Whey Protein, Smietana, dried meats etc?
Is becoming a Polish national this easy?
16 - It is, but I've guessed right....

LifeTonino - 30 Apr 2014 / Monitor - 3 May 2014
International newspaper availability in Gdansk?
Food wastage in Poland households
Social Progress Index - Poland scores better than USA in few points.
Transferring Driver's license - keep old one?
Let`s compare prices of services and products in Poland  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12
Golden Wedding in Poland, the protocol for giving gift for a wedding?  2
Which E-mail/websites from Poland are the best?
What do people in Poland like to buy? Can bring things from USA. Making money in Poland.
Do incidents such as the recent stabbings ever happen in Poland?
Good Online Poland Stores to buy a gift for my friends?
6 - Maybe: domksiazki.pl OR empik.pl...

LifeOld Friend - 8 Oct 2010 / Tlum - 13 Apr 2014
Metanium nappy cream availability in Poland?
Green light -crossing over tram tracks
4 - If you turn left you must give way tram. No....

Lifekrecik89 - 7 Apr 2014 / adameczek454 - 9 Apr 2014
Why is there such interest in Poland from the Asian population? A new wave of migrants possibly?
Wild dogs in Poland, are they a problem for any one but me?
14 - Wow we got those here! Small world!...

Lifeslick578 - 21 Mar 2011 / PlasticPole - 5 Apr 2014
Getting a second hand car and driving licence in Wroclaw
Cost of delivering a child in Poland

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