Latest Posts |
- Can I find Prozac in Warsaw? - Life
- Polish grammar - do you have the same words for toes and fingers? - Language
- Websites for Poles to benefit from Britain! - UK, Ireland
- " Miawes matka and Meow " correct spelling and pronunciation of these phrases please - Language
- Do Poles and EU Citizens exploit the British welfare state - UK, Ireland
- Anti establishment Polish artist Pawel Kuczynski - Life
- Jaruzelski dead / his legacy in Poland - News
- Polish regional accents? - Language
- demonstration; What is Nowa Prawica? - News
- Priest from Poland claims Lego is "a tool of Satan" - News
- A little Polish grammar. Masculine, animate objects. - Language
- Radek Sikorski, Polish Foreign Minister, tries to annihilate Polish Slavic identity - News
- Is salary of 3000 Euros gross enough to live decently in Lodz, Poland? - Work
- Thank you note/letter to a professor in Polish - Language
- Don't let Poland become like my country, France. - News
- Walesa says without meeting Mrs Thatcher in Gdansk Solidarnosc wouldn't have won - History
- Communism, was it the best form of government Poland ever had? - History
- Is Polish an easy language to learn and is there a way of learning it easily? - Language
- Lech Walesa vs Immigration: Brits humiliated him at London Heathrow Airport - News
- And you wonder why there is Anti-Polish feeling in the UK - UK, Ireland
- Ania Lisewska, Polish Woman, Wants To Have Sex With 100,000 Men for Guinness World Records. - News
- Khazars and their crimes in the Slavic lands of Poland - History
- Do you think all Slavs are white? - Genealogy
- Premier says no recession for Poland - News
- Poland's universities go up in world rankings - News
- What makes a man a Pole? what does it mean to be a Pole? - Life
- Polish blood only makes up 1% of your "Polishness" - Genealogy
- American SM-3 ballistic missile site in Poland by 2018 - News
- Comparing Poland's communist-era slogans and propoganda with modern day concepts - History
- Study about Polish immigrants in England - UK, Ireland
- Scots better than Poles? - UK, Ireland
- Tusk's uvular 'r' when speaking in Polish - Language
- Why can't unemployed Polish people on benefits just leave UK and go home please? - UK, Ireland
- FDR and Americas communist insurgency affecting Poland - History
- How would you say "I like ____" - Language
- era chamstwa - era of boorishness? - Life
- Polish in Uk are some of the hardest working and nice people - UK, Ireland
- Are british getting ready to expell "Eastern Europeans" ? - UK, Ireland
- British senior politician compares Poland to South Africa during apartheid - News
- Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin - News
- Should Poles care who becomes French President or is it irrelevant? - News
- Czy znacie jakieś "kultowe" Polskie filmy na Youtube? - Po polsku
- Młodzi polscy prozaicy - kogo polecacie? - Po polsku
- Too many English words in the Polish language! - Language
- Polish Family stabbed to death in St Helier. - UK, Ireland
- Is moving to UK now a good idea? - antipolish prejudice of the Brits - UK, Ireland
- Why did communism in Poland fail? - History
- Co wy z tym żurkiem? / Terez dręczy mnie cały czas - Please correct my Polish. - Language
- Conservative-liberalism (Laissez-faire liberalism), another utopia for Poland? - News
- Polska jest dyktaturą? - Po polsku
- Polish burglars 'tied up pensioner and stripped her of jewellery before leaving her to die - UK, Ireland
- Amerykańskie chamstwo? - Po polsku
- Tusk drops Chinese COVEC building the A2 motorway in Poland - News
- Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? - UK, Ireland
- Russians 'tortured to death' in Polish camps? - History
- Polish Americans and religion - USA, Canada
- Polish flag over the Reichstag first? - History
- Polish Media in the US. Propagandistic, biased, and brainless tool? - USA, Canada
- Poland's Lost Generation - News