And I could fill a website with whinging moaning anti British comments from Poles. so friggin what?!?
You make of the place what you can, she moved to a sh!ty area of a sh!ty city and worked in a sh!ty job,like many deluded dreamers she expects a 21st century metropolis to be like some friggin ealing comedy from the 1950s..............................
You make of the place what you can, ..
You have a good point about "You make of the place what you can". This is true about anybody living in any country.
It would be ridiculous for a Polish person or any person to judge British people by some bad apples in Britain. Just like it would be ridiculous for people to judge Polish people by some bad Polish people.
I am a strong believer of "When in Rome do as the Romans".
Poles or people of any ethnic background should put a strong emphasis on ASSIMILATING and INTEGRATING into the country they CHOOSE to live in. People of Polish ancestry or any ancestry, should first of all put an emphasis on BEING BRITISH and not on their ethnic origin when living in Britain. Although its human nature for people to be proud of their ancestry, they should ALWAYS be loyal first to the country they live in and respect its culture, ie learn the language and fit into it as best as possible. They should be more loyal to the country they live in than their ancestry. If they don't like living in the country, they should simply LEAVE.
In my opinion, the British have every right to kick out people they don't like in their country whether they are Poles or non-Poles. Just like Poland has the right to kick out anybody Poles don't like and we in the US have every right to not let in people we don't like.
The problems with countries like Britain and the US is that there is this big liberal culture of making people coming into the respective countries feel like they are "owed something". We see this all the time in the US. We have illegal immigrants abusing hospitals. They have a cold or a headache and they use the emergency rooms of hospitals (which hurts people with real emergencies) and then since they're broke, the hospital passes the costs onto other people who do have money. That's just one of many examples.
In my opinion, I think Britain over the years have been fair to Polish people in general. If Poles (and other non-Brits) in Britain, learn to speak good English and do everything to be the best British citizens they can, they will be just fine.