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Don't let Poland become like my country, France.

registeredd  1 | 5  
13 May 2011 /  #1
I don't know if i'll get banned for this. But i don't care. Hopefully , i'll receive interesting responses from native polish members of this forum.

If you're polish and reading this. This is a warning. A warning from france. But it would be a warning coming from almost every country from the western part of europe.

I've never been to poland , but i've noticed how "white" this country still is to this day. For a frenchman , this seems almost miraculous & abnormal. You see , in my country , we have "no go zones".

Almost like a country within a country if you will. Areas , where you'll only find muslims. Other areas where you'll just find blacks or arabs. Places where even the police has given up. Where doctors flee to safer (whiter) cities.

In my country we have anti-racist (code word for "anti-white" ) , organisations which can sue you for saying something they don't like. Organisations such as "sos racisme" (which only defends blacks or arabs...Or the "mrap" (same) or la "licra" (only defends jews). In my country , we now have fast food chains which only propose halal food. ( The term is used to designate food seen as permissible according to Islamic law ).

If you think i'm joking , exaggerating...lying or that i'm some paranoid nutcase nazi...Think again.

In my country we have suicidal concepts , ethno-masochistic concepts such as "positive discrimination" , "multiculture" , "diversity"... Make no mistake....These are nothing more than key-words for anti-white agendas. a final solution for the indigenous people of france. But the same goes on in holland , Uk , Belgium. With the complicity of our elites. But it's hard to blame it all on our corrupted politicians. You see , the media also does everything in its power to bombard young minds with identical concepts. It's all about "tolerance" , all about "race mixing" , "diversity". massive third world immigration = good. Nationalism = bad.

We also have a ridiculous concept...a mental gulag...known as "political correctness". In the name of political correctness , you have the right to be indifferent to murder , to rape , to the destruction of your country...because it's not "politically correct" to say so. It would make you a "racist". And racism is the ultimate sin. It ever surpasses pedophilia. As a matter of fact , we have pedophiles in our own government (but that's another issue).

In my country , when a group of arabs or blacks beat up or murder someone... it's because they feel "rejected". It's never their fault. An arab or black who robs someone is a "victim". It's someone who's "misunderstood". And it is "our" fault for not understanding them. In france , our prisons are filled with approximatively 85% muslim inmates. Schools recently dropped historical figures such as Napoleon & charles martel , only to be replaced with african history. Again , if you think i'm full of **** or deforming reality , think again.

If you happen to understand french , read this.

w w w .lepost.fr/article/2010/07/16/2154517_napoleon-et-louis-xiv-vires-des- programmes-scolaires-par-l-historien-dimitri-casali. h t m l

(in a nutshell , it says that schools are ditching napoleon for the african empire of Monomotapa )

Just take a look at our soccer team and you'll get the idea of france's mentality.

I don't know if in poland , similar things do happen , but in my country ....this is basically nothing special to us. Watch it for yourself. Here what paris looks like in certain districts...

w w w .youtube.com/watch?v=kxYfLov5nm4
w w w .youtube.com/watch?v=Fn9mi5tnVTA

"we must kill all whites" (typically french...whites stay silent....)
w w w .youtube.com/watch?v=LfQGDLnWYO8

I don't know how many of you will react to this thread...maybe the mods will even delete it before you can read it...or maybe only westerners will respond by saying that i'm lying..that i'm a nazi etc..etc..

No matter what you may or may not think of me. No matter what you'll read (maybe some french will say that i'm full of ****)....This thread is only aimed at the people who actually care about securing a future for white children & to keep their country from being submerged by the third world. I sincerely hope for your sake...for your future , the future of the polish people and the white race in general...That most of central , eastern parts of europe will stay as homogenous as they are today and not fall like the western part. I hope that you guys will never swallow the same bull**** our people have been brainwashed with...Stay proud , resist invasion. don't stay silent , don't lower your head when you're accused of racism. Don't be ashamed of your country , your roots , your history. Never forget , it's your land. You owe it to your ancestors , to your children.

We're still the majority in my country but who knows for how long if today's immigration continues like it is today...we'll end up like the native indians of america...living in reservations.

I think western civilisation is worth preserving. I think white people have the right to exist in their own country. But saying this in my country is taboo and it's forbidden to say it in the media. When you dare to mention the obvious...you are labeled racist.. you are ostracized , and you can get sued.

It's the 4rth dimension. everything's upsidedown. We are taught that our country should open its arms to blacks & especially arabs because they are "a chance for us". All i can see is either:

- 1 the extermination of ethnic french people or
- 2 a future civil war (considering that tensions are on the continuous rise)
- 3 the libanisation of my country. (just like what happened in the 70's in Beirut )

You can spit in my face, say that i'm a fool...an insane deluded moron.... But i truely hope you polish people are proud enough , not brainwashed , smart enough to refuse population replacement & massive invasions. I hope that what is currently happening to the west will eventually change. that there'll be massive deportations or some kind of change....In the worst case scenario....I hope it'll at least serve as an example to the homogenous parts of europe.

When people tell you that it's "europe's future"... that it's great , that's it's "diversity"...an "open world"... Keep in mind...that in this diverse world , your children will not exist. diversity = final solution for the european man. In this future , we do not exist on the long run. Your ancestors will have sacrificed themselves in vein.

PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
13 May 2011 /  #2
Good article
Poland has about 150,000 Hooligans who are usually Pro Polish, Pro White, Pro Poland is Polish & Anti Communist.

They are like ready foot soldiers to Protect Poland for Poland.

We Poles saved Europe from Turks in 1683 with Jan Sobieski

We may have to do so again

Another bedroom brownshirt. Do those guys never get any fresh air?

Do you think it will be awesome when all of the British Isles becomes like Pakistan
& Latin speaking European countries become like Morrocco?
& Central Europe becomes like Turkey?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 May 2011 /  #3
You make a number of fair points there. Poland must stand up as a bastion of freedom and resistance to some of the realities you mentioned with regards to 'no-go' areas etc. I could go to quite a dangerous area here in Poland and still feel quite safe as I know how to talk to Poles and you can reason with most of them. The French government also stirred the hornets' nest by taking a firm line against the burka/niqab. Poland hasn't had to deal with it yet but I sincerely hope they'd be more sensible than that pathetic excuse for a human being, Sarkozy. He is a dirty little man who needs to disappear.

Everything is a question of balance. I'm no stranger to Africans as there are so many in my home city but Poland is primarily white and I hope that it isn't swamped by Islamists or any other group.
123z  2 | 29  
13 May 2011 /  #4
First i said to myself i will not reply this, but after reading again, i decided to comment.
registeredd- I understand your point to an extent but let me generalised the whole Europe not just France, why is the so called 'white' decide to have very few children, this is my point. I've read in a news online quite some time ago, that so called 'white' will be the least in number in the next 40-50yrs to come, as there is much number in Africans and Asians population in the whole world, and those majority of the country do not restraint themselves in terms of having a child unlike the west (Europe), as developed white countries tend to have children very less in number, (which in my opinion is that they - the westerners think too much about future, of the future child, their lifestyle, there are many things to sacrifice when having a child although a child do bring lot of happiness and other positive side).

So all these, africans, asians, etc.the majority are of developing 3rd world country migrated to those developed countries, they carry their culture and really do not care or thought too much deeply about having how much children they should have or not have, so the influx and increase in number do go on. Not only that, some white also married non-white, inter-racial, inter-cultural marriage also happened, which create the decline of white skin. (and i am not against such inter-racial marriage as in my opinion love cannot be restricted.)

To answer the whole topic, i would say developed west and the 'white' skin people should not restraint themselves on having a child and should not think way too much on the future of the child and what to sacrifice after having a child etc etc. To make it short, not to be too selfish i would say.

And another personal opinion on France is that, your govt. is too much on passive side of those burqa issue, France is a land of French, ofcourse people (immigrants and their descendants) should be free and have the right to wear what they like and follow their religion etc.but i think French govt. is going way too liberal in this issue of burqa etc etc.

(ps- i dont want to offend anyone white, black, yellow, etc.here,just blurting out my mind)
wildrover  98 | 4430  
13 May 2011 /  #5
I don't know if i'll get banned for this.

I don,t see any reason for a ban , much worse has been said on this forum...

You don,t sound like a racist to me , just somebody who is worried for the future of his country , i have similar worries about my country , the UK , but i don,t know what the answer is..?

Even if you stop immigration altogether , there are large numbers of non white people who were born in the UK , you can,t really throw them out , nor should you...

Most immigrants fit in well with the British way of life , work hard , and don,t cause any problems , but there are significant numbers who want to turn the UK into something that lots of British people , including me can,t accept....

When you cannot display the flag of your country proudly without upsetting somebody , and being called a racist or a Nazi there is something shamefully wrong , and it bothers me...

At the moment i do not live in the UK , my home is in Poland , there is a Polish flag flying over my house , i obey the Polish laws , fit in with Polish life , and don,t expect Poland to change its way of life to suit me...

Very soon i will be moving to Russia , and the same goes for that country , i shall have to accept the laws and way of life there , and if i find i do not like it , then i shall just have to move my ass somewhere else....

I get a little bit annoyed with people who come to the UK for its easy life , its free handouts and freedom , and then start making problems because the UK is not run the way the country they chose to run away from is...

As i said , i do not know what the answer is , but i do believe its a problem that is going to end in violence...

For the moment Poland does not have the problems at the same level as the UK does , probably because its not possible to walk into Poland , get a free house and a pile of dosh given you , but Poland is in the EU now , who knows what the future will bring....?
13 May 2011 /  #6
A lot of what he says rings true also for the UK.

It was once said to me by a rather right wing Pakistani that it is only a matter of time before a muslim Prime Minister is the head of the UK and that seat of power would lie with the muslim majority. His words were...."We won't sieze power, will breed you out of power".

The ramblings of a lunatic?

timesonline. co.uk/tol/comment/faith/article4749183.ece

Sharia law is now adopted to a greater or lesser extent in the UK.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
13 May 2011 /  #7
The ramblings of a lunatic?

Sadly not...
southern  73 | 7059  
13 May 2011 /  #8
Slavs do not seem to tolerate muslims in masses.
13 May 2011 /  #9
In my country we have anti-racist (code word for "anti-white" )

Welcome to the world of " Frankfurt School: Bolshevik Intelligentsia"

Those of you, that have never read up on " The Frankfurt School" may want to google, and find the source of modern day " Political correctness"
convex  20 | 3928  
13 May 2011 /  #10
Slavs do not seem to tolerate muslims in masses.

Which explains why so many go to Egypt and Turkey....
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 May 2011 /  #11
The key is to avoid paranoia, live and let live but read the warning signs properly. Tusk could easily sell Poland down the river to the highest Arabian bidder but, for now, Poland is in a secure position.
Koala  1 | 332  
13 May 2011 /  #12
Which explains why so many go to Egypt and Turkey....

They're cheaper than Italy or Spain and we like us some mediterrean climate in Summer. :P
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
13 May 2011 /  #13
I've never been to poland , but i've noticed how "white" this country still is to this day.

How could you have noticed it, if you've never been to Poland?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
13 May 2011 /  #14
In his mind, like the 'threat' of people having a darker skin than him.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
13 May 2011 /  #15
How could you have noticed it, if you've never been to Poland?

I know that its cold on the moon , and has no black people.....but i have never been there...
convex  20 | 3928  
13 May 2011 /  #16
In his mind, like the 'threat' of people having a darker skin than him.

So you don't think there's any truth in what he's saying? None at all? You'll just discount it with that? Seems a bit simple, or?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 May 2011 /  #17
France and even the Nordic countries are beyond the warning signs stage. They have very real problems, as Germany do too as Merkel alluded to. Let Poland learn from others how things are there. Read, watch documentaries and always try and maintain perspective. Dariusz Telka wrote many things about Norway and I'm grateful to him for that. I followed up on that and watched a documentary (a quality production) whereby a Norwegian kid was made to feel unwelcome in his own country by Muslims. I rue the day when Poles are subjected to the same.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
13 May 2011 /  #18
Dariusz Telka wrote many things about Norway and I'm grateful to him for that. I followed up on that and watched a documentary (a quality production) whereby a Norwegian kid was made to feel unwelcome in his own country by Muslims. I rue the day when Poles are subjected to the same.

Same happens in Denmark and it is really sad, though ironically it's the Polish burglars that are the main reason behind the resumption of the border control
convex  20 | 3928  
13 May 2011 /  #19
France and even the Nordic countries are beyond the warning signs stage.

The answer isn't nationalism and hatred though. I think the answer is smack dab in the middle. There is no reason that a society should be forced to accept something that it doesn't want in the name of multiculturalism. Immigration shouldn't be allowed without integration.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
13 May 2011 /  #20
But what if the government doesn't react? Then the door is wide open and invites hate and nationalism...
And then the common reaction is to blame the haters and nationalists and to clamp down on them, but not to fight the reason for that...

Look to Denmark today....Denmark does what most people in Europe would do, saving their borders from unwanted, illegal mass immigration.
What does Brussel? Instead to react to the fears of millions they are thinking how to punish Denmark for their decision.

Especially this green paedophile Cohn-Bendit...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 May 2011 /  #21
Polish burglars? This was proven or just a convenient scapegoat due to the stereotype? They have far bigger problems with Muslims there as I also saw a documentary on their policing operations.

Convex, I wasn't advocating nationalism at all. I agree that the answer should lie somewhere in the middle. I think the problem is exacerbated by the reality of 'dubious ambassadors' abroad.
convex  20 | 3928  
13 May 2011 /  #22
The government reacts when enough people sound the alarm...as can be seen with:

Look to Denmark today....Denmark does what most people in Europe would do, saving their borders from unwanted, illegal mass immigration.
What does Brussel? Instead to react to the fears of millions they are thinking how to punish Denmark for their decision.

Again, one of the major problems with the EU. Governing further and further away from the will of the people. With any luck, they'll end the broken experiment that governs so far away from the citizens that it's hopelessly out of touch.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 May 2011 /  #23
Citizens are in touch with regards to 'scoping' whereby they convene meetings before any Environmental Impact Assessment is done. However, I take your point when it comes to major decisions. This is why I will ask you, convex, how representative are their decisions?
convex  20 | 3928  
13 May 2011 /  #24
They're becoming more and more diluted everyday because people are happy not having to be burden with the task of making decisions, and following through with actions.
Piast Poland  3 | 165  
13 May 2011 /  #25
But what if the government doesn't react? Then the door is wide open and invites hate and nationalism...

Search up neo nazis, ultra nationalists or skinheads in russia on youtube.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 May 2011 /  #26
And it is this passivity that could lead to our downfall in the future. It is all connected with awareness but you make a fair point about time. Too many have too much on their plates already. I really hope that Poland facilitates more cultural exchanges through available networks as grassroots progress begins with normal people. We should never assume that politicians don't want to make our lives harder and we should learn how things are in other countries through info swapping. Most Poles don't really want to know how things are in France but if they heard that similar problems were to befall Poland then I'd predict a rapid change of tune.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
13 May 2011 /  #27
Polish burglars? This was proven or just a convenient scapegoat due to the stereotype?

Indeed this policy is largely considered symbolic and populist. The government agreed to it as a concession to its coalition partner Dansk Folkeparti in exchange for their support for its budget reforms. People in the border lands are fuming against it as well as the numerous experts who are quick to point logical fallacies of this policy. Nevertheless Polish and Romanian burglars are a pestilence in Denmark.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
13 May 2011 /  #28
With any luck, they'll end the broken experiment that governs so far away from the citizens that it's hopelessly out of touch.

I don't want the borders between our EU-countries back though...so there has to be a middle way!
"Festung Europa" anybody? We should really support the border countries in securing EU-territory and share the costs.

But the lefties want even more immigration and asylum...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 May 2011 /  #29
Fair enough, FP. France has had problems with their bidonvilles before but introducing unruly elements into the mix could only ever lead to strife. They like their cosmopolitan tag, fine, now they have it :)
convex  20 | 3928  
13 May 2011 /  #30
But the lefties want even more immigration and asylum...

Because they need them to support the broken welfare system. Check please! The migrants that don't work are very public, the ones that have integrated and are our shopkeepers, teachers, mechanics, LKW drivers, construction workers, those are the ones that we look over...

Archives - 2010-2019 / News / Don't let Poland become like my country, France.Archived