I don't know if i'll get banned for this.
I don,t see any reason for a ban , much worse has been said on this forum...
You don,t sound like a racist to me , just somebody who is worried for the future of his country , i have similar worries about my country , the UK , but i don,t know what the answer is..?
Even if you stop immigration altogether , there are large numbers of non white people who were born in the UK , you can,t really throw them out , nor should you...
Most immigrants fit in well with the British way of life , work hard , and don,t cause any problems , but there are significant numbers who want to turn the UK into something that lots of British people , including me can,t accept....
When you cannot display the flag of your country proudly without upsetting somebody , and being called a racist or a Nazi there is something shamefully wrong , and it bothers me...
At the moment i do not live in the UK , my home is in Poland , there is a Polish flag flying over my house , i obey the Polish laws , fit in with Polish life , and don,t expect Poland to change its way of life to suit me...
Very soon i will be moving to Russia , and the same goes for that country , i shall have to accept the laws and way of life there , and if i find i do not like it , then i shall just have to move my ass somewhere else....
I get a little bit annoyed with people who come to the UK for its easy life , its free handouts and freedom , and then start making problems because the UK is not run the way the country they chose to run away from is...
As i said , i do not know what the answer is , but i do believe its a problem that is going to end in violence...
For the moment Poland does not have the problems at the same level as the UK does , probably because its not possible to walk into Poland , get a free house and a pile of dosh given you , but Poland is in the EU now , who knows what the future will bring....?