Britain's violent crime record is worse than any other country in the European union, it has been revealed.
Official crime figures show the UK also has a worse rate for all types of violence than the U.S. and even South Africa - widely considered one of the world's most dangerous countries
lol, a typically cliched and uninformed PF response, from someone who is probably Russian anyway (which explains why you conveniently fail to mention crime rates in places like Moscow).
It's no surprise that a thread mentioning criticism of Poland, quickly turns into a UK-bashing thread. Are you going to start going on about "Zionists" in a minute as well? It's up to post #15 already - some anti-Semitism is long overdue ;)
If you seriously think that the UK has more crime than SA, then I suggest you go wandering around Johannesburg after the offices have all closed, or take a drive into a nearby township. Then come and do the same in a UK city. I live in one of the highest-crime areas of the UK (my car tax would cost 60% less in London, because there is so much car crime round here, and the media loves to call us "Gunchester", lol), yet absolutely
nothing happens round here - it's one of the safest areas I've ever lived in! Unless you could count a bit of verbal abuse from Polish drunks outside the row of Jewish shops around the corner, but that hardly constitutes major crime, does it?