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Negative attitude towards Polish immigration in UK becoming stronger

23 Feb 2007 /  #31
We are not welcoming any more pakistani & poles in UK

Go and tell that to somebody who cares. You are from Asia, and there is your place.
uk_  8 | 85  
23 Feb 2007 /  #32
You are from Asia, and there is your place.

Oi i'm my dad is 100% british and i was born in uk... how u say i'm asian?
24 Feb 2007 /  #33
how u say i'm asian?

Look in the mirror. And by the way, my mom is British Queen.
beachcomber  1 | 7  
24 Feb 2007 /  #34
And to get back on topic I haven't got a clue what the attitudes of Bournemouth people is to Polish immigration. The one word you will hear there is 'grockle' - anybody who doesn't live there, especially holidaymakers

I'm from Bournemouth. Grockle is only used for holidaymakers, not for people who happen to come from somewhere else but live here now.
I have a small cleaning company and just happen to employ Poles. I find them hardworking, honest and loyal. I regard them not just as employees but friends, because to me part of the fun in life is learning about people, where they come from, their experiences etc. Our differences make being together enjoyable- after all wouldn't it be very dull if we WERE all the same. :)
LoneStranger  3 | 382  
24 Feb 2007 /  #35
We are not welcoming

I will accept that you are a British and your ancestors were British too.

But still, what do you mean by 'We'? Are you the Prime Minister Tony Blair? Or did you form any Political Party with such an agenda? ... Bottom Line: On which basis do you say that phrase?

I do not think that every immigrant (where ever they are from) enter your house. They probably work, earn, and live in their own places (inside UK).

You have something against them? You can say that you to your Government and request an explanation or appropriate action. Or stand for elections with your issues, and take polls.

Poland is not UK. I believe (which is logical) that all Poles, Pakistani, Indian, African etc who are rightful citizens of UK are your (respected and equal) Nationals. So, basically your arrival in the Polish forums, and commenting poorly of your fellow citizens is a proof of your bad taste. This also confirms that you are not good for UK, Poland or Europe overall. This can also potray your basic charectaristics and your attitude towards life. You view of the world, its nature and its motion.

Instead of your painful behaviour, you can allow yourself to think better. Understand yourself, our world (which all of us share equally) and our motion forwards ~ which is not stoppable.

I have a suggestion. You sould help Poles and people from other backgrouds, who are capable, honest and civilised in whichever way you can. At first you may feel it strange...but slowly it will give you more than what you will give to them.

God bless you... have faith in your ability.


I do not agree with your post. Slav is nothing but a human, like any other human in this planet. All of us originate from Adam.

There is no reason to stay stagnant at one point. The world is moving forward, and it will keep moving. Slavs are also open, accepting and growing. We are not stuck at one point.

Actually our ancestors have always been the simpler people of Europe. The more tolerant kind (atleast when it comes for Poland). We have love in our hearts for mankind. For people, regardless they are from Europe or anywhere else.

This motion towards integration and knowledge will not stop. It is better that we understand the world, people around us, and our reality as human beings.

I dont have much to say...it is just so clear. If you open your doors and windows, only then you will know...that it is a new day. Let the Glory come in :).

Good luck... :)
24 Feb 2007 /  #36
You have something against them?

Good point, buddy! I`ll buy You a beer if I could.
LoneStranger  3 | 382  
24 Feb 2007 /  #37
I`ll buy You a beer

I dont drink alcohol :) ... but thank you my friend!

These days spending more time in the gym... I feel kinda good!... I prescribe this to all my good friends in here! ... 2/3 hours can give you alot of good health and relaxation aswell.
Crow  154 | 9556  
24 Feb 2007 /  #38
All of us originate from Adam.

I`m not sexist. Togather with Adam I respect Eve.

Both of them are part of my Christian heritage but, with all due respect as I say- they are parts of my Christian heritage. Other part, my origin- is something else...

I originates from White Garden of Slavia, from last Gate Keepers of Garden, from Serbia.

Cooperation, YES. Absolutely!

Assimilation, NO. No, way!
24 Feb 2007 /  #39
is funny!!!!! the other day a few poles werre complaining about the rumanians and the bulgarian.....they were telling me that these people didn t come to work in england. i think that is very wrong so the poles should be respect when the english are complaining about the poles too :) :)
6 Mar 2007 /  #40
hi i know where there is a job for 2 young ladies in fleetwood working as waitresses and there is a flat available working 5/6 days 7 hours a day flat above the job uniform provided
6 Mar 2007 /  #41
Chips this is for advertising this is quite he opposite, and why not post this advert in the local shop or at the local colleges Im sure there are students that would happy of the hours!
UKGUY  3 | 87  
6 May 2007 /  #42
The Romanians and Bulgarians won't get a chance now, becuase they keep flooding in from Poland. I was reading in the paper that more and more east europeans are becomming homeless and jobless, yet still they come!!!
6 May 2007 /  #43
We are not welcoming any more pakistani & poles in UK
tooooooooooo many here...

Then go home then lol
Frank  23 | 1183  
6 May 2007 /  #44
Oi i'm my dad is 100% british and i was born in uk... how u say i'm asian?

No one is a 100% anything........everyone originated in the area of Africa where Kenya is now, and then spread out to occupy the remainder of the world.......

Such views are merely bolstering nationalist and divisive ways of thinking.

Assimilation, NO. No, way!

Another divisive, promotion of discriminatory practices.........
time to go  
26 Sep 2007 /  #45
Polish should realise that their own economy is about to boom so they should head off home and let us look after our own people. Not all the nations of the world can fit into the UK which this dumb government thinks everyone has the right to call their home.

You will always be viewed as outsiders as i would be in Africa!! What if the situation was reversed and thousands of unwanted Africans arrived in Poland and started claiming asylum and benefits and having babies with your women? no one wants that, and its not racist to say so either!! Everyone has a right to their opinion. We need to shut the borders, police them properly, anyone found here illegally should be shot on sight as in effect they are stealing resouces from our economy that others work hard to produce. Its theft. Next we need to microchip those illegals already here and track them with GPRS to make sure they dont enter after being deported back, then deport anyone not born here after the last Conservative government as it all went wrong with immigration the minute Labour took over power. Charity begins at home, we have enough problems with our own losers....we need to look at Scandinavian countries who are successful and enjoy a high standard of living but are socialist also.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
26 Sep 2007 /  #46
What if the situation was reversed and thousands of unwanted Africans arrived in Poland and started claiming asylum and benefits and having babies with your women?

Who said th PL were unwanted?....... besides a few laborers who claim their jobs have been taken.

anyone found here illegally should be shot on sight

Wow, you've just proved how big of a ninny you are.

track them with GPRS to make sure they dont enter after being deported back

You're going to track them with Wireless Data? Maybe you're confused. Must be the fault of the PL....they sometimes mix up your brain ;)
26 Sep 2007 /  #47
Hey ...the Poles seem like they are making out pretty good in Britain....maybe I should emigrate - New York is a tough town. Holla!
isthatu  3 | 1164  
26 Sep 2007 /  #48
time to go.......ah ha ha,you complete tory boy pscho .....one of maggie's boys through and through. Get a life you bozo or go off and dress as a nazi at the weekend,if you dont already.....
tomanyofem  - | 6  
3 Mar 2008 /  #49
they are ignorant people showing up in someones home uninvited they walk around our streets speaking that silly language they must of had a terrible life in poland to come here in droves
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
3 Mar 2008 /  #50
they must of had a terrible life in poland to come here in droves

Wow...a bright one :/

Wasn't it your government that underestimated things? Perhaps you're complaining in the wrong place.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
3 Mar 2008 /  #51
Wow...a bright one :/

Brightness must be spreading over here. That's about ten of them now. Perhaps they have learnt to communicate this URL. A worrying development!
poly  - | 17  
3 Mar 2008 /  #52
streets speaking that silly language they must of had a terrible life in poland to come here in droves

Thats true i agree with you .......
tomanyofem  - | 6  
3 Mar 2008 /  #53
these poles have no regard for their children they take them from their school and from their friends to a foreign country
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
3 Mar 2008 /  #54
Yeah, god forbid they get an education somewhere else. What's so bad about that? What part of bettering your family is bad for the children?
TripTic  3 | 95  
3 Mar 2008 /  #55
hmm... probably time to go and tomanyofem is the same person....

It's just a racism and jelousy. Racism itself and jealousy of Poles work attitude and mentality. UK government cellected a really big money from polish taxpayers payin only a small chunk of it in benefits. Thats a fact.

I'm Pole and i'm in UK for almost 4 yrs now. Funny thing is as i noticed ppl with negative attitude towards Poles are from lower classes, simple labour workers and arrogant with complains only whos don't get language of economics. Not everyone obviously. Some of my best english friends are from factory where i started my life in UK. (Greets Mark, Stu and Jack!!)

..so to cut a long story short ...time to do better than you doing now, boy. Polish skilled workers are at your door !!!
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
3 Mar 2008 /  #56
Polish skilled workers are at your door !!!

Thank goodness.... I thought it was trick or treaters!!

Being serious for a moment I agree 100% with TripTic. It's about time people recognised that nobody has a divine right to work or success from being born in a particular country. The real villains here are a sucession of UK governments over 30 years who have overseen the decline of our education system for all but a privileged few to the extent that many of our children are not qualified to compete with those from other countries.
poly  - | 17  
3 Mar 2008 /  #57
I'm Pole and i'm in UK for almost 4 yrs now

shame on you why didn't work in poland know we need badly man power in poland
osiol  55 | 3921  
3 Mar 2008 /  #58
Where I work, we now have only 1 Pole. But there are 4 Lithuanians and a Slovakian who frequently get referred to as Poles.
TripTic  3 | 95  
3 Mar 2008 /  #59
TripTic wrote:
I'm Pole and i'm in UK for almost 4 yrs now

shame on you why didn't work in poland know we need badly man power in poland

Well for yrs in PL it seemed like Poland didn't need me anymore. Sorry for them because i rather do what i'm doing now (engineering/design) for UK than for PL.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
3 Mar 2008 /  #60
Screw the bastards.

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