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13,000 Polish births this year, in the UK

Zeze  9 | 79  
6 Dec 2007 /  #1
Britain's statistics office says the number of Poles being born in the UK has quadrupled since 2004. As a result, Polish children are flooding UK schools and using the resources of the country's health system, much to the consternation of the locals. Britain's schools and hospitals are at breaking point following the massive influx of Polish immigrants.


I guess some parents just want a better life for ther kids fair enough in Poland they would not have the same chances ops is not me that say that is the parents of the 13.000 babies that had they kids born there in the UK I guess they think is better there !!!

I wonder why

Poles dont like to talk about those numbers hey

why are ther people leaving in waves ???????

If is Poland sucha nice place !!!!!

again I wonder why !!!!!! michel can you tell me ?
wildrover  98 | 4430  
6 Dec 2007 /  #2
My friend Aneta earned more money working one week as a packer in a factory , than she did for one month as a professor in Poland...Its as simple as that...just economics.....Most people want to improve their lives , and this is one way to do it.....Poland is a nice place , but working your butt off in Poland ain,t going to earn you enough money to buy a house...In the UK it will......
OP Zeze  9 | 79  
6 Dec 2007 /  #3
God save the Queen !!!!!
db1874  7 | 227  
6 Dec 2007 /  #4
and the majority of these polish immigrants will be paying tax and NI contributiions so are perfectly entitled to use the education and health services.
6 Dec 2007 /  #5
God save the Queen !!!!!

Her fascist regime,
She made you a moron,
Potential H-Bomb!
OP Zeze  9 | 79  
6 Dec 2007 /  #6
education and health services

what I need to know what is wrong the ones in POland
UKGUY  3 | 87  
6 Dec 2007 /  #7
Well most people are saying that the numbers comming in just can't carry on indefinitely. So eventually there will be a hault and that will be the end of it. For those of you that think The UK is a limitless haven of resources, houses and jobs should realise that when the government holds a european referendum, thay can gain back border controls from the EU. So flooding in won't be an easy option anymore. Anyway so what you earn less money. Don't you think Romanians earn less?
6 Dec 2007 /  #8
and the majority of these polish immigrants will be paying tax and NI contributiions so are perfectly entitled to use the education and health services.

The cost of a birth plus post natal care is tens of thousands of pounds, are you telling me one pole has paid tens of thousands of tax in one or two years.

NO we brits who have paid tax all our lives pay for these poles. we pay for them through the nhs, housing benefit, child benefit, education system etc etc.

not to mention poles get their tax rebated to them when they leave their country.
db1874  7 | 227  
6 Dec 2007 /  #9
NO we brits who have paid tax all our lives pay for these poles

As your user name suggests you have a slightly biased view. I don't know the facts but if you added up all the tax the Polish immigrants have paid versus the UK services they have used I would guess that the UK has benefited overall.

You've paid tax all your life to fund the dole money for millions of lazy brits who couldn't be arsed to work which is why we needed the immigrants - were you complaining about that before the Poles arrived ?
6 Dec 2007 /  #10
britain has the longest working hours in the eu and the lowest unemployment. exactly how are the british lazy ?

the brits who dont work are our problem, that has nothing to do with you poles.

the consumer spending by poles in britain is FAR FAR lower than native british spending. Most cash earned by poles goes to poland. the polish have already taken 6 billion out of the economy and sent it to poland. Not to mention the many billions britain pours into poland from the eu. poland is a nation of scroungers.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
6 Dec 2007 /  #11
the consumer spending by poles in britain is FAR FAR lower than native british spending

Do you have #'s?

Most cash earned by poles goes to poland.

...and your proof is?

noimmigration...stop whining on the net and go petition or something. Reallly..... do sth about it if it bothgers you so much. I see that a lot from trolls like you. All you do is come here and b*tch and moan about how much you hate things and do nothing about it.... but that.

If it is such a huge problem then why aren't there protests?
rafik  18 | 589  
6 Dec 2007 /  #12
Poles dont like to talk about those numbers hey

what's wrong with these numbers?should they be ashamed of them.shame it's not 130000.i bet that the number of children born by brasilian morons like you is probably 10x bigger than that.99% of them are here illigally,don't pay taxes and ni and or live on fake passports and still are entitled to free health care.poles are here legally.we are members of the eu unlike 3rd world country morons like you.

why are ther people leaving in waves ???????

it's called economics.if i can be better off in another city/country then it's my free choice to go to such a city/country.that's why i'm choosing warsaw to live not my town in se poland.simple isn't it?strange that such an educated person like you don't understand it

If is Poland sucha nice place !!!!!

it is.you right.i'm going back there in 6months.hopefully we'll meet there and have a constructive conversation

My friend Aneta earned more money working one week as a packer in a factory , than she did for one month as a professor in Poland...Its as simple as that...just economics.....Most people want to improve their lives , and this is one way to do it.....Poland is a nice place , but working your butt off in Poland ain,t going to earn you enough money to buy a house...In the UK it will......


sorry mate.i haven't read your post before i sent mine.didn't mean to copy it but maybe if he reads it twice then,this highly educated person,will understand it.

Her fascist regime,
She made you a moron,
Potential H-Bomb!

he's brasillian pretending to be someone else.forgive him.
FISZ  24 | 2116  
6 Dec 2007 /  #13

This is YOUR countrys fault! not the PL. They are just looking for opportunity. Just because your govt isn't prepared doesn't make the PL to be bad people. Perhaps..... like I said earlier...you should go do sth about it. See post 12

You aren't doing anything here but crying to internet people. Won't work.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
6 Dec 2007 /  #14

What is the difference between... Poles who work in Britain and send money home.... and Brits who have been working in Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Gulf, since the 70's.

The Brits don't or at least didn't pay tax and they worked with the express reason of sending money home to build their future.

I can't see any real difference between the two.

And don't forget the days of "Auf Wiedersehen Pet". Ten to a room and sending money home.

The way I see it you don't have a valid arguement.
rafik  18 | 589  
6 Dec 2007 /  #15
not to mention poles get their tax rebated to them when they leave their country

wow.i haven't heard of it.can you tell me how to do it?
FISZ  24 | 2116  
6 Dec 2007 /  #16
It's nice to see some of his other countrymen posting positive comments. It just proves that not all British think like this knuclehead.
rex  - | 37  
6 Dec 2007 /  #17
what's wrong with these numbers?should they be ashamed of them.shame it's not 130000.i bet that the number of children born by brasilian morons like you is probably 10x bigger than that.99% of them are here illigally,don't pay taxes and ni and or live on fake passports and still are entitled to free health care.poles are here legally.we are members of the eu unlike 3rd world country morons like you.

why the hash language mate ????

i will not meet you in you in poland you dont sounds like a guy one can have a open depate with it

all i am saying is for sure Poland give no chances for all those big numbers of people

I am from brazil yes and not trying to be from somewhere else and yes i live in poland i know what i see on my everyday life
osiol  55 | 3921  
6 Dec 2007 /  #18
Today, 09:35
not to mention poles get their tax rebated to them when they leave their country.

Re: Are polish pupils harming native british childrens education?

Dec 3, 07, 14:15
they get all the tax they paid back when they leave.

You still haven't explained this one.
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
6 Dec 2007 /  #19
NO we brits who have paid tax all our lives pay for these poles

- You and creeps similar to you not only don't pay for the Poles, but rob them without mercy. It's you creeps that make untold of riches from exploiting the Poles. I can give countless examples of this. All my people should head out from where such as you dwell. You're back in this forum, hate-vomiting lying psychopath? Why haven't they kicked you out for good? I'd love to meet you in person, creep; I'd pay you for all the insults the crap like you have been levelling at us.
rafik  18 | 589  
6 Dec 2007 /  #20
daily express

great opinion creating newspaper,huh?

Polish immigrants take £1bn out of the UK economy

that's moronic.imagine that wages earned,usually ,are just a fraction of products manufactured.imagine how much are these manufactured goods worth if poles send home just a fraction of what they are worth.loads of these products may be sold abroad e.g in poland.also, imagine again.you are a pole.if you live in the uk you have to pay;taxes,ni,rent,for food,clothes,tickets,cars ect.poles send money that they can save not all money that they earn.saved money are usually just a fraction of money earned.

britain has the longest working hours in the eu and the lowest unemployment. exactly how are the british lazy ?

a lot of brits in my workplace work hard.that's right.but there is a huge group of lazy idiots too.absences,fake ilnesses(e.g bad back) cost my company 440.000£ this year alone.my work collegue has been off sick with bad back for about 14 weeks all together.he claims that he can't work but plays football and squosh regularely.i have asked him"why do you do that?"he replied;"fcuk the system.if i can abuse the system why not to do so?"

because people like him part of our company will be moved to poland and turkey.that's why there was,is and will be demand on polish and eastern european workers.
osiol  55 | 3921  
6 Dec 2007 /  #21
All our lives? I think I first paid tax when I was a small child buying a plastic toy (VAT included) with my pocket money at the age of about 5. How was I paying then for people who arrived in this country 26 years later?

And if someone is living here legally, they are paying tax and that gives them the right to the services available to them for as long as they are living here, paying taxes.
rafik  18 | 589  
6 Dec 2007 /  #22
I am from brazil yes

why you left brazil?
rex  - | 37  
6 Dec 2007 /  #23
to travel the world been living in ireland south and north , england , scotland , spain , france , italy , and traveling from the estonia to greece

now i live and work in warsaw
rafik  18 | 589  
6 Dec 2007 /  #24
on a fake passport or cos you had portugese grandfather?
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
6 Dec 2007 /  #25

This troll lives in Scotland.
Scotland has a declining population.
Declining population means declining taxpayers.
Declining taxpayers means no tax to subsidise his studies.

Scotlands economy needs Polish ( and other ) immigrants. Its simple demographics.
I cant comment on other parts of the UK as it doesn't concern me much.
sana  2 | 48  
6 Dec 2007 /  #26
Let's say Poles decide to go back one day. Will the English work in bars, restaurants? Will they clean for 5 pounds-tax per hour? I hope Poles go back but I don't know if so English will to the same job for 10 pound per hour. I do not know how the potential English coustomer will be able to afford every day coffee, beer or meal att the restaurant. Before the hole Poles media maddness, and before the EU the restaurants tend to hire illegal workers who didnt pay tax. Was that better?
rex  - | 37  
6 Dec 2007 /  #27
high skill education so had work permit

what you doing in the UK ?

and why are you there if is that so
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
6 Dec 2007 /  #28
Polish immigrants take £1bn out of the UK economy

- But how much does 'the UK economy' make from hiring the Poles, does Mr Slack say? - I can tell: untold of billions.

Furthermore, I wonder why doesn't Mr Slack say how much other than Poles groups - national and racial, whatever - 'take out' from 'the UK economy' and send back home? The hack, scribbling in crap such as Daily Express and Daily Mail, keeps strangely silent about this. Why? - Isn't it so because he is a racist coward and vicious Polonophobe? - The other groups in question all send out their hard-earned money to their countries. And since the Poles make much less than any other group in UK, the amount of money sent out by those groups must be much higher than that the Poles send to Poland.

But what's wrong with using one's money and investing them wherever one pleases?

If you hire me, creep, it's not your business what I do with my money. Don't hire me, if you're mentally imbalanced enough to want to control what I do with my pay or keep my pay for yourself.

Why does the British government allow hate-propaganda against the Poles to be carried out freely by psychopaths from the Daily Mail and Daily Express? Such propaganda is legally forbidden in Britain towards groups such as Africans, Asians, or Muslims. Why is it allowed to be carried out against the Poles? - No wonder Poles have been beaten up and killed in UK, if psychopaths such as Mr Slack are free to spread their hate. Hate-propagating hacks are to blame for abuses against the Poles exactly the same as the direct perpetrators.
irishdeano  5 | 304  
6 Dec 2007 /  #29
The polish workers alone have given the uk government 1.6 billion in tax this year...
espana  17 | 947  
6 Dec 2007 /  #30
Such propaganda is legally forbidden in Britain towards groups such as Africans, Asians, or Muslims. Why is it allowed to be carried out against the Poles

i dont think it is only against the poles it is about every nationallity but always for people with no culture and education like the piggy piggy , oink oink ....michal!!!!!!

then you will have a lot of english people with culture and education like bubba , the drunk of daffy decorator etc

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / 13,000 Polish births this year, in the UKArchived