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What if Russia decide to liberate Scottland from England? Polish position

Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
24 Aug 2008 /  #121
You seem to spouting crap. You need to wash your arse mate, perhaps then you'll start to make sense. Explain yourself, otherwise your little remarks are useless.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Aug 2008 /  #122
I agree, Britain is a major nuclear power. OK, we may be facing recession but if we pull our resources together then we can avert this.

We are not afraid to stand up to Russia because we have an abundance of oil. We are not subservient puppets like Germany. We have the technologies of tomorrow, today.

The Union helps on different levels.
OP Crow  154 | 9544  
24 Aug 2008 /  #123
You seem to spouting crap. You need to wash your arse mate, perhaps then you'll start to make sense. Explain yourself, otherwise your little remarks are useless.

no comment
osiol  55 | 3921  
24 Aug 2008 /  #124
Crow, what are you opinions regarding the following subjects:

The West Lothian question,
The heritage and culture of Scotland versus that of your beloved Scordiscs,
Russia's historical and current treatment of different nationalities and ethnic groups,
Bagpipes, haggis and kilts.
JaeTheProducer  3 | 33  
24 Aug 2008 /  #125
England as well as Britain is world problem

You're a doughnut without the Jam. A total wally. You're quite clearly talking a load of bollocks. You Mug.
25 Aug 2008 /  #126
Yeah Crow, for once old Limey is right.. the only thing you should unify is your lips.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
25 Aug 2008 /  #127
Edited by: Wahldo Today, 00:45 Report #128

Yeah Crow, for once old Limey is right.. the only thing you should unify is your lips.

And what have British issues got to do with a yank? Are you lot not constantly tell us to keep our noses out of US politics etc. Go play with the traffic! Ya wee tit!
irishdeano  5 | 304  
25 Aug 2008 /  #128
Its hardly propaganda being spread. As you said they can vote themselves out as can Northern Ireland but they dont want to, and personally I think the struggle of such a small country trying to start afresh is hard pressed from such a big established country, look at what happened to Ireland when it became a republic.

what are you talking about??....we dont have a vote to remove it from britian...where did you ever here this???

and just to relate to this topic...russia would just nuke england. there would not be a ground war..
Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
25 Aug 2008 /  #129
and just to relate to this topic...russia would just nuke england. there would not be a ground war..

Russia wouldn't dream of it. England would retaliate with her nukes. There are no winners in a nuclear war.

and just to relate to this topic...russia would just nuke england. there would not be a ground war..

Very doubtful. England would retaliate with her nukes. There are no winners in a nuclear war.

I thought I was a tit! O.O
irishdeano  5 | 304  
25 Aug 2008 /  #130
here c*ckbanger i know they would not nuke them but im saying if they did go to war they would nuke them and by the time russia set a nuke of england would sent a nuke back im not fcking stupid u nobb...
Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
25 Aug 2008 /  #131
You've just contradicted yourself there. Spot it. Another thing, sort your frigging English out. Russia wouldn't dream of setting a nuke on England. Britain has its nuclear weapons scattered throughout the ocean and would be launched with just a push of a button.
dtaylor  9 | 823  
25 Aug 2008 /  #132
Think you will find that Russia too has much more nukes scattered around the world.
But who cares, i don't think Russia would back down to anyone, maybe China.
On the subject of the sea, can anyone tell me how many boats the British Navy has?
Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
25 Aug 2008 /  #133
It doesn't matter how many nukes Russia has. Britain has less nukes than Russia but has enough nukes to destroy Russia. But as I said there are no winners in a nuclear war. Just losers. Nobody would dream of using nuclear weapons on anyone. Nukes are only used as deterrents

Britain is increasing and updating its nuclear submarines. The new trident system will be entering the waters soon.
Since the retirement of the last Royal Air Force WE.177 nuclear bomb in 1998, the British nuclear system has been wholly submarine-based. This helps to deter a potential enemy because they cannot ensure eliminating the entire stockpile in a first strike if a ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) remains undetected.

joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
25 Aug 2008 /  #134
What if Russia decide to liberate Scottland from England? What would be Polish position?
What you people think about this?

The Poles would oppose this, as many have jobs in Scotland, and a Russian invasion would jepordize them.
irishdeano  5 | 304  
25 Aug 2008 /  #135
You've just contradicted yourself there

Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
25 Aug 2008 /  #136
i know they would not nuke them but im saying if they did go to war they would nuke them

Sounds like a contradiction to me.
It's late, I'm going to bed... goodnight
irishdeano  5 | 304  
26 Aug 2008 /  #137
well i say i know they wont nuke them because i dont honestly think wants in this thread would actually ever happen and i stated the fact if there was a war it would be nukes. so i see no contradiction at all
OP Crow  154 | 9544  
26 Aug 2008 /  #138
Farewell Britannia; There Will Always Be an England

Published: February 21, 1999


Perhaps England's future, then, will be as a Canada to the E.U.'s United States, with Scotland playing the role of Quebec. Or perhaps London and the South of England will become a kind of liberalized Hong Kong to Europe's dirigiste China. Or maybe Blair will lose his nerve, a backlash will occur and the dissolution of Britain may slow for a while. We cannot know for sure. The changes imposed by a free market in a free society with a fluid Constitution are inherently unpredictable, which is part, of course, of the attraction of the project.

Britain has less nukes than Russia but has enough nukes to destroy Russia.

Britain is smaller then Russia and has less nukes. I would say, strategically, Britain does not have any chance to survive and Russia has

not to mention that, speaking hypothetically, Russia for sure wouldn't target whole Britain but only England- center of British hegemonism

Russia really does not have any necessity to invade Britain (England). After Russian `artillery preparations`, job would finish Scotland and Ireland, if there is anybody left to fight in England
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
26 Aug 2008 /  #139
Britain is smaller then Russia and has less nukes. I would say, strategicaly, Britain does not have any chance to survive and Russia has

Crow we've been stockpiling and upgrading for many many years (nearly 60 years)...you have no idea what our capabilities are.

not to mention that, speaking hipotheticaly, Russia for sure wouldn`t target whole Britain but only England- center of British hegemonism

You have obviously never been to mainland Britain, because if you had you would realise how tiny it is, it would be nion impossible to damage just "England" without causing a significant amount of damage to Wales and Scotland.

You don't half talk bollox - much as I am sure you would love England to be blow noff the map, it wont happen.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
26 Aug 2008 /  #140
When will someone liberate England from Scotland?


I'd like to keep Chris Hoy though ;)
OP Crow  154 | 9544  
26 Aug 2008 /  #141
you would love England to be blow noff the map, it wont happen.

God forbid. i don`t wish that England dissapear from world map

what you need is few years under Russian occupation. Just few years

Crow we've been stockpiling and upgrading for many many years (nearly 60 years)...you have no idea what our capabilities are.

you said that

i (Serbians in general) know very well for what your criminal governmant and society are capable. You used nuclear and different kind of high tech weapons on Serbian civilians. Monsters

i would tell all to Poles so that they know what you are and that you become disguisting to them, too if you aren`t already. You manipulators and self proclaimed masters
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
26 Aug 2008 /  #142
i (Serbians in general) know very well for what your criminal governmant and society are capable. You used nuclear and different kind of high tech weapons on Serbian civilians. Monsters

Not enough though, since you're still alive to breed!!!!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11918  
26 Aug 2008 /  #143
what you need is few years under Russian occupation. Just few years

And then???
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
26 Aug 2008 /  #144
We would all get our v's mixed up with our w's?
celinski  31 | 1258  
26 Aug 2008 /  #146
We would all get our v's mixed up with our w's?

watch your p's and q's.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
26 Aug 2008 /  #147
Why do the Ruskies have problems with them too? ;-)
celinski  31 | 1258  
26 Aug 2008 /  #148
US punn, I thought it would have to be X & Y's
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
26 Aug 2008 /  #149
US punn,

We use it in the UK too :) It either derived from the UK or France...but it is European :)

Not sure about the Xs & Y's I think Yeltsin is a popular name :) so I think they're okay with Y... ;-0
Arise_St_George  9 | 419  
27 Aug 2008 /  #150
Published: February 21, 1999


Britain is smaller then Russia and has less nukes. I would say, strategicaly, Britain does not have any chance to survive and Russia has

not to mention that, speaking hipotheticaly, Russia for sure wouldn`t target whole Britain but only England- center of British hegemonism

Russia realy does not have any necesity to invade Britain (England). After Russian `artillery preparations`, job would finish Scottland and Ireland, if there is anybody left to fight in England

You have no idea what Britain's nuclear missiles are capable of doing lol. We don't have as many as Russia but we do have a hell of a lot of missiles and it IS enough to destroy Russia with missiles remaining which is the reason why Russia wouldn't DREAM of setting one on England or even Britain as it would come.

If Russia declared war on "England" then no matter what the reason was Scotland aswell as Wales and Northern Ireland would side with us. Even IF Scotland was liberated, which is very unlikely, Scotland and England would still be neighbouring allies. There are alot of Scottish people that are proud to be a part of the British Union. Take Glasgow Rangers fans for example, they fly the flag of Britain in all of their games. They sing British songs during matches. They're a patriotic set of fans. There are many, many Scots that live in England and there are bloody thousands of them in Blackpool near where I live. The Scottish people that want to become Independent don't choose to because they hate Britain because the Scottish doesn't hate Britain. The Scottish just want to be recognised in the world. They want their own independently run country. Who can blame them? Gordon Brown and his labour party are knobsacks. When you think of Britain what always springs to mind? The answer is England. This happens more often than not in the U.S.

But make no mistake, Scotland does not hate England in the way you think they do. They like to banter, they like to whine about England, they like to blame England but trust me on this, if a foreign nation dropped a bomb on the capital city of England or a foreign army invaded England then I can assure you that Scotland would join up in a flash.

But as I said, not every Scot wants Independence. It's not likely to happen either.

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