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Poland..wake up to a multicultural world

isthatu2  4 | 2692  
4 May 2009 /  #871
The General that you refer to was General Pickett on his charge on Little Round Top.

dumbass ,Picket charged up towards the seminary,not little roundtop,that was the other side of the battlefeild,incidently Picket's was one of only 3 brigades involved in "Picket's charge"....oh boy,you really DONT know your own history do ya boy.

Torq,if you liked Gettysburg(the movie) find a copy of Gods and Generels, its based on a book by the same author and is a kind of prequel to Gettysberg, very talky, and rather dry,most of the dialogue seems to come straight from peoples diaries or letters and comes across as a bit stillted but its worth a look. Nunchuka or whatever your called,Id suggest going to your local 2nd grade history class or maybe buy the "Big Bumper coloring book of the civil war"......
4 May 2009 /  #872
Torq,if you liked Gettysburg(the movie) find a copy of Gods and Generels, its based on a book by the same author and is a kind of prequel to Gettysberg, very talky, and rather dry,most of the dialogue seems to come straight from peoples diaries or letters and comes across as a bit stillted but its worth a look.

Sounds interesting. Thanks for the recommendation, Isthatu.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
4 May 2009 /  #873
We've had Asian gang shootings here, not sure if they were chinese. They could have been from Vietnam or Thailand.

yeah, they all look like twins, don't they? :)
Krisha  2 | 21  
6 May 2009 /  #874
How can people want a completely multicultural world?

I love in Australia and we have NO culture because we dont know who we are. Instead we cling on to the USA and fight STUPID wars because we are lost and so easily influenced by anyone who has some idea of what they want.

If we dont have seperate countries, how will true Culture ever survive?

I love the culture from my travels throughout europe. Because I like learing new languages and trying new foods. But what is the point of travel if you can get mexican, asian, and south african food all in the one street?

Hold on to your culture and your people.

So instead of embracing a MULTICULTURR, embrace CULTURE.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
6 May 2009 /  #875
There never has been a fixed culture in the history of human civilisation. A fixed culture is a dead culture,ie non existent.All cultures adapt,change over time and absorb new ideas,if they didnt most of us would still be living in huts or caves worshipping the sun and moon........
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
6 May 2009 /  #876
But why adapting needs to include letting in blacks and muslims? Poland has poor neighbourhoods with high crime rates but nothing even remotely close to American ghettos or London colored neighbourhoods.

It needs to be stated clearly, blacks and muslims create dysfunctional elements in any civilized society, you can scream racism all you want but we have proof, Middle East is a barbarian craphole, Africa is a war torn hell, virtually all slums are colored.

I want Poland to stay primarily white and Polish, i have no beef against letting in an odd black or muslim or opening borders to white people or black people who are living in Europe for at least four generations but everyone else needs to stay the hell out, last thing we need is racial riots, honor murders and mullahs preaching our forcefull conversion to Islam.

If we had more courage in pointing out cultures and religions as inferior or evil Europe would be in a better shape and far more culturally intact, screw liberal rubbish.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
6 May 2009 /  #877
It needs to be stated clearly, blacks and muslims create dysfunctional elements in any civilized society

State it as clearly as you like,you'd still be wrong,one thing creates dysfunctional elements and thats poverty and lack of oppertunity. Like you say,Poland hasd its share of problems and about 12 black people ergo its not a race thing but an attitude.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
6 May 2009 /  #878
and thats poverty and lack of oppertunity.

Blacks and Muslims have the same opportunities as everyone else, tell me please why didnt Poles create dangerous slums in Britain despite having LESS opportunities than the local colored and religious minorities?

I'm sorry but blacks and muslims are as groups in modern societies highly disfunctional and at times (especially muslims) hostile, it would be counterproductive to let these people in.

Like you say,Poland hasd its share of problems and about 12 black people ergo its not a race thing but an attitude.

Yes but unlike Africa we did not devolve into third world shitehole, we've got one of the more rapidly developing economies, we dont have some of the more barbaric cultures and minorities and its pretty safe here, i'd like it to stay that way thank you, keep your liberal ideals in your less and less english England, last thing we need is a mongrel state.
grethomory  1 | 155  
6 May 2009 /  #879
Poor Sokrates. Africa wasn't a third world s--hole until it was robbed of it's natural resources and divided by English and French. They had no problems coming there and doing that...the only reason the U.S. has alot of business with Nigeria is because they are like the 2nd largest producer of oil next to the Middle East. Wake up, Sokrates...you could be next.
nunczka  8 | 457  
6 May 2009 /  #880
No need to blame anyone else for their problems. They do a fine job of destroying themselves. Africa will always be a sh** hole.

Nigeria oil unrest 'kills 1,000'

Some rebels say they are fighting for a fair distribution of oil wealth
Violence in Nigeria's oil region left 1,000 people dead and cost $24bn (£16bn) last year, a report says, according to an official and activist.
Jethro  - | 28  
6 May 2009 /  #881

The begining of the end.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
6 May 2009 /  #882
Poor Sokrates. Africa wasn't a third world sh-- until it was robbed of it's natural resources and divided by English and French.

Want a bet? You know who was the prime seller of slaves to Europeans? Black people, the famines happened even there and tribes were massacring each other just like they do now, the only difference is that we gave them guns.

up, Sokrates...you could be next.

You know i'm tired of people claiming us whites did Africa over, Brits and Co left them with working infrastructure, schools, medical care and they fuked it all up over petty tribal issue, Africa is a hellhole purely due to the actions of the natives.

I repeat myself but hey, i dont mind an odd black or muslim settling here but they should never exceed even 0.005% of white Europeans, as for native Europeans i'm just fine with opening borders to them, similar culture, same civilization, no trouble for us.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
7 May 2009 /  #883
Africa wasn't a third world.

Man....this "bad whitey is to blame for all our problems" routine gets tiresome!
You are all by yourself since decades now, fed with millions of dollars and euros year after year after year...but whatever you do on your own becomes a s--hole soon, sorry, it's a fact! (Liberia, Zimbabwe only two examples)
scrappleton  - | 829  
7 May 2009 /  #884
:- ( .. Damn, ain't it the truth. Everybody yelled at Schwarzenegger when he said S. Africa would become a mess after the blacks took over. Was he wrong? No, it's another African fu*ckup. These little babies get saved so they can grow up and hack each other's hands off with machetes. The hell with those idiots. George Clooney can use his own money on them.
SamenessLove  1 | 33  
7 May 2009 /  #885
State it as clearly as you like,you'd still be wrong,one thing creates dysfunctional elements and thats poverty and lack of opportunity.

You're not looking at the foundation. What creates poverty and lack of opportunity? Also, what ensures that people will use riches and opportunity wisely?
IronsE11  2 | 441  
7 May 2009 /  #886
as for native Europeans i'm just fine with opening borders to them, similar culture, same civilization, no trouble for us.

So all "native" Europeans share a similar culture? Utter garbage as per.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
7 May 2009 /  #887
My say in this thread.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
7 May 2009 /  #888
So all "native" Europeans share a similar culture? Utter garbage as per.

Lets see, we are all from catholic background (which in time turned protestant in places) our languages intersperse, we had similar trends in history (renessaince, positive period, industrial period) we all celebrate similar holidays so yes our culture is similar and more importantly our respective customs do not contradict each other.

Pole in UK will not try to convert you to Islam, he will not mug you because you're white, a German in Poland after a few years will only be distinguished by a funny accent so yeah we're damn close as far as Ukraine.

A bottle in German - Flaschen.
Polish - Flaszka.

Mother in English - Mother.
Polish - Matka.

ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
7 May 2009 /  #889
Africa wasn't a third world ****hole until it was robbed of it's natural resources and divided by English and French

You forgot the Dutch oh and further back the Arabs. Also you might want to consider that Africa is a continent made up of 47 countries, very few of them are without troubles, not all of them were under the sovereignty of the British or the French or the Dutch.

Like previoulsy on mainland Europe there have been land / boarder disputes, unlike mainland Europe Africa does not have the collective inteligence to know when to stop killing each other, until that point it will be an impoverished festering heap of **** from which people can't wait to escape!
Jethro  - | 28  
7 May 2009 /  #890
Africa has always been a killing field, and it always will be. It is the nature of the beast. The black ghettos in America are also killing fields. There is no living with them.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
7 May 2009 /  #891
please why didnt Poles create dangerous slums in Britain

Because they were dispersed,there are no Polish only neighbourhoods in Britain (aside from one or two old peoples homes...)

Lets see, we are all from catholic background (which in time turned protestant in places)

And we slaughtered each other in barbaric ways,burned for being the "wrong" religion etc

Ah well,all you poor white folks who see "your" culture as being so weak that "substandard" cultures will sweep it away....if "white" culture is so weak and easy to crumble apart,wtf are you so proud of and why would you want to preserve such a weak culture? Or isd it the people who spout this crap that are weak? Probably,Im white,European and I cant see myself giving up any of my culture,I happen to have a little more faith in my fellow whiteys to not be overwhelmed by anyone else.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
7 May 2009 /  #892
The black ghettos in America are also killing fields. There is no living with them.

Thats why America needs no ghettos. If you make everyone fan out and live together, there can't be any dangerous ghettos. Mixed neighborhoods where everyone lives together and are pretty much held to the same standard are a good way to keep the ghetto mentality down to a minimum and it can work. It works here.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
7 May 2009 /  #893
And we slaughtered each other in barbaric ways,burned for being the "wrong" religion etc

Past tense, they are still doing it Africa on a grand scale.

Ah well,all you poor white folks who see "your" culture as being so weak that "substandard" cultures will sweep it away....if "white" culture is so weak and easy to crumble apart,wtf are you so proud of and why would you want to preserve such a weak culture? Or isd it the people who spout this crap that are weak? Probably,Im white,European and I cant see myself giving up any of my culture,I happen to have a little more faith in my fellow whiteys to not be overwhelmed by anyone else.

Nothing wrong with preservation in order for our children to enjoy the same things we did, for our children not to feel foreign in their own country, nothing to do with feeling or being weak, it's about losing our identity.
nunczka  8 | 457  
7 May 2009 /  #894
HB. This plan was tried in Zimbabwe and South Africa.. Zimbabwe is gone. South Africa is on its way out. Outside of DC there was a model community formed to have an integrated community. In the last five years most white people have moved out. It dont work.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
7 May 2009 /  #895
I'm talking about America. You can bring up other examples but since we both live in America maybe we should focus on what we know best, what needs to happen here. Getting everybody together in the same neighborhoods (in the major cities where the bad hoods are the worst) is a good idea because then they can get used to each other influence each other's mentality. Something needs to be done to revitalized the really nasty neighborhoods instead of just ignoring the problem.

Right now, in the US, these all black ghetto neighborhoods are full of disgruntled, disenfranchised minorities who feed off this negative attitude and lifestyle, plus drug problems. They have no self esteem, feel hopeless, surrounded by social ills, feel like there's no way out so what they do is resort to desperate measures and their communities errode and they become these crime infested ghettos that are just as bad for the people living in them as they are for everyone else.

People shouldn't leave these old neighborhoods and give up hope. In my city there are several old neighborhoods with beautiful houses that are worth so much money, you can't just abandon a place and think it will solve problems. You have to work to improve it. If you leave because you don't like it, you are adding to the problem.
nunczka  8 | 457  
7 May 2009 /  #896
They have no self esteem, feel hopeless, surrounded by social ills, feel like there's no way out so what they do is resort to desperate measures and their communities errode and they become these crime infested ghettos that are just as bad for the people living in them than everyone else.

Ok young lady. We both are of different beliefs. I for one have no desire to live with them. On the other hand if you feel so strongly about their plight, then maybe you can set an example and move in to the ghetto with them. Lets just see how long you last.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
7 May 2009 /  #897
That's not what I'm talking about. I wouldn't suggest anyone move to a dangerous neighborhood unless they want to be there. I am talking about someone letting their neighborhood get bad. It's a shared responsibility. If you sell your neighborhood out and it becomes a crime infested ghetto then you have responsibility in it too. It takes people who are committed to keeping a neighborhood a nice one by making each other take care of their houses and revitalizing when it's needed.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
7 May 2009 /  #898
Past tense, they are still doing it Africa on a grand scale.

And what went on in the balkans at the same time as rwanda shelley,or is this selective memory contagious,mexicans bring the flu,Poles bring amnesia...

Nothing wrong with preservation in order for our children to enjoy the same things we did, for our children not to feel foreign in their own country, nothing to do with feeling or being weak, it's about losing our identity.

Why do you feel this,like I say,is your link to our culture so weak that you will let it slip away because someone tells you to? How can we lose our identity? I dont feel black or muslim just because a few of them live near me,do you?

Seriously,Im interested in getting to the bottom of why some people fell they will just hand over their own culture as soon as it rubs up against another.

I may be wrong but,from experience it always seems to be people with the least knowladge of "their" culture and certainly a very low input into "their" culture who bleat about losing it.
nunczka  8 | 457  
7 May 2009 /  #899
Ok, LIL Gurl, I give up. I cant change your way of thinking anymore than you can change mine. Just call me Archie Bunker, but

I stand by my belief. You can do whatever you want.. But I deserve the same right. (PEACE)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
7 May 2009 /  #900
Because they were dispersed,there are no Polish only neighbourhoods in Britain (aside from one or two old peoples homes...)

There's a Polish only neighbourhood in Chicago, its clean, its safe, parts that are poorer are still places where you can walk through at night and most parts are not poor at all since despite having a much harder way than blacks we somehow managed to create a relatively wealthy and very productive community in US, same for Germans, Dutch and all other minorities in USA except for Blacks, Latinos Muslims and to a lesser degree Asians.

The brutal reality is that certain races, cultures and religions are heavily disfunctional and should not be allowed to thrive in European culture.

Ah well,all you poor white folks who see "your" culture as being so weak that "substandard" cultures will sweep it away....if "white" culture is so weak and easy to crumble apart,wtf are you so proud of and why would you want to preserve such a weak culture?

Because it gave us the world, arts, discoveries, sciences, they're all either European or through extention of America primarily white old countries discoveries, i love my way of life, i dont want it threatened by blacks or muslims, i dont want them beating up my daughter for wearing a short skirt or enforcing their redneck backwards ways on the society.

European civilization is not weak, its liberal, we allowed hostile minorities too much freedom in fear of them not assimilating but they did not assimilate anyway, England should round up all radical muslims at gunpoint and dump them on some African coast.

Im white,European and I cant see myself giving up any of my culture,I happen to have a little more faith in my fellow whiteys to not be overwhelmed by anyone else.

When Muslims beat the shite out of you for wearing a cross or kissing a girl in public you'll change your opinion, its already happening in Sweden or UK.

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